Newsletter January 29th

Marburg State School
Principal : Kirrily Newton
Ph: (07) 5464 4218 or Mobile 0477 749 447
Week 1 Term 1
Friday 29th January 2016
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to students, parents/caregivers and staff of the Marburg School community. I hope you all
had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and are now ready for an exciting and productive school year.
Information for New Parents/Caregivers
Priorities for 2016
Our school priorities are as follows-:
Continued implementation of the Australian Curriculum
Improved student performance in Reading
Improved student performance in Numeracy
Strong Community Partnerships
Embed our whole school Pedagogical Framework in all that we do.
AssemblyAssembly occurs on a Friday morning at 9.00am in the school Hall. All parents and caregivers are
welcome to attend. Weekly encouragement awards, reading at home awards and class awards are
presented during assembly as well as announcements and occasionally special guests or presentations.
Bookclub- Scholastic Booksellers operate Bookclub at Marburg State School. Bookclub
forms are issued to students on a regular basis and orders can be placed before the closing date
of the order. The first lot of bookclub forms have been sent home this week, and orders and
monies need to be returned by Wednesday 9th February. We recommend this service as
the books are good quality and fairly priced.
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Superstars- For our students we promote a behavioural
standard which congratulates consistent high quality behaviour and provides targeted
processes for supporting students who have difficulties managing their own behaviour and
meeting our high standards. This system is based on positive reinforcement for desired
behaviours. Students work towards awards known as “Superstars” for classroom and
playground conduct related to our schoolwide expectations. Information and updates
regarding behaviour and wellbeing in our school is reported back to the parent community on a regular
basis. An overview of the schools Responsible Behaviour Plan is in the Parent Handbook. Please do not
hesitate to contact the school if you have any queries regarding the rewards system.
Our first couple of weeks will be focusing on “Being an Active Listener” and starting our year as
“Organised Learners”
Sporting SchoolsThis semester we are participating in the government funded sporting schools program and students will
take part in athletics training on a Friday afternoon in school time. This is a great opportunity for us to
prepare for all of our athletics events throughout the year. Sessions will be provided by a trained Little
Athletics coach.
Leaders Badge Ceremony
The Leaders for 2016 will be presented with their badges at a special parade on Friday 12th February at
9.00am in the Hall. All families are welcome to attend.
Parent Handbook
Just a reminder that most general information regarding day to day operation of the school is located in
the Parent Handbook.
Please note that in 2016 all students will participate in swimming lessons in Term 4. Only Years 3-6 will
participate in swimming lessons from week 5 this term for a period of 4 weeks, and then participate in the
interschool Carnival with other small schools on the Friday in the second last week of this term. Notes
will be sent home shortly and payment of $32 is to be made prior to commencement of swimming
lessons. Thank you.
Enrolment Details
If at any time your details or your child’s details change (eg. phone numbers, address, emergency contact
details etc) please notify the office straight away. This ensures clear communication between school and
home. Thanks in advance.
School Payments
Payments are required to cover the costs for RE books and Art Supply. RE books and Art Supply
contribution will cost $20 for grades 1-6 and $13 for Prep students (Prep students do not participate in
RE). Invoices will be sent out shortly.
Dance Fever
This term all students will participate in a dance program. Dance Fever Company will
work with upper and lower school to teach basic skills such as co-ordination, rhythm,
movement to music and enjoyment of dance. This program will run in class time
during smart moves and is of no cost to the students as it is paid for by the school.
Thank you.
Chaplaincy at Marburg
Marburg State School has a Chaplain - Chappy Krystal will be at our school every Wednesday from 8.30
until 3pm. Krystal will be providing activities regarding our Social and Emotional Learning Program“You Can Do It”. Krystal will spend time in each classroom and will run lunch time programs as well.
Krystal is also available to parents for a chat or a cuppa. Please contact the school if you would like to
make an appointment to meet with her. Thank you.
PREP-1 News
What a wonderful start to the school year with 19 bright faces looking at me and all smartly
dressed in their school uniforms. The room, first thing on Wednesday morning, was filled with
lots of anxious adults and small students who were, for the most part, taking everything in their
stride. The love and concern for their little ones was so evident. It was a truly beautiful sight.
Once the class started, the students all settled down and focussed on the activities. They
listened carefully and followed all instructions.
The Preps have already been introduced to their first sound and are completing activities that
reinforce it. I use Letterland characters and ditties so the children will remember the sound.
Lots of the activities involve craft, which is also a way of developing their fine motor skills, using
scissors, pens and crayons.
The Year Ones will be revising the sounds learned last year before proceeding further. I will be
testing their reading and sounds this week so I can group them according to levels and give
extra attention to those sounds not known.
Until next time, Ciao, Gail Ducci
2-4 NEWS
Hello and welcome to the 2016 school year,
This year the class contains all of the Yr. 2 and 3 students.
Out timetable for specialist lessons for the term (and probably the entire year) is as follows….
Monday Cars and Stars Reading 9.15am
Tuesday PE Morning Session
Tuesday German (LOTE) Last Session
Wednesday Music 12.00 noon
Thursday RE (starting later in the term) 9.00am
Thursday German 12.00 noon
Friday Library 12:00noon
Dance Fever will be held in term one and will be held on a Friday afternoon. Athletics is also
being practised on Friday afternoon and the students will spend half an hour completing each
Please be aware that the steps and ramp at the far end of the admin block are for the use of our
class. As you can imagine the front/closest steps are used by the senior students and all adult
visitors to the school.
Students are being encouraged to walk, with their friends, to the school carpark at the end of
each day. Should it be more convenient to meet your child under the school building please feel
free to do so. If it can be avoided please do not collect your child from the classroom at the end
of the school day due to the enormous amount of traffic this areas experiences at this time. I am
aware that parents/ caregivers often need to communicate with me regarding their child and this
is highly valued, however for the safety of the children please see me outside the time
immediately at the beginning or ending of the school day. My mobile number is 0427076297
and I am available to discuss your child’s education from 7am- 7pm each work day. Please be
aware that I will text or ring you should I feel the need to pass on information to you. This
system has worked well for my time at Marburg. Should you prefer this not happen, please let
the office know as soon as possible. School report cards are due at the end of term 2 however
parent teacher interviews will be organised at the end of term one. Should you wish to make an
interview time before this please feel welcome.
I look forward to work with you all this year as we encourage and support the students along
their educational journey.
Until next time
Marina K
5-6 NEWS
Welcome back to parents and caregivers of year 4/5/6 students.
We have had a fantastic start to our term and it is going to be
very busy. This term has begun with the continuation of the
Australian Curriculum. Students will be participating in the
English, Mathematics and Science and History and Geography
curriculum from the beginning of this term and will still access
the Essential Learnings for LOTE, HPE, The Arts, Technology
and Music. What does this mean for you? Students will continue
to be engaged in the highest quality of learning. Our focus
remains the same high expectations for the students and staff.
This term we are studying short stories with an emphasis on
elements such as humour and persuasive text. Students will be
focused on learning goals and improving their outcomes in all learning areas this year. I will
continue to teach Maths/English/Art/Technology and ICTs on Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday while Mrs Bryant will teach Geography/History and Science on a Thursday and
Friday. This year we have assigned a teacher aide to work specifically within one classroom
each, to allow students and staff to build productive and consistent learning relationships. The
year 4/5/6 teacher aide is Mrs Monique Meier and our volunteer teacher aide is Mrs Wood on
Tuesday. Mrs Nuffer will continue to provide intervention and targeted support to students in
the year 2 to 6 cohort throughout the year. If you need clarification on any issues/questions
concerning your child’s learning please do not hesitate to make an appointment to see me. Our
first parent teacher interviews will be held in week 8 this term.
Until next time Mrs N.
I am very excited to be spending 2 whole days in the 4/5/6 classroom this year. In addition to
our vocabulary and numeracy work, we will be learning all about Australian History, Geography
and the Biological sciences this term. In History, we will learn all about the early explorers and
the first Australian colonies; Geography will focus on mapping skills and our place in the world
and in Science (the best subject in the universe) we will be learning about life on Earth and
exploring life cycles, adaptations and habitats. I am looking forward to exploring our learning
together. It is going to be a great term and a fantastic year. Mrs B.
Library Update
As the students will shortly be borrowing from the school Library every
week, there are certain factors which should be kept in mind.
1. A waterproof bag is required to keep the book/s safe and dry.
2. A secure place should be found for the Library book/s whilst at home
- e.g. the bag could be hung on the bedroom doorknob.
3. Book/s should only be kept for a maximum of two weeks. If needed for a longer period,
the book/s will need to be re-borrowed through the Library computer.
It would be appreciated if parents could check with students regularly to ensure that our school
resources are well cared for and returned promptly.
P & C News
Welcome all families – old and new to 2016 at our Marburg State School. We trust everyone had a great
break and is ready for an extremely busy term and year!
Our first fundraiser for 2016 is on Sunday February 7 at 9 am. We are
hosting approximately 100 – 120 members of the BRISHOG – Harley
Owners Group at the Marburg State School. Their visit as a fundraiser
will help subsidise school excursions, swimming and educational
expenses for every Marburg State School student this year.
Entry is $10 - $5 per person for morning tea provided by Marburg School and $5 worth of Raffle Tickets.
Cold drinks will be on sale as well.
We are asking every family to donate some morning tea as per attached note. All donations will be
appreciated and Kellie will be available to collect goods on the afternoon of Friday 5th in the carpark at
Lets ALL get in, bring the whole family for a fun morning, check out the motor bikes and support your
On Friday February 12th the P & C will be holding a “Carpark Meet and Greet” for all families - old and
new from 3.00 pm – 4.00 pm. Please bring a plate of afternoon tea to share. We look forward to a great
beginning to our school year.
Have you seen our new Shirts? After 5 years+ and continuing uniform
supply issues we now have new shirts and shorts. The modern logo based on
our new school branding is very popular and well accepted. Rebecca has had
a lot of feedback from old and new parents who came to the uniform shop
last week. All feedback was positive. The old and new students who came
with their mums have said that they look ‘really cool’.
Please don’t worry if your child is still wearing the old style shirts, they are
still part of our uniform. We are slowly phasing out the old and coming in with the new. A note will be
going out shortly regarding Senior Shirts for Year 6 students. If you need more uniforms please complete
attached Uniform Order Form and contact Rebecca Perkins on 0407 649 346 or email to make an appointment.
No doubt you will have noticed “The Hub” is finally underway!!
Work has begun on our Marburg Community Calendar for 2016 and we would appreciate your
fundraising ideas so they can be included. All new ideas and contributions are always welcome. If you
have been at any of the Marburg State School events this year and have some interesting photos please
email them to Brenda at so they may be included in a photo collage on our
Please find attached Application for P & C Membership for 2016 form for completion by ALL Parents
and Caregivers. Please bring completed form to the P & C Meeting. If you are unable to attend please
complete and return it to the School Office ASAP as the membership details are needed for funding and
grant application submissions. Under the Parents and Citizens’ Association Constitution every family
must submit their application each year.
Our next P & C meeting is on Tuesday 9th February, 2016 in the Prep/1 area at 3.15pm. If there is
anything that you would like to be brought to the table, please contact the P & C on email or contact any of the Executives Brenda 0408 457 896, Kellie 0458 380 354,
Kathy 0427 588 317, Jo 0400 340 526 or Rebecca 0407 649 346. New and retuning Parents and
Caregivers are most welcome. Hope to see you all there!
Marburg State School P & C
Tuesday 9th
Friday 12th
Tuesday 23rd
Attachments to newsletter:
Application for P&C Membership
Uniform Price List
HOGS morning tea
P&C Meeting 3.15pm at Prep.
Leaders Badge Ceremony
Swimming commences years 3-6