Overview of Leadership Development in School

Overview of Pupil Leadership Development in Newbattle
Community High School
Pupil Voice / Executive Pupil Council
Homeroom Linking (S5&S6 supporting S1 & S2)
Paired Reading Programme
S5 and S6 Prefects
o Senior Prefects including Head Boy & Girl, Deputes & House
S3 Monitors (Assist during Study Leave)
Prom Committee
Yearbook Committee
NFTE involvement
Young Enterprise involvement
Senior Pupil Social Committee (Raising funds for Prom and Yearbook)
Sports Coaching opportunities
Peak Performance (Self-organisation, Working with Others, Leadership of
Peers, Supporting work of the teacher, Contributing to a greater whole)
Charities Committee
Library Assistants
Assembly Presentations to year groups
Visitors’ Guides during events
P7 Open Evening Guides
S1 Guides helping P7s during transition days
Parents’ Evening Helpers
P7 Roadshow around associated primaries
Referees for extra-curricular sports events
Organisation of Newbattle ‘X-Factor’ talent competition
Organisation of ‘Nittens Got Talent’ community talent show
Sport & Recreation pupils teaching PE to primary pupils
Organisation of Holocaust evening
Input to formulation of school Core Values through workshops involving all
Columba 1400 experience
Sci-Fun Roadshow (S6 leading groups of S2)
Ongoing corridor supervision, managed by Senior Prefects
‘Business Experience’ entrepreneurship training for S6
October 2008