Stand up, Speak out, Make a Difference 2015 Dear Colleague, We

Stand up, Speak out, Make a Difference 2015
Dear Colleague,
We are writing to invite you to book a place for a group from your school at the Anne Frank and
You exhibition at Kala Sangam, St Peters House, 1 Forster Square, Bradford, BD1 4TY. Whilst the
exhibition is in situ during February and March. This is currently free of charge.
We have worked closely with the Anne Frank Trust UK in bringing their touring exhibition ‘Anne
Frank + You’ to Bradford once again, as part of the Stand up, Speak out, Make a Difference
Programme coordinated by Bradford Council Children’s Services. The Anne Frank Trust’s ‘History
for Today’ exhibition is currently working its way around ten of our secondary schools that are
involved in the programme this year. The exhibition links the story of Anne Frank with the
challenges and hopes of today. Some of the students involved will go on to train as Anne Frank
YOU ambassador guides for the exhibition in February.
‘Anne Frank + You’ examines the experiences of Anne Frank, and promotes understanding and
tolerance today. The exhibition is presented in two parts – historical and contemporary. The
historical section of the exhibition is focused around a near life-size replica of Anne Frank’s
bedroom in which she wrote her diary. It presents the story of Anne Frank and her family, with a
pictorial timeline charting the rise of Hitler, the Nazis and the subsequent Holocaust. The
contemporary panels present issues of identity and moral choices in modern British society.
Suitable for adults and children from age 10 upwards, the exhibition promotes British values and
equality, challenges intolerance, contributes to SMSC development and promotes positive
relationships between people from different backgrounds and circumstances.
We are offering two 2-hour slots for schools each day, between 10.00 and 12.00 and between
12.45 and 2.45. Each session will include workshop activities as well as being guided around the
exhibition by student ambassadors.
Anne Frank & You has curriculum links for Citizenship, History and RE for KS2, KS3 and
SUSOMAD Ambassadors will guide the school groups around the exhibition;
The exhibition visit lasts two hours which includes a workshop activity and a guided tour of
the entire exhibition;
Visits are for groups of up to 30 pupils;
There are just 42 slots available for schools and we expect these to book quickly. We are keen for
your school to be involved and not miss out on this opportunity. To book a group visit please fill out
the booking form and return it as soon as possible to ensure you are able to secure the date and
time best for your school.
Completed forms should be returned by e-mail to A return email will confirm your booking.
We look forward to welcoming your school to the exhibition.
Kind regards,
Alina Khan
School Advisor, Diversity and Cohesion
Stand up, Speak out, Make a Difference 2015
Exhibition Booking form
Please indicate below your first, second and third choice of session (with numbers 1, 2, 3 in the
boxes respectively). Visits are for groups of up to 30 pupils.
Name of School
School Address
Contact name
Contact numbers:
school and mobile
E-mail Address
Year group
Number of children
Number of adults
Thursday 26th February
Friday 27th February
Monday 2nd March
Tuesday 3rd March
Wednesday 4th March
Thursday 5th March
Friday 6th March
Monday 9th March
Tuesday 10th March
Wednesday 11th March
Thursday 12th March
Friday 13th March
Monday 16th March
Tuesday 17th March
Wednesday 18th March
Thursday 19th March
Friday 20th March
Monday 23rd March
Tuesday 24th March
Wednesday 25th March
Thursday 26th March
Morning 10.00-12.00
Afternoon 12.45-2.45
Completed forms should be returned to and you will be
contacted to confirm your booking. For further information please contact 01274378415.
Exhibition Venue: Kala Sangam, St Peters House, 1 Forster
Square, Bradford, BD1 4TY