John and the Revelation II

Jubilee Class
October 4, 2015
Pastor Leonard DeWitt
Last week I shared with you that the book of
Revelation is all about Jesus Christ.
Genesis is the book of beginnings.
Revelation is the book of completion.
In this book, it is revealed to the readers how God
finalizes His divine program of redemption and He
vindicates His holy name before all of creation.
Numerous times in Revelation we see the residents
of Heaven and the saints of God break out with
spontaneous praise and worship of the Lord for His
holy character and righteous judgments. Those
experiences of worship are frequently in the form of
joyous songs. (Revelation 4:8-11);
Revelation 5:8-14
Over the years this book was referred to as the
Revelation of John, because it was given to him
while he was in exile on the isle of Patmos. It is
also known as the Apocalypse which means
“unveiling, disclosure or revelation.” The very first
verse sets the record straight. The book is in fact the
revealing of Jesus Christ.
In the book Christ is revealed:
As the resurrected Christ.
As the rightful judge over all the
He is the head over the church.
He is the one who will return with
power and great glory.
The message of the book is intended
to motivate us to Spirit-filled living,
characterized by love, to honor Him.
A. The Revelation of Christ to John was
personal. He wants to be our personal
B. The book is a portrayal of what John saw
and heard.
C. The promise of blessing is available to all
who read and keep it.
D. It promotes a positive mind-set.
1. We see there is a divine plan.
2. Things don’t just happen.
3. There is a program that is being
4. It is God’s plan that is being
5. He is in control. Revelation 1:5;
Revelation 19:16
E. The message of this book revealed two
things to John:
1. Jesus Christ will return as He
promised. John 14:3; Revelation 1:7
When Christ comes at the end of the tribulation
period, everything will change.
a. Evil will be shut down.
b. Order will be restored.
c. Justice will reign.
d. Righteousness will prevail.
Note: When He comes, every eye will see Him.
Daniel 7:13; Matthew 24:30; Revelation 1:7
2. Not only will Christ return, but He
will also reign. Revelation 1:8
a. Through deception in the
Garden of Eden, Satan usurped
the title, “ruler of this world.”
John 12:31 NKJV
Note: C.S. Lewis said that “ever since that time we
have lived in enemy-occupied territory.
1. Jesus intends for us to be victorious.
2. Seven times in the first 3 chapters He
promises to “him who overcomes.”
3. Overcome means, “to conquer” or “to win
the victory.”
4. Daniel foresaw this victory. Daniel 7:1314; Romans 8:37
John lived in a time of crisis. We do as well.
We need the revelation of Jesus that the Lord gave
to John, more than ever.
At least 100,000 Christians are martyred every year.
Many pastors are re-interpreting the scriptures to
satisfy the itching ears of people who are lukewarm
spiritually. The revelation that John received,
revealed that God is still on the throne. Not only is
that, but He right now working out His eternal plans
from the control room of Heaven.
Are you ready for His return?
Jubilee Ministries of Ventura Baptist Church (805-644-7191)
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