Newsletter March 27th 2015

Marburg State School
Principal : Kirrily Newton
Ph: (07) 5464 4218 or Mobile 0477 749 477
Week 9 Term 1
Friday 27th March 2015
Dear Parents and Carers,
Information for New Parents/Caregivers
Priorities for 2015
Our school priorities are as follows-:
Continued implementation of the Australian Curriculum
Improved student performance in Reading
Improved student performance in Numeracy
Strong Community Partnerships
Embed our whole school Pedagogical Framework in all that we do.
Assembly- Assembly occurs on a Friday morning at 9.00am in the school Hall. All parents and caregivers
are welcome to attend. Weekly encouragement awards, reading at home awards and class awards are
presented during assembly as well as announcements and occasionally special guests or presentations.
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Superstars- For our students we promote a behavioural
standard which congratulates consistent high quality behaviour and provides targeted
processes for supporting students who have difficulties managing their own behaviour and
meeting our high standards. This system is based on positive reinforcement for desired
behaviours. Students work towards awards known as “Superstars” for classroom and
playground conduct related to our school-wide expectations. Information and updates
regarding behaviour and wellbeing in our school is reported back to the parent community on a regular
basis. An overview of the schools Responsible Behaviour Plan is in the Parent Handbook. Please do not
hesitate to contact the school if you have any queries regarding the rewards system.
Parent Handbook
Just a reminder that most general information regarding day to day operation of the school is located in
the Parent Handbook.
Enrolment Details
If at any time your details or your child’s details change (eg. phone numbers, address, emergency contact
details etc) please notify the office straight away. This ensures clear communication between school and
home. Thanks in advance.
School Payments
Payments are required to cover the costs for RI books and Art Supply. RE books and Art Supply
contribution will cost $20. Money is payable to the school office as soon as possible. Preps do not
participate in RI, therefore payment required is $13.00.
Footsteps Dance
This term all students have been participating in the Footsteps Dance program. On
Monday, Footsteps are hosting a Disco in our Hall from 4.30-6pm. This event will be
$2 per student for entry and hotdogs, drinks and cupcakes will be available for
purchase during the afternoon.
Swimming Carnival
Thursday 2nd April is the Small School Swimming Carnival at Rosewood pool. This event is for students
in year 3-6. Students are asked to find their own way to and from the pool on this day as there will be
no bus provided by the school. Entry for each student is $2 and general admission is $1. There will be
canteen available to purchase snacks etc. Students will need to be at the pool by 9:00am and ready for
collection after 12noon.
Chaplaincy at Marburg
Chappy Krystal is at Marburg State School every Wednesday, if you would like to make an appointment
with her at any time please contact the office. Thank you.
Making Chin Biscuits with Prep/1 for Colour for a Cure.
Harmony Day Prep/1
Last one for the term and how it has flown!
The little Preps have come so far in such a
short period of time. They have settled into
the school routine easily and are enjoying the
learning experience. They have investigated
14 Letterland characters and many are
remembering very easily the name of the
character, its sound and its name. If they
continue to play the games with the cards
over the holiday period, they will be off to a
good start next term. They have covered
thoroughly the numerals 1 to 5 and the plain
shapes. Next term we will continue the
journey to 10. The Year Ones have become
more engaged in their learning this term.
Their confidence is growing and they are more willing to take risks in their learning. The
introduction of spelling and number facts to be learned off by heart was a big turning point for
them. Their handwriting is becoming more automatic and the reading activities have seen them
very engaged in the tasks. I am looking forward to continuing the learning journey with them
next term. In the meantime, have a great holiday with your children.
Until next time, Ciao, Gail Ducci
2-4 NEWS
Harmony Day Year 2/3/4
Hello All, It was lovely
meeting/seeing you all at the recent
parent teacher meetings. Thank you
for making the effort to meet with me
and discuss your child’s educational
needs and progress to date. We
have been learning about solids,
liquids and gases in Science. We
explored the properties of sand and
decided that it was a tricky solid as it
acted like a liquid. Then there was
the ever popular corn flour glop and
most recently we looked at jelly. We have learned that changes in temperature change the state
of matter. Students who sit the NAPLAN tests in May this year (Year 3) will have a practise
booklet sent home for use over the school Easter holidays. Please let me know if you do not
have yours early next week. Should your student be in year 2 or 4 and you would appreciate
some school work for them, over the holidays, please let me know. Please remind your child
that their library book is due back at school. With the short week before Easter all books need to
be returned to the school before the holidays begin. Thank you to those parents who have
already sent back the books. There will be no borrowing this week. Several minor assessments
have been completed this week as the term comes to a speedy end. The majority of students
have achieved well. Oral presentations will begin in term two. A timetable will accompany this
newsletter. Please remind your child that toys are not permitted at school unless there are being
used as props for an assignment. I hope that you all have a safe and chocolate filled break. See
you in the new term.
Marina K
5-6 NEWS
Harmony Day Year 5/6
As we head into the last week of school for
the term I can honestly reflect on a great
start to the year for our class. They have
shown maturity and organisation with their
equipment and curriculum and are
prepared every day with a positive attitude.
We have had a very busy term with
curriculum and each student has made
steady improvement overall. Thank you to
the parents who made time to check on
the progress of their child by attending
parent/teacher interviews, it is a valuable and informative session. Next term is hectic with not
only our usual curriculum commitments but the added inclusion of NAPLAN and the Marburg
Show into our routine. The year 5 students will be given a holiday homework book that will
include some revision type activities for NAPLAN- a simple way to get everyone in the right
head space for NAPLAN. Our theme for the Marburg Show this year is Mathematics so our
display will feature and reflect mathematical concepts and problem solving for the primary
years. I would like to wish everyone a Happy and safe Easter and holiday period and we will
see you back here for term 2 on Monday 20th April.
This is the last newsletter for term one – where did this term go?
A great big Thank You to all those parents and staff who baked, donated ingredients for baking
and to those who helped set up, serve and pack up at The Bremer Business Showcase on
Sunday. We sold $226.55 worth of tea, coffee and cakes. Good effort everyone!
Thank you to all families that supported our Pizza Day. Everyone enjoyed the pizza and we
made $108.00.This month we have banked $370 for uniforms, $106 from our Drakes IGA Key
Tag Community Dollars and $1,665.00 from the Marburg Dance.
The Footsteps Disco is on next Monday March 30 from 4:306:00pm. Our students have been learning and practicing dance
steps each week and this is their chance to show us their stuff!
The P&C will be selling Hotdogs ($2.00, $2.50 with Cheese), Soft
Drinks $2, Poppers $1 and Cupcakes $1 on the night. Donations
of cupcakes will be appreciated. There are still a number of
families whose Application for P & C Membership for 2015 is outstanding. Thank you to
those families that have completed and returned your form. If you haven’t please return your
form ASAP as they are required for funding purposes for our school. Under the Parents and
Citizens’ Association Constitution every family must submit their application each year. By
showing your commitment to your school it benefits with applications for grants and subsidies
with all school funding. If you need more uniforms please contact Ashleigh Morriss on 0413 892
265 to make an appointment. Our next P & C Meeting for 2015 will be on Tuesday 28th April in
the Prep Building at 3.15 pm. New and existing Parents and Caregivers are most welcome.
Hope to see you there. If you have anything you would like to discuss at the meeting please
email it to or contact one of the current P & C – Kellie on 0458
380 354, Kathy on 0427 588 317, Jo on 0400 340 526, Rebecca on 0407 649 346, Brenda on
0408 457 896 or Brian on 0412 302 952.
Have a Happy Easter and great holiday! Regards Marburg State School P & C
Library Update
Please keep the following in mind when borrowing from the library.
Please ensure students have a plastic bag (e.g. coles/woolies bag)
to put inside their library bag. This bag is required to keep the books
safe and dry.
A secure place should be found for the Library book/s whilst at home
- e.g. the bag could be hung on the bedroom doorknob.
Book/s should only be kept for a maximum of two weeks. If needed for a longer period,
the book/s will need to be re-borrowed through the Library computer.
It would be appreciated if parents could check with students regularly to ensure that our school
resources are well cared for and returned promptly.
March Birthdays
Adah- 24th
Rueben- 29th
April Birthdays
Rhys- 5th
Matilda- 9th
Kyllan- 25th
Monday 30th
Tuesday 31st
Thursday 2nd
Thursday 2nd
Monday 20th
Saturday 25th
Footsteps Dance Disco 4.30-6pm
Swimming –Yr 3-6
Swimming Carnival- Yr 3-6
Last Day Term 1
First day Term 2
ANZAC Day Service - Marburg