REVELATION Chapter 09:01-12 HELL ON EARTH (PART1) I. INTRODUCTION A. We have a gift for not dealing with things! 1. We "project" blame elsewhere. a) Eve said it was the serpent's fault. b) Adam blamed the Lord for the wife HE gave him. c) A stanza in Susan Ashton's songs describes this nature: d) “Earth dwellers" still rebellious. e) They refuse to repent! f) Devastation affected man only indirectly! (1) First trumpet trees and grass consumed. (2) Second trumpet sea creatures destroyed. (3) Third trumpet missile poisoned springs. (4) Fourth trumpet sun, moon, and stars dimmer! (a) Brilliance reduced by 1/3. g) Most survived with little personal suffering! (1) Things return to (a) We call upon the Lord when things got tough!! (2) "You ain't seen nothin' yet!”: (a) Revelation 8:13 (b) Everyone will experience wrath of God! (c) Trumpet judgments! II. REVELATION 9:1 A. To understand this fallen star look at the "pit", he has authority over! 1. Bottomless = "abussos" = translated "abyss". 2. "pit of the abyss" = "HADES"! a) Hades has different "compartments". (1) Fallen angels confined in "TARTARUS" (2) This compartment home for many demons! B. This "star fallen" is satan "lucifer", "daystar" 1. Luke 10:18 2. His time is almost up! III. REVELATION 9:2 A. Subterranean smoke fills the earth's atmosphere. 1. First mention - in the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah! IV. REVELATION 9:3-10 A. This smoke accompanied with "locust" like demons. 1. Locusts unlike we've ever seen. 2. Imprisoned for centuries a) Larger and more venomous. b) Have teeth that can rip and tear! (1) I have never seen locusts like that! (2) Joel 1:6 (3) Joel 2:2, 2:4 c) Their target any man or woman that is not God's! (1) Not allowed to kill only to torture them (2) People will not be (a) Guns will misfire, poisons ineffective. (b) None allowed to die! (c) Maybe a promise to leave alone if they will sell souls to satan! V. REVELATION 9:11 A. Given his name in both Hebrew and Greek.! 1. Both names = "the destroyer"! 2. satan himself, or one of his "principalities" or "powers"? a) He is commanded by satan! VI. CONCLUSION A. Revelation 9:12 1. Exodus 10:3 3 2. Numbers 14:11 3. Luke 9:41 4. Amazed how stubborn and prideful man can be! 5. People still won't repent 6. "INNOCENCE LOST" by Susan Ashton: 7. Place faith in Jesus Christ, regained innocence! a) The Lord sees you blameless. b) Who do we need to reach before it is too late?