Whitesands School Graduation Speech 2008

Good Morning Chairman of the occasion, Dr. Lawrence Osa-Afiana, Guest Speaker
Prof. Pat Utomi, the principal of our great school Mr. James Efekodo, members of the
high table, staff of Whitesands school, My fellow graduants, Our dear parents, Ladies and
gentlemen. I am elated to stand before you on this very memorable occasion of this prize
giving day which is also the graduation ceremony of the class of 2008 (the Best set of
It is said that the journey of a thousand years begins with one step. Today marks the end
of a phase but the beginning of another chapter in our lives as graduating students.
My journey through secondary school life commenced in js1 in Whitesands School. The
junior years i.e. js1 to js3 were very eventful as we worked hard and also played hard. We
enjoyed playing football so much, at that time, that immediately the bell was rung for
either sports or break periods, we would all run to the pitch to play like there was no
tomorrow. This to us was what you would call PARADISE.
The rush, back to class was always intense as we all knew the consequences of coming
late to class. We would have to explain ourselves to Mr. Ojukwu or Mr. Greg and nobody
liked doing that.
In js3 came junior WAEC. Prior to the exams, there was in tense coaching and extra
lessons on Saturdays. At that time, we wondered why the school was subjecting us to this
torture as we all cherished our weekends. This eventually translated into a blessing as we
all excelled in the exams. There was a big lesson of life in this. “Always be prepared”.
SS1..The senior phase commenced.
It was always with great joy that I wore the school tie. In some way best known to me, it
made me feel powerful, mature and independent. Like a man getting ready to face the
vicissitudes of life. SS1 also saw us making decisions on subject choices, a determining
factor for our future career paths.
SS2...the momentum gathered for the final push. The year heralded a flood of change.
The transformation from boys to men began. Prefects were appointed, then…the sea
school experience.
At this point, I would please crave your indulgence to allow all my fellow prefects to
stand up for recognition and I, on behalf of my fellow prefects, would like to thank the
management of Whitesands school for giving us the opportunity of becoming an
important part of the history of this great institution and the opportunity to serve.
It was with great joy and happiness that I took up my post as the senior prefect. I also had
it in mind that it was not going to be an easy task because as the saying goes…”To whom
much is given, much is expected”
The pressures were there, as I believe in leadership by example but thanks to God
Almighty, my parents and family, teachers and the other prefects, who have been a
fulcrum of support, the mantle of leadership bestowed on me was not too heavy to bear.
To my successor, Babatunmida Savage, I would say, do not be afraid. Mind you, things
would not be smooth-sailing all the time but you must stay focused, cool-headed and
always stand on the side of truth. I assure you, you will succeed. As this is an honour and
privilege bestowed upon you.
Do not let the school down.
And for us, the graduating students, may we be good ambassadors of this great
institution, in word and indeed.
Finally, I urge all of us to remember the school motto “Duc In Altum” which means
launch into the deep, and as we the graduating set of 2008 launch into the depth of life,
may the good Lord keep us and may we be worthy of his grace always. Amen.
Thank You.
Tosan Wiltshire, Senior Prefect for the class of 2008