Stanley Picker Gallery: SATURDAY ART CLUB Please complete and return this form to the Education Coordinator, Natalie Kay at or using the contact details given, before booking onto any Saturday Art Club sessions Thank-you and we look forward to welcoming you to Art Club! Where did you hear about us? REGISTRATION Child’s Name d.o.b Child’s Name d.o.b Child’s Name d.o.b Child’s Name d.o.b Parent/Guardian Relationship to child Address Emergency Contact Number Email (used for gallery communications only) School Year/Class group Other adults who may collect child Relationship to child Relationship to child Relationship to child NEW ART CLUB MEMBER – tell us about you! What are your likes and interests? What is your favourite way of making art? What are you looking forward to about Art Club? 1 Stanley Picker Gallery: SATURDAY ART CLUB HEALTH & SAFETY (confidential) Does your child/children have allergies (inc. food) or illnesses that the SPG should be informed of? If yes, please explain nature of condition and how it can be identified and treated Y/N PHOTO RELEASE Please circle a reply to each statement below. I give consent for photographs or video footage of the young person named below to be used by the Stanley Picker Gallery and artist facilitators leading sessions: documentation of creative learning Y/N display in public places Y/N reports and publications to be published about exhibitions Y/N on websites accredited by above parties Y/N PLEASE COMPLETE & SIGN Child’s Name Parent/ Guardian Signature Date NB. The above photo release form is valid for four years from the date of signing. The Stanley Picker Gallery will seek renewed consent if the photograph(s) are to be re-used after that time. Please email this completed form to the Education Coordinator, Natalie Kay at or post to the address below. Stanley Picker Gallery, Faculty of Art Design & Architecture, Kingston University, Knights Park, Kingston, KT1 2QJ 020 8417 4074 2