Hockliffe Lower School
Headteacher: Mrs N Benger
Woburn Road, Hockliffe, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 9LL
Telephone: 01525 210330
26th April 2013
Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome back to school and an especially warm welcome to the new children who have joined us this
We are hoping that the weather is kind to us this term as much of our learning is based outside and we are
aiming to work together to develop and improve the school grounds.
School Grounds Tidy Up
On Sunday 12th May between 10am-2pm we are having a tidy up morning clearing up the natural debris
from around the grounds and clearing and preparing the beds for planting. I am asking those of you who
can spare an hour or 2 to come along with your gardening tools to help. Bacon Butties and tea will be
provided for the workers! Please complete and return the attached form.
School Clubs
This term tennis club will continue before school on Friday, information letters have been sent out so
please return the form if your child would like to take part. Mrs Francis will continue with lunchtime
clubs. Mr Custance will run the lunchtime sports club on Fridays. Mrs Shirley is planning an after school
garden club on a Wednesday; more information will follow in a club letter.
Eco School Award
You will be aware of our work this year to raise children’s awareness of environmental issues and to
become a more environmentally friendly school. This week we heard that we had achieved the Bronze
Eco School Award in recognition of this work. Thank you to Mrs Surgett and the members of the Eco
committee for steering us in the right direction. This term we will continue to work towards the Silver
Award concentrating on energy and caring for our world. In July we will have a themed learning week to
help us focus on this which we have called Green Week.
Recycled Art
We are in need of foil trays, plastic milk bottles with handles and lids, clear plastic bottles with lids, old
CD’s and old welly boots, for art and growing activities planned for this term. So rather than throwing
them away please bring them to school for imaginative recycling! I am also hoping that families may get
involved in an Outdoor Junk Sculpture Challenge over half term- more details to follow.
Sunflower Competition
We are having a competition to see who can grow the tallest sunflower. All children will decorate a pot
and start to grow a sunflower at school. They will then bring it home to look after and return it to school
during Green Week to be measured
School Logo
Do you think we should have a school logo/badge? Next week the children will be bringing home a task
to design a logo that they think represents our school which can be used on signs and letters. Please help
them with ideas. Full instructions will come with the task.
At swimming on Tuesday I noticed that a number of boys had ‘long’ short style swimming trunks. Whilst
these are fine for leisure swimming they are not suitable for children when they are learning to swim.
Please will you ensure that children have appropriate swimwear as described on the swimming dates letter
that you would have received at the end of last term.
Sunny Days
As the weather gets warmer could I remind you that your child should have a named water bottle at
school so they can have drinks during the day in their classrooms. They will also need suitable hats to
shade them from the sun when they are out at playtimes. If you feel your child needs to use suncream
please apply it before they come to school so they are protected for the day. Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Nicola Benger
Hockliffe Lower School
School Grounds Tidy Up
I/We will be helping tidy the school grounds on Sunday 12th May.
Signed…………………………………………………… Date………………………..