assignment 9 - campbell-hist

Assignment 9
1. How did the Church attempt to enhance the quality of life in medieval Europe?
- they served as a political institution and provided necessities to people
2. Why do you think medieval peasants would support the Church?
- because their lives were hard and they needed food.
3. How did the Church bring about an increase in political stability in Europe?
- because everyone supported the church, and the church’s system became
organized under the pope, the political power system became more stable.
4. How were a feudal manor and a monastic community similar?
-peasants and knights worked for their lords in feudal manor system. Similarly,
people worked for the local monastery for protection and food.
5. What were some of the problems and abuses that arose within the medieval
- since the religious leaders got too strong, they abused their power and became
greedy. Some of them even sold and bought religious values.
6. Did the Church provide for greater or less order in medieval society?
- sometimes it did provide for greater order but when its own system got corrupted
and disorganized, it might have caused less order in society.
7. Could a bishop or abbot be a feudal lord as well?
- ??????????????????????????????
9. Why do you think that the European Middle Ages is known as the "Age of Faith?"
-because the religion, Christianity, dominated and influenced all aspects of society
and people’s lives.
* sacraments: a religious ceremony or act of the Christian Church that is regarded
as an outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual divine grace
* canon law: ecclesiastical law
* monastery: a community of persons
* monk: a member of a religious community of men
* abbot: a man who is the head of an abbey of monks
* nun: a member of a religious community of women
* convent: a Christian community under monastic vows
* Benedictine Rule: a book of precepts written by St. Benedict of Nursia for monks
living communally under the authority of an abbot. It contains sets of very strict
rules for monks living in monastery.
* law of primogeniture: common law right of the firstborn son to inherit the entire
estate, to the exclusion of younger siblings
* simony: the buying or selling of ecclesiastical privileges
* tithe: one tenth of annual produce or earnings formerly taken as a tax for the
support of the church and clergy
* Peter's Pence: An
ancient payment made more or less voluntarily to
* "Age of Faith": The Middle Ages is often referred to as the Age of Faith, as during
this period Christianity dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art
and music.