Staff Council Minutes 3-17

3/17/09 - 10:30 A.M. – LIBRARY CONFERENCE ROOM 230
Attending: Mary Ann Braden, Lesley Deal, Angela Farnsley, Linda Haskins, Regina McCarty,
Angie Moon, Connie Schnieders, Loretta Seals, Lisa Stark, Leslie Turner, Deb Voyles, Alice
Watson, Kim Wells, and Mary Ann Wild.
Excused Absences: Charlotte Dubois, Cari Edwards, Diane Fuchs, and Ethel King.
Unexcused Absence: None
Chairman Alice Watson welcomed Sarah Gatewood of Metro United Way to our meeting. Sarah
noted that she is the local contact for the Metro United Way in our area. She then asked the group
to divide into smaller groups and handed out area telephone books and a scenario sheet to each
small group. Groups reported on how they would help someone solve a scenario by using the
telephone book. The point made is that it is difficult to locate services by just using resources in
our workplaces or homes. The 211 service can be dialed to help connect people with services to
meet their needs. Many thanks to Sarah for this important information and resource handouts.
Chairman Watson opened the business portion of the meeting by welcoming all council members
present. Mary Ann Wild presented the Treasurer’s report. See detail of the Treasurer’s report
Period Ending: 1/31/09
Treasurer=s Report
Regular Checking Account
Beginning Balance:
Check #477 - Kelly Bowling - Spring Book Honorarium
Check #475 – Leslie Turner – Paper for Brochures
Check #479 – Conference & Catering – Reception for New Emp.
Ending Balance
Regular Savings Account
Beginning Balance:
Dividend: $.40
Ending Balance
Honorarium Account
Beginning Balance:
Dividend: $.15
Ending Balance:
Beginning Balance:
Dividend: $1.62
Ending Balance:
Grand Total
By-Laws Committee – Connie Schnieders
The committee met and discussed needed changes to the by-laws. The by-laws have been retyped
into an electronic file and new amendments have been added. A draft of the amended by-laws
was given to each Council member for review and suggestions. Members should make send
corrections and suggestions to any By-Laws Committee member by Tuesday, March 26. A final
draft copy will be sent to the Chancellor for review. After review, a vote is scheduled to be taken
in the April meeting.
Thank you notes were received from Ruben Borrego for the tuition honorarium, and from the
recipient of financial hardship assistance.
Budget Committee – Mary Ann Wild
The committee has a working copy of the proposed budget and will meet to discuss changes
during the next month to have a draft copy to present to the Council in April. Questions were
fielded regarding the proposed budget, and will be addressed at the next committee meeting.
CBAG/Executive Council – Alice Watson
The residence halls are filling nicely for the Fall 2009 semester. They are at 62% of target (58%
filled). Admissions are up for both Summer and Fall semesters. President McRobbie will be on
campus for meetings March 31st.
BNCB Gift Certificate – Lesley Deal
The winner for the month of February was Regina McCarty. Congratulations, Regina.
Spring Treat Delivery– Mary Ann Braden
Spring treat bags are assembled and ready for delivery. Staff Council volunteers will deliver
treats during the week. Please let Mary Ann know of additions or changes.
Assistance Request – Alice Watson
A request for assistance has been submitted. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded
(Leslie Turner/Mary Ann Braden) to give $200 for assistance. The motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer Wild will get a gift card for the recipient from the IU Southeast Credit Union.
After Spring treat bags were divided among the Council members for delivery and with no further
business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lesley Deal, Secretary