Christianity Belief & Science Higher Revision Notes Area 1 Sources Of Human Understanding Revelation/Scientific Enquiry Revelation Is the way in which God reveals himself to people God does this through scripture-reveals his nature and will in the Bible T is very different from scientific method as it is coming from a higher source Christians believe it to be infallible, which makes it hugely important! God may also reveal himself through people-so revelation can be found through the lives and experiences of people who have had spiritual experience Is the way in which God reveals his will for humanity and his purpose for creation Some people may have had life changing experiences- and go and tell others about the power of God and how he/she can work in the lives of people who are open to this power. Christian people who have shown God’s Love through their actions. For example MLK and Mother Theresa reveal God’s will for humanity….love, care acceptance. Christians believe that God’s will for creation can be found in the study of biblical scripture Revelation for Christians is about the search for truth and meaning in the world. Strengths A large number of people claim to have had a revelation of a power greater than themselves Examples of this experience are: A sense of mystery/feeling of awe Feeling overcome by beauty and wonder of nature Rudolf Otto describes these in his work The Idea Of The Holy 1926 Revelation gives answers to the meaning, value and purpose of life ● Philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein – “When all the scientific questions are answered, the problem of life will still remain.” In other words Revelation has a place and is important. ● Christian revelation has lasted the test of time and is accepted by billions of humans. ● Effects of revelation on individuals is very strong. Peoples lives have been transformed. E.g. Mother Teresa. ● there is independent evidence to prove that intercessionary prayer works. Studies suggest that people who are prayed for are more likely to recover! -