Volunteer Enquiry Form - Stanley Picker Gallery

Stanley Picker Gallery: VOLUNTEER ENQUIRY
Thank-you for your interest in volunteering at the Stanley Picker Gallery.
Please complete and return this form to the Education Coordinator, Natalie Kay at n.kay@kingston.ac.uk or using the
contact details given below.
Contact Number
Email (used for gallery communications only)
Do you study at Kingston University?
If yes, what course are you enrolled upon and what is you expected year of graduation?
Have you visited the Stanley Picker Gallery?
Where did you hear about us?
What do you hope to gain from volunteering at the Stanley Picker Gallery?
Do you have any specific areas of interest?
Please outline any previous relevant experience (continue on a separate sheet if necessary)
Tuesday (10am-6pm)
Wednesday (10am-6pm) and  Private Views (6pm – 9pm)
Thursday (10am-6pm)
Friday (10am-6pm)
Saturday (12am-4pm)
Please complete and return this to the Education Coordinator, Natalie Kay at n.kay@Kingston.ac.uk or post or deliver to
the Stanley Picker Gallery, Faculty of Art Design & Architecture, Kingston University, Knights Park, Kingston, KT1 2QJ
Thank-you and we look forward to speaking with you soon!
- The Stanley Picker Gallery Team
020 8417 4074 www.stanleypickergallery.org