Reading Questions: Romanesque Art I


Reading Questions: Romanesque Art I

Answer the following questions using complete sentences. Demonstrate that you have read and understood the material covered in chapters 16 & 17.


Who was Hildegard of Bingen? Explain her role and the role of women in general in the development of medieval life. (472-473, read the colored box) (481-482 in Brown text)


The Carolingian era was the period of the renovatio imperii Romani . What does this term mean and how was it embodied in the works from that time? Select several different pieces of evidence for this. (p. 430-

431, 433-435) (p. 436-444 in Brown text)


[Read the Khan Academy lessons on the Lindisfarne Gospels (55) and the Folio from the Qur’an (187).]

Compare the use of illumination and decorative text between the Christian tradition in medieval manuscripts and the use of calligraphic script in Islamic manuscripts. Explain how decoration is used to glorify sacred texts.


Study the plan for the monastery at Saint Gall, Switzerland (16-19, and colored box p.434). What characteristics make this the “ideal monastery”?
