
Singing at Mass: If you are able to sing reasonably well and are prepared to sing the
psalm at 11am Mass on a rota basis, then please let Fr. Michael know as soon as
Light of Jesus: Every Sunday the Light of Jesus Filipino Community meets in the hall
from 2pm – 4pm. anyone who would like to join their lunch; praise and worship are
welcome to attend.
Cleaning Church: We could do with some more help cleaning the Church. The next
time the cleaners will come will be next Friday 24th April at 6pm. Do come and join
them just for one hour.
Tea and coffee: will be available after 11.00am Mass in the church hall. All
parishioners and visitors are welcome. We would be grateful for more volunteers to
help with making the tea and coffee after this Mass. Many thanks.
Planned Giving Envelopes: The new boxes of envelopes for planned giving began last
weekend. Please take a few minutes to collect your box. If you are new to the parish or
would like a box of envelopes, or to join the Gift Aid Scheme or would like to pay by
Bankers Order, please complete a form on the table in the porch and put it into the box
marked “Forms for Planned Giving”. We will then arrange for your request. Please
consider carefully what you put into the Offertory. The weekly collection does not meet
the costs of running this parish.
The Faith Sharing Prayer Group: Meeting each week on Tuesday at 1.30pm in the
Legion of Mary: Meet every Tuesday at 6.45pm in the Hall
MAY THEY REST IN PEACE: Your prayers are requested for those whose
anniversaries occur about this time: Catherine Chisholm, Edmund O’Brien, Jane
Harrington, Cornelius Greany, William Mockler, Bartholomew O’Connor, James Keane, Juliet
Heatherley, Dermot Walshe, Peggy Kiernan, Andrew Whistler, Thomas Grace, Florrie Cooke,
James Harte, Henrique Ribeiro, Rosa Paiva, William Brett, Nora Gooding, Jason Neagle, Jerry
Dennehy, Doris Athayde, Josie Purvis, Michael Mullins, Mary Florence Jayatilaka,
.Church of Our Lady of the Rosary. 211 Old Marylebone Road, London NW1
5QT.Tel: 020 7723 5101. Email: Priests of the Parish: Fr
Michael Johnston (Parish Priest). Email: Priest in
Residence: Fr Austin Garvey: Parish Administrator: Mrs Marion Egan – Parish
Office open 10.30am – 3.30pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday - Our Parish Web
address is:-
Church of Our Lady of the Rosary
19th April 2015
3rd Sunday of Easter
6.00pm (First Mass of Sunday)
8.30am, 11.00 (Family Mass), and 6.00pm (Folk Mass)
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 12.30pm
Tuesday and Thursday 12.30pm and 6.00pm
Saturday 12.30pm
Saturday: 11.00am to 11.30am and 5.00pm to 5.30pm.
Every Saturday afternoon, there is Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 5.00pm
to Benediction at 5.30pm.
Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Saturday at 7.00pm.
Fr Michael writes: We can see from the Gospel the difficulty the disciples had
experienced in accepting the fact that Jesus had risen. From openly expressing their
doubts and disbelief, the disciples came to share the experience of others who doubted.
In sharing weakness and doubt they gained strength and knowledge from each other. At
the same time, Jesus kept making his resurrection clearer. In this Gospel, they saw,
heard, touched and even ate with him. He guided them through the Scriptures and let
them see to what the scriptures pointed. In seeing the risen Jesus, they saw the point and
meaning of all that had gone before. The Resurrection should make our lives different
too. We should be filled with hope and joy because the resurrection is our human
destiny too.
Priests Training Fund: Next week is the annual appeal for the Priests Training Fund.
All the money you give will be used to encourage men to consider the priesthood and to
pay for the training of those who come forward. Please respond generously to this appeal
through your prayers and donations, so that we can prepare our priests to spread the
Gospel. The fund relies entirely on donations. Please take an envelope today, and return
it with your contribution next weekend, or if you are going to be away, to hand it in
today before you leave. Thank you.
Feast Days: This Tuesday 21st April is the Feast of St. Anselm; This Thursday 23rd April
is the feast of St. George, Patron of England.
This Saturday 25th April is the Feast of St. Mark.
Times of Masses on front of Newsletter.
Welcome: We welcome Fr. Francis Wahle who will celebrate 12.30pm Mass tomorrow
Monday 20th April.
Flowers in May: May is by tradition the month in the Church dedicated to Mary In our
Church we have a lovely side chapel and statue dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary.
We will also place a statue in the porch. I would like to invite those who are able, to
bring a bunch of flowers during May to Our Lady in thanksgiving to her for her
protection and guidance and keeping us safe. It would be lovely if our statues were
decorated with flowers on Sunday 31st May, at 11am as we shall crown our statue at the
end of Mass.
Aylesford Pilgrimage: There will be a Parish Pilgrimage to the Carmelite Shrine at
Aylesford in Kent on Saturday 6th June 2015. This is the “Our Lady Queen of Peace
day”. The coach will leave our Church at 8.30am. The programme will be 11am
Gathering; 12 noon Mass; 2.45pm Talk; 4pm Rosary, Procession and Benediction. We
leave Aylesford at 5pm. Cost £15 per person. Tickets from Repository or parish office.
I have booked a 41 seater coach so book your place ASAP.
General Election: The Bishops of England and Wales have asked us to carefully
consider how we vote in the forthcoming General Election in May and have highlighted
a number of issues for consideration. In particular the Bishops have asked us to
challenge candidates on life issues and the website may
be useful to you in helping you to discern your MPs’ and Parliamentary Candidates’
views on respecting human life from conception to natural death. The website contains
details of how to contact your MP or parliamentary Candidate and asks that you share
with them the information you receive to help them build up a large database of how our
parliamentarians vote on these very important issues.
Pilgrimage for 2015: As you know each year I take a group on pilgrimage. This group
is composed of various people where I have worked as a priest over the years. In 2015
I have organised a pilgrimage to Budapest and Prague both cities of religious
significance. It will take place from Monday 21st September from Heathrow to Budapest
returning on Sunday 27th September from Prague to Heathrow. In Budapest there will be
a full tour of the city visiting the famous Matthias Church; the Royal Palace and St.
Stephen’s Basilica to revere the relic of St. Stephen. We will visit Esztergom the
birthplace of St. Istran and one of the most sacred cities in Hungary. We visit many
other Churches and take a boat ride along the Danube. In Prague we will visit
Wenceslas Square; the Church of Our Lady of the Snows; the National Museum; Opera
House; St. Ignatius Church and the Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius. The highlight
of the trip will be to Our Lady of Victorious and the 16th Century statue of the Infant of
Prague. We will travel to Strahov Monastery one of the oldest monasteries in the world
and the shrine of St. Norbert.
The cost of the pilgrimage is £998 which includes scheduled flight; accommodation in 4
star hotels; breakfast and evening meals. All excursions and entrance fees; tour manager
and local guides. If anyone is interested in going then please see Fr. Michael for forms.
Holy Communion Parents: The next meeting for the First Holy Communion parents
will take place on Tuesday 28th April at 7pm. The topic will be “The Eucharist”.
Mothers and Toddlers: The Mothers and toddlers group which began last Thursday
morning will continue at 10.30pm on Thursday 30th April. If you are a parishioner with
a toddler you will be most welcome to come along and join this group.
Collections: for last weekend amounted to £188.40
Total £746.56
Many thanks
Have a good week
envelopes; £558.16