Chapter 2 Possible Test Questions

Name: _____________________________________
Ch. 2 Possible Test Questions
Remember, only point form, not in complete sentences or paragraphs, 7-10 words per line. Make sure you
understand the questions and your notes.
Short Answer Questions: (2-3 complete sentences)
1. Who was William the Conqueror? Was he an effective leader? Why or why not?
2. Why did William the Conqueror conquer England?
3. Why was the Battle of Hastings a historical milestone? (Give 2 reasons)
4. What is feudalism?
5. How did feudalism suppress individual freedom? Who is exploited by whom?
6. Did feudalism bring an organized political system to Europe? How?
7. Medieval society was organized into classes into a kind of pyramid. Draw and label the pyramid.
8. Although living conditions were uncomfortable, medieval people loved life. How?
9. What is the feudal contract? Give two examples of what is included in this contract.
10. What is the Domesday book?
11. How are manor communities completely self-sufficient?
12. Copy and complete the Chart
13. Why is religion so important to the people of the Middle Ages?
14. What are the benefits and drawbacks to monastic life?
15. Why did some people choose to live in monasteries or convents? What was the monastic life like?
16. Which do you think is more important to the people of the Middle Ages, the king/lord of the manor or the Pope?
17. What types of offences did manor courts try? Why do you think manor courts dealt with these offences?
18. What was common law? Why was it called common law?
19. What issue did Thomas Beckett and Henry II disagree about? What did Henry want to do and why do you think
Thomas refused to give in? Why did Henry and Thomas fail to compromise?
20. Why might Marco Polo’s accounts be important to Europeans?
21. Why did nobles have a better understanding of the outside world than the serfs?
22. Why might Marco Polo’s accounts be important to European traders? Monarchs? Ordinary people?
23. What are 3 reasons why the Crusaders could not keep control of their conquests?
24. Why did so many people take part in the Crusades, not only knights, but also ordinary people and even children?
25. How is Richard the Lion-Hearted considered a hero in England & yet be hated by Muslims?
26. How did the Crusades help end the feudal age?
27. What could the barons do about a bad king?
28. What powers did the monarch have in medieval England?
29. In what ways did King John break the feudal contract?
30. What was the Magna Carta? What rights did the Magna Carta include?
Paragraph Questions: (at least 8 sentences)
1. How and why did feudalism develop in Europe?
2. Describe the similarities and differences of life in the manor versus life of the ordinary people.
3. If you lived in the medieval times, would you prefer to be male or female? Why? Would you prefer life as a
lord/lady of the manor or as a serf/freeholder? Why?
4. All serfs work long hours. Make a list of women’s tasks. Make a list of men’s tasks. Comment on the similarities
and differences. Have things changed compared to today’s world? How?
5. Describe three ways in which the Church was central in people’s lives. In what ways was the Church’s influence
over people a positive thing?
6. What were trials by ordeal and trials by battle? How did medieval people justify using these methods to decide
a person’s guilt of innocence? Do you think these are valid methods of determining guilt or innocence? Explain.
7. What are the short and long term consequences of the Crusades?
Compare the rights and responsibilities of various people on the feudal manor
9. Who is Eleanor of Aquitaine? Why is she such a remarkable person?
10. Thomas Beckett, Eleanor of Aquitaine, and Richard the Lion-Hearted were heroes during the Middle Ages. What
did they do that made them so popular with people all over Europe? How do these people’s character and
accomplishments reflect the values of medieval society?