Egypt Concept Map What were the values of the Egyptian Culture? Art Math Religion Afterlife How can art tell us what the Egyptians valued? What does their skill in math tell us about their values? How does their belief system reflect their values? How does the Egyptians preparation and view of the afterlife reflect upon their values? Repetitive themes Position Scale Symbols Number System Coffins Tomb Walls Sarcophagus Burial Artifacts Temples Base 10 tally method Symbols Grouping/Regrouping Fraction Eye of Horus Gods Symbols Mummies Family units Found frequently in art, jewelry, furniture, etc… Mummification process 62 Total Changed over time to fit the needs of Egypt Main gods dealt with life, death, afterlife, water, love, truth, wisdom Represents life, truth, water, victory, gods, etc… Weighing of the heart Tombs Supplies for the afterlife Content Standards: 6.2 Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the early civilization of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush 6.2.3 Understand the relationship between religion and the social and political order in Mesopotamia and Egypt 6.2.5 Discuss the main features of Egyptian art and architecture 6.2.9 Trace the evolution of language and its written forms