Hockliffe Lower School Headteacher: Mrs N Benger Woburn Road, Hockliffe, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 9LL Telephone: 01525 210330 e-mail: hockliffe@cbc.beds.sch.uk Website: www.hockliffeschool.ik.org 21st June 2013 Dear Parents and Carers Parents Evening Can I remind you that Parent’s Consultations are next week. You should sign for a time slot on the sheets on the indoor Parents Notice Board. Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you need to come at an alternative time. School Fete Saturday 29th June is our school Summer Fete. Parents are working really hard to make it an enjoyable and successful event for the whole school community. The children will be opening the fete with a small presentation of dance and song “Amazing Animals!” We very much hope that all families will be there to support this event. If for any reason you are unable to attend could you please speak to your child’s class teacher on Monday so they are aware which members of the class will not be available to perform on the day. Children should arrive in school at 1.50pm and will be told what they need to wear for the performance. Green Week Monday 1st -5th July is Green Week at school. During this week the children will be learning about how to be ‘green’ and why we need to be ‘green.’ Tuesday is ‘Windy Day’ when they will learn about the power of the wind and its potential as a source of renewable energy. Wednesday is a team day where they will be working in their teams to improve the school environment using recycled materials. Thursday we have a visit from the Junk Orchestra; the children will listen to a concert where the instruments are made of junk! Later the children will have a workshop where they get to make music using junk. Learning in the afternoon will focus on noise pollution! Please could you make a contribution of £2 towards the cost of this performance and workshop. On Friday 5th July you are invited to join us for an assembly at 2.45pm so the children can tell you about their learning during the week. The teachers are planning activities during the week that need the following; clean metal cans, plastic carrier bags of all colours , old umbrellas , scraps of wood, corks, old bamboo garden canes, coloured plastic bottle lids, buttons, empty cotton reels , shells, hama beads, coloured stone or glass pebbles, old braid and shoelaces; so please could you save and send any of these items you have into school, thank you. Fence Painting During Green Week we will have a fence painting afternoon so if you could spare an hour or so from 2.30pm on Thursday 4th July please come along in your old clothes- paintbrushes and paint provided. After school, equipment will be out for your children to play on the field, or if they want to help Mrs Shirley will provide them with a gardening task. Magic Club The magician who came to the school last week to do the anti-bullying magic show and who hosted our Schools Got Talent Show also does after school magic clubs for the children. The club runs for 6 weeks at a cost of £30 per pupil. He has availability to run a club here in January 2014, however we need a minimum of 15 children for this club to take place. If your child is in Years 1-4 next year and they would be interested in this club could you please complete and return the expression of interest form on this letter. Sunflowers Today, children in Classes 1 and 2 have brought home their sunflowers, please transplant them and continue to grow them at home. When the sunflower comes out measure how tall it has grown and take a photo of your child by their sunflower, they can then bring this into school in September and we will see whose sunflower grew to be the tallest. Yours sincerely Mrs N. Benger