Name ___________________ -Aboriginal Stone Drawing, Myth, and Presentation Evaluation RubricWhat you should know: In this unit, you have learned about the Aboriginal Worldview, Aboriginal Sacred Scripture (myths), Aboriginal Symbols/Artifacts and Aboriginal Moral Teachings. If you are unsure of any of the content listed above please see me! You need the notes and a good understanding of the above content to be successful on this assignment. Learning Goal: I can communicate my knowledge of Aboriginal Worldview, Symbols/Artifacts, and Aboriginal Moral Teachings creatively through writing a myth that you will read to the class, and designing a Stone or Symbol. Success Criteria: I have written a myth that includes: The characteristics of one of the 5 Types of Aboriginal Myths A lesson in the myth or moral that is parallel with the Aboriginal Moral Teachings (Sacredness of the earth, Interdependence or Connection between poverty and the environment, 7 Grandfather Teachings, etc.). The Aboriginal Worldview (cosmocentrism, cyclical worldview, animism) Inclusion of symbols/artifacts (animals, feathers, medicine wheels, dream catchers, medicine pouches, totems, etc.) I have designed and painted a rock/stone/picture that: is consistent with my myth. is completed with care. The presentation of my myth I am prepared to tell my mythical story (i.e. I have read it a few times and am not constantly reading from my sheet). My voice is clear and everyone can hear me. I tell my myth with enthusiasm and passion. Your work will be evaluated on a rubric: Level 1 The myth does not Knowledge/ correctly demonstrate Understanding knowledge of Aboriginal Worldview or Moral Teaching. The myth does not fit the criteria for one of the 5 Types of myths. The myth/artifact is not Thinking/Inquiry organized or effective. The myth/artifact lacks creativity or critical thinking. Communication Artifact is not completed with care or detail. Use of language is limited; ideas are not clear, several spelling and grammar errors evident. Application Limited effective application of oral presentation strategies (confidence, clarity in voice, prepared, etc.) The myth and artifact are not related. Themes from Aboriginal Spirituality are not evident. Level 2 There is some evidence of Aboriginal Worldview and Moral Teaching but lacks detail or thoroughness. The myth fits some of the criteria for one of the 5 Types of myths. The myth/artifact is somewhat organized or effective. The myth/artifact is somewhat creative or cohesive. Level 3 The myth successfully includes Aboriginal Worldview and Moral Teaching with detail and thoroughness. The myth successfully fits the criteria for one of the 5 Types of myths. The myth/artifact is organized and effective. The myth/artifact is creative and cohesive. Level 4 Evidence of Aboriginal Worldview and Moral Teaching is exceptional in detail and thoroughness in this myth. The myth fits the criteria for one of the 5 Types of myths in an exceptional way. The myth/artifact is highly effective, evidence of planning and creative thinking is evident. There is some evidence of care and detail. The artifact is completed with care and detail. The artifact and myth are exceptional with care and detail. Use of language is inconsistent, some incomplete ideas, some spelling and grammar errors. Use of language is consistent with grade level expectation. Errors do not draw from meaning. The story is told with some application of oral presentation strategies (confidence, clarity in voice, prepared, etc.) The story is told with considerable application of oral presentation strategies (confidence, clarity in voice, prepared, etc.) The myth and artifact are clearly related. The themes from Aboriginal Spirituality are interwoven in both. The myth and artifact are somewhat related. Some themes from Aboriginal Spirituality are evident. Use of language is above grade level expectation. No evidence of errors. The story is told with a thorough application of oral presentation strategies (confidence, clarity in voice, prepared, etc.) The myth and artifact are exceptional examples of Aboriginal themes. The artifact exemplifies and magnifies the meaning of the myth.