Chest guideline of ARDS In 1994, a European/North American consensus conference agreed on standard definitions of ARDS and a less severe illness, acute lung injury (ALI). TABLE 1 I. Definition A. Acute onset (most patients develop ARDS within 5 days of their acute event); B. PaO2/FiO2≦ 200 mmHg (regardless of PEEP level); C. Bilateral infiltration seen on frontal chest radiograph; D. Pulmonary artery wedge pressure≦ 18 mmHg or no clinical evidence of left atrial hypertension. II. Etiology TABLE 2 A. Most common diagnoses associated with ARDS are sepsis, trauma, aspiration of gastric content, pancreatitis, drug overdose, hyprtransfusion of blood products. B. Approximately 20% of patients with ARDS have no identified risk factor. III. Clinical Presentation The history is generally remarkable for evidence of the precipitating event. A. Symptoms and sings Cough, Dyspnea, Tachypnea, Cyanosis, Crackles, Fever. B. Lab Studies 1. No definitive laboratory tests aid in the diagnosis of ARDS. 2. Arterial blood gases (ABGs) a. Respiratory alkalosis and hypocarbia is an early sign of respiratory distress. b. Hypercarbia and hypoxemia develops with worsening disease, reflecting an increasing shunt fraction and an increased dead space. C. Radiology study 1. CXR With disease progression, both lung fields become more diffusely and homogeneously opaque. 2. Chest CT a. Reveals patchy areas of dense infiltrates and areas of normal appearing lung tissue. b. Posterior and gravitationally dependent areas of the lung are more infiltrated than nondependent areas. 3. MRI No data exist concerning the role of MRI in imaging of patients with ARDS. D. Sonography study 1. Chest ultrasonography The only role is to define the presence of pleural effusions. 2. Echocardiography a. Estimate left ventricular end diastolic pressure; b. May provide evidence of pulmonary hypertension. IV. Diagnosis Meet ARDS definition criteria by history (etilology), CXR, ABGs and PAWP (Swan-Ganz catheter) data. V. Differential Diagnosis TABLE 3 A. Pneumonia; B. Pulmonary thromboembolism; C. Alveolar proteinosis; D. Congestive heart failure. VI. Management No treatment for ARDS is definitive. The cornerstone of management is impeccable intensive care. A. Treat the primary cause (eg, sepsis, pneumonia) if possible. B. Prevent sepsis, stress ulcers, multiple organs failure if possible. C. Correct hypoalbuminemia, electrolytes imbalance, anemia, bleeding diathesis. D. Reduce edema and lung fluid PCWP should be decreased to the lowest level (8-12 cmH2O) without compromising LV function, tissue perfusion or urine output. E. Diet 1. The standard practice of introducing early enteral feeds when possible; 2. 25-30 kcal/kg, protein 1.5 g/kg; 3. Eicosapentaenoic acid, gamma-linolenic acid, and antioxidants is associated with a reduction in pulmonary neutrophil recruitment, improved gas exchange, decreased requirement for mechanical ventilation, reduced length of ICU stay, and a reduction of new organ failures. F. Ventilator strategies FIGURE 1 Ventilation is the cornerstone of management of the patient with ARDS. 1. Goal of ventilation a. Keep SaO2≧ 90%; b. Keep the FiO2<60% to minimize the risk of oxygen toxicity. 2. Lower tidal volume (Vt) a. Lower Vt (6ml/kg) has been shown to improve mortality and ventilatorfree days for ALI or ARDS. b. Limitation of airway pressures to a maximum inflation pressure that should not exceed 30 to 35 cmH2O. c. If Pplat>30 cmH2O, decrease tidal volume by 1 ml/kg steps to 5 or 4 until Pplat<30 cmH2O. 3. Arterial oxygenation and pH a. Oxygenation goal (1) keep PaO2≧ 55-88 mmHg or SpO2≧ 88-95%; (2) use FiO2/PEEP combinations to achieve oxygenation goal; FiO2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0/5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 PEEP 5 5 8 8 10 10 10 12 14 14 14 16 18 20-24 b. pH goal is 7.30-7.45 (1) If pH≧7.45 (a) Decrease set rate until patient rate>set rate; (b) Minimal set rate=6/min; (2) If pH 7.15-7.30 (a) Increase set rate until pH>7.30 or PaCO2<25 (maximal set rate= 35/min); (b) If set rate=35/min and pH<7.30, NaHCO3 may be given (not required). (3) If pH<7.15 (a) Increase set rate to 35/min; (b) If set rate=35/min and pH< 7.15 and NaHCO3 has been considered, tidal volume may be increased in 1 ml/kg steps until pH >7.15 (Pplat target may be exceeded). 4. Permissive hypercapnia a. The most direct way to implement this form of lung protective strategy is to set the Vt at 4-8 ml/kg. b. Complications include acidosis, hyperkalemia, increased cerebral blood flow, seizures, coma, and arrhythmia. c. It is not advisable to use permissive hypercapnia in patients with IICP. 5. PEEP a. Theoretically, PEEP increases lung volume at end expiration, thereby increasing functional residual capacity (FRC). b. Use of PEEP in improving oxygenation should be increased b increments of 3-5 cm, and its effects should be evaluated clinically (BP, urine output, lung compliance) or hemodynamically (maximization of oxygen delivery at an acceptable FiO2). 6. Volume-cycled vs pressure-controlled ventilation a. No differences in PaO2 or PaCO2 when ALI/ARDS patients received ventilation with volume-cycled vs pressure-controlled modes at constant tidal volume, end-expiratory alveolar pressure, and ratio of the duration of inspiration to the duration of expiration. b. Volume-cycled modes provide greater control over tidal volume, which is an important determinant of ventilator-associated lung injury. E. Positioning 1. By turning patients prone, ventilation perfusion matching is thought to be optimized by reducing the degree of atelectasis in dependent areas of the lung. 2. Improving gas exchange, oxygenation, resulting from prone positioning. 3. No improving survival benefit. G. Steroids Steroids may be beneficial when used in the fibroproliferative phase. H. Surfactant No benefit on oxygenation, duration of mechanical ventilation and survival. I. Nitric oxide 1. Specific pulmonary vasodilator for persistent pulmonary hypertension. 2. Reduce right-sided pulmonary pressures, improving cardiac output that transient improving oxygenation benefits. 3. No improving on mortality rate, ventilator-free days, or time to extubation. J. Liquid ventilation 1. Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) which may improve V/Q matching because both oxygen and carbon dioxide dissolve easily in PFC liquid. 2. No eveidence of improving survival. VII. Further Inpatient Care A. Weaning and Extubation As MMH ICU weaning protocol. VIII. Prognosis A. Mortality 1. Many studies have reported data demonstrating a mortality rate in patients with ARDS of 30-40%; 2. Higher up to 90%, if multiple organ failure or severe sepsis were developed. B. Morbidity 1. Pulmonary complications The most common are the air leak syndromes, frequently pneumothorax but also pneumomediastinum, pneumopericardium, pneumoperitoneum, and subcutaneous emphysema. 2. Extrapulmonary complication Multiple organs failure, nosocomial infection, stress ulcers, adrenal insufficiency, glucose intolerance, seizure, myopathy. IX. References 1. Textbook of respiratory medicine 4th, chapter 92, page 2413-2442 Murray 2. Harrison’s principles of internal medicine 15th, chapter 265, page 1523-1526 3. Cecil textbook of medicine 21st, chapter 88 page 467-475 4. ARDSnet ( 5. The acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med 2000; 342:1334–1349 6. Treatment of ARDS. CHEST 2001; 120:1347–1367 7. Selecting the right level of PEEP in patients with ARDS. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2002; 165:1182–1186 Table 1: Recommended Criteria for Acute Lung Injury (ALI) and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Timing Oxygenation Chest Radiograph ALI Criteria Acute onset Bilateral infiltrates seen on frontal chest radiograph ARDS Criteria Acute onset PaO2/FIO2≦ 300 mmHg (regardless of PEEP level) PaO2/FIO2≦ 200 mmHg (regardless of PEEP level) Bilateral infiltrates seen on frontal chest radiograph Pulmonary Arterial Occlusion Pressure ≦18mmHg when measured or no clinical evidence of left atrial hypertension ≦18 mmHg when measured or no clinical evidence of left atrial hypertension Table 2: Conditions That May Lead to the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Direct injury to lung Indirect lung injury Aspiration of gastric contents Diffuse pulmonary infection Near drowning Pulmonary contusion Toxic inhalation Sepsis syndrome Severe nonthoracic trauma Hypertransfusion Pancreatitis Cardiopulmonary bypass Table 3. OVERLAPPING FEATURES OF ARDS AND OTHER CAUSES OF ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE Feature ARDS Left-Heart Failure Pneumonia Fever, leukocytosis Yes Possible Yes Pulmonary Embolism Yes Bilateral infiltrates Yes Yes Possible Unlikely Pleural effusions Unlikely Yes Possible Possible Wedge pressure Normal High Normal Normal High Low High High Lung lavage protein