Widnes Academy West Bank – Pupil Premium funding Pupil Premium used for: Amount allocated to the intervention / action (£) Is this a new or continued activity/cost centre? Brief summary of the intervention or action, including details of year groups and pupils involved, and the timescale Specific intended outcomes: how will this intervention or action improve achievement for pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium? What will it achieve if successful? How will this activity be monitored, when and by whom? How will success be evidenced? Actual impact: What did the action or activity actually achieve? Be specific: ‘As a result of this action…’ If you plan to repeat this activity, what would you change to improve it next time? Learning Mentor £15,000 New Allocated TA to work with and support vulnerable pupils To allow identified children to be ready to learn within the class by having the opportunity to discuss any issues LM available at start of the day Case Studies on identified children Case Study showed impact of support for family – all 3 children in family making expected progress £295 Training for LM to deliver targeted sessions of support Feedback and reports from teachers Improved Residential visits and trips Non-contact time for Key Stage Leaders to work with identified groups £5,000 £7,000 Continued New An opportunity for the children to experience an overnight stay in a different environment. A range of team building and challenging physical activities An opportunity for the children to experience a wide range of visits Release time for Phase leaders to hold 1-1 conversations with identified pupils about their learning and next steps Improved social skills and attitude to learning Lessons observations Learning walks Develop independence and To provide a context for writing To work with children to move their learning on to the next step behaviour outcomes already validated – Ofsted 2013/HMI 2014 Developing maturity and confidence impacting upon children’s behaviour in class Learning behaviours improved lesson observations Book scrutiny Case studies Assessment data Supporting Early Years vulnerable pupils Forest Schools experience £2,000 Teaching £16,000 Assistant support in class TA intervention groups New Children to experience new environment Forest school philosophy New TA support to allow teachers to work with small groups of PP children TAs to work on structured programmes to accelerate learning To engage children in their learning by taking it outside the classroom – following the Forest Schools experience Accelerated progress within key areas of Literacy and Numeracy Activity to be commenced Autumn 2 Planned programmes of work Evidence of progress via in school tracking Gaps between identified groups is narrowing Evidence of progress for children in target groups End of KS2 data shows % children making expected progress is in line with non- Staff training – Literacy, Numeracy, Behaviour support £3,000 Continued Talk on the Wild side £1,200 New Purchase of reading books £3,000 New Introduction of P4C programme £2500 New Restructure of classes at KS2 Additional teacher to allow single age classes £11,700 Continuing Maths, problem solving To encourage and develop reading – specifically for boys Resources and training of teacher to plan and deliver sessions Release time for teacher Classes split to allow focus on smaller groups Teachers expertise increased leading to more personalized learning Raising of aspirations for all pupils Raising levels of reading Data analysis Monitoring cycle by SLT No impact yet – planned for Nov 2014 Impact yet to be assessed Self esteem and attitudes to learning improved Improved standards PP Ongoing – Planned for Spring 2015 Data analysis Improved standards at KS2 Gap between PP children narrowing considerably