Learning Opportunities PUPIL PREMIUM INCOME Pupil premium

Learning Opportunities
Pupil premium was introduced by the Government in 2011 to provide additional funding to address the gap in
educational attainment and long term economic well being between socially disadvantaged children and young
people compared to their peers. They have defined socially disadvantaged children as those eligible for free school
meals (FSMs) at some point in the last 6 years and children who have been in care for more than 6 months (CiC) or
children whose parents are currently employed by the armed services.
Principles for supporting socially disadvantaged children all pupils have a statement of special educational needs.
Their additional needs/barriers to learning are of a social, emotional and behavioural nature.
 At Learning Opportunities we ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all pupils.
 Pupil premium funding has been allocated to provide additional training opportunities for staff to further
improve pupils’ educational attainment and long term well- being and provide additional enrichment and
engagement opportunities.
The amount of pupil premium grant in 2012/13 was £1869
How was this grant spent and the outcome.
Intended Outcomes
Once in life time experiences, engagement with education and life -long
School lunches
Increased concentration in morning lessons to give greater leaning outcomes.
and breakfast
Promotion of healthy eating for life.
club for all
Increased concentration during afternoon lessons.
Staff Training
Support for staff to deliver appropriate curriculum and support for the diverse
needs of students.
1:1 support for
Essential to enable vulnerable pupils to have the opportunity to succeed and
experience mainstream education.