Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes September 28, 2011 2:30

Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes
September 28, 2011
2:30-3:30 pm, EBH 7
In attendance: Suzanne Wilhelm (chair), John Baranski, Sherry Barnes, Paul Booth, Olivia
Burkhart, Gerald Crawford, John Gadbois, Kristine Greer, Nathan Guss, Katherine Jetter, Elaine
Labach, Stephanie Vie
Absent: Pam Arbeeny
Guests: Mary Ann Erickson, Carrie Meyer.
 We could not yet approve the minutes from 9/21/11 as they had not been distributed. We
will read them over email and approve them that way.
 Elaine needed to be added to the email list to receive minutes.
 Next week we will discuss ES 345 and BIO 410, two classes we had questions about
during this meeting.
 Exercise Science: Mary Ann Erickson and Carrie Meyer from Exercise Science visited
to explain the proposed changes to Exercise Science. Briefly, all four of their programs
are dropping ES 363 (Computer Applications in Ex Sc) because it is currently taught by
Paul Petersen, who is retiring at end of year, and no other faculty have the expertise to
teach it (also, students no longer really need this class). The K-12 teaching option is
adding ED 377 (Technology in Education) as a substitute. The sports administration
option has a change to BA 260 (Legal Environment of Business) reflective of changes the
business department made (added ethical component and increased by 1 credit hour). ED
377 teaches competencies for certification. Mary Ann explained that the exercise
specialist option removes AT 223 (Techniques in Conditioning), a course that is being
eliminated. The department added a course approved last year that will be taught for the
first time this winter, ES 490, that absorbs some of that content. One credit will be
waived for graduation requirements. In the coaching minor, there is a change to a course
title that’s embedded in the athletic training option, Foundations 224, to Foundations in
Athletic Training. The athletic training education program reflects new competencies
required by the accrediting agency. This required course must be in place and have been
taught when FLC receives the next visit in 2013. We will talk about these at the 10/5/11
o Discussion: On the K-12 option, can you ask students on an older catalog to take
ED 377? Mary Ann noted that if they haven’t taken ED 363 they will be advised
to take 377.
o On the sports administration option with the change from BA 260, can we
approve this option yet as the BA 260 change is not yet approved? No. We have
to wait on approval of the sports admin option until BA 260 has had a decision.
o On the AT 230, 240, 260, 320, and 340 classes, they are listed as one-credit
courses now going to three credits. Why? Mary Ann explained that students
weren’t getting appropriate course credit for the time they put in to the clinical
hours associated with the class. They were doing three credit hours of work (150
hours of extra work) two times per week in classroom with a minimum of ten
hours a week of clinical work outside classroom for a one-credit class.
o Are there three brand new courses: ATXX-1, ATXX-2, and ATXX-3? Mary Ann
explained that yes, these are three new courses, again reflecting competencies
being required for accreditation. The department’s current senior seminar classes
don’t touch on evidence-based practice, which is now required in education based
training classes.
o How will changes to these courses impact staffing? (The course proposals noted
that “teaching of the adjusted courses will fit within the current staffing. Teaching
outside of the department will be discontinued to allow for appropriate
scheduling.” The department representatives noted that they have been helping
biology to teach bio and anatomy labs but Biology is aware this proposal is up
and that they have to make changes. Carrie noted that the department will not be
asking for additional faculty as a result of these changes.
o Regarding the 300-level AT 340 prerequisites (which are AT 320, AT 385, AT
387, AT 424 or concurrent enrollment): Do we have 300 level prerequisites for
classes on campus? Yes, accounting, physics, and teacher education all have
classes with 300-level prerequisites.
o Suzanne asked Mary Ann to consider adding back BA 240 as a prerequisite for
ES 345 (Legal Aspects of Sports/Phy E). Mary Ann will talk to the department
and email Suzanne.
o With regard to changes in classes to incorporate evidence based research: Are
students learning how to read it or using evidence based research for projects?
Mary Ann noted that students are doing both; they read evidence based materials
but then design a study and collect data.
Program proposals in physics and engineering (Physics Minor; Physical Science for
Secondary Teachers; Physics - Physics Option; Engineering -Physics Option). All
Bio 410 (Plant Community Ecology). This course was submitted several years ago and
curriculum committee encouraged Biology to offer as a 390 course first. Biology is
incorporating it into their curriculum and would like it to have a permanent number.
Waiting on clarification; we need clarification about credit hours. It is listed as a fourcredit class with three credits of class time. Is there a lab?
Phil 252 (Environmental Ethics). This course had key words changes in the catalog but
didn’t have a chair signature previously. Now that it is signed off, we can discuss it. All
Phil 264 (Social & Political Philosophy). Also key word changes. All approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Vie