Healthy Schools Club

Singlewell School
Mackenzie Way Gravesend
Kent DA12 5TY
Telephone: (01474) 569859
Facsimile: (01474) 327466
Headteacher: Mrs Michelle Brown
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Alison Nash
5th November 2015
Dear Parents
We would like to invite your child to take part in a new after school club called Healthy Schools. This term we are
doing the club for Year 2 only and there are 18 places available. It is completely free of charge as all food items will be
provided. We ask that your child has their PE kit in school as there will be physical activity.
It will run on three Wednesdays after school this term.
Wednesday 11th November
Wednesday 25th November
Wednesday 9th December
The club will be split into three groups of 6 children.
Mr Harrison will be running the physical exercise sessions. (P.E)
Miss Kanagalingam and Miss Collier will be running the healthy eating sessions. (Science)
Mrs Nicholls will be running the cookery challenge sessions. (Design and Technology)
By the end of the term your child will have participated in all three sessions and also eaten something that they have
created themselves.
The club will run from 3:15pm until 4:30pm and all children must be collected from the School Office entrance. If you
would like your child to attend please return the form below. It is extremely important that the allergy part of the
form is completed. If children are not collected on time by their parents, they may lose their place in the club.
Yours sincerely
Mr D. Harrison
Miss R.Kanagalingam
Miss A. Collier
Mrs J. Nicholls
CONSENT FORM……Healthy Schools Club 11/11/15 , 25/11/15 , 9/12/15
I would like my Son/daughter to be allowed to take part in the above mentioned event. Having read the information I
agree to his/her taking part in any of the activities described. I have ensured that my child understands that it is
important for his/her safety and for the safety of the group that any rules and any instructions given by the staff in
charge are obeyed.
Please print details
Pupil’s name…………………………………………………..Class……………………...D.O.B………………….…
Address & Post code……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Tel. No. Home…………….……………..Work…………….…………………… Mobile……………………………...
Alternative Emergency Tel no. during trip…………………………………….. …Name of Doctor……………………
Address of Doctor…………………………………………………………….….. Tel. No…………………………
My child has no/the following illness or physical disability/allergy…………………………………………….
…………………………………………………………………………. and may require the following medical
I give permission for the administration of an anaesthetic or any other treatment should the necessity arise.
Parent’s Signature…………………………………………………….………….. Date………………………………