Christ the Saviour C.E. Primary School The Grove, Ealing. W5 5DX New Broadway, Ealing. W5 2XA Tel. 020 8249 6800 Headmaster: Mr R. Prentice M.A.(Hons) Tuesday 10th March 2015 Year 3 Educational Visit National Gallery Dear Parents, On Tuesday 17th of March, Year 3 will be visiting the National Gallery to learn more about stories in paintings, with a particular focus on Greek myths. We will be leaving school at approximately 10.00, travelling to the Gallery on the underground. The trip is free. To give consent for your child to come on the trip please complete the form below and return it to your class teacher by Friday 13th March. Please provide your child with: A packed lunch in a plastic bag (with their name and class clearly written on it) so that it can be disposed of after lunch (If you child receives a free school meal, a packed lunch will be provided by Harrison Catering). No peanut butter sandwiches, nutty cereal bars or nut containing foods A disposable water bottle filled only with water. We are always grateful for adult helpers on educational visits. Guidance documents on parent helpers in school can be found in the ‘About’ section of our website. Those who wish to assist and have a DBS check, and have attended the school volunteer training should let their class teacher know either by emailing the class teacher or by handing a note into the Reception Office. We look forward to a very enjoyable visit. Year 3 team. ............................................................................................................................................................. Year 3 Trip to National Gallery 17-3-2015 Name of Child………………………………………………….Class………………… I confirm that I consent for my child to visit the National Gallery. Signature………………………………………………………………………………. Name and relation to child …………………………………………………………….