FrontiersinEngrEdETE.. - Pages - University of Wisconsin

Gregory Moses1, Michael Litzkow2, Julie Foertsch3, and John Strikwerda4
Abstract  An eTEACH presentation combines a video
frame (Microsoft MediaPlayer) with a slide frame
(Microsoft PowerPoint), an external web links frame, a
dynamic table of contents that titles the major portions of the
lecture and allows jumping to any portion, buttons that
allow the lecture to be advanced or rewound 10 or 30
seconds, and fast forward and reverse buttons; all in an
Internet Explorer window. The PowerPoint slides and web
links automatically synchronize with the current position in
the lecture video. eTEACH supports PowerPoint animation
features for viewing in the browser. eTEACH supports
accessibility features such as closed captioning and webpage readers. eTEACH has been used extensively in
reforming a large enrollment computer sciences course.
Index Terms  Education reform, learning technology,
multimedia presentation, streaming video, web-based
the lecture, but instead uses the lecture in whatever way best
meets the student’s learning needs.
Information technology in the form of web browserbased multi-media presentations enables this new role for
the college lecture. The eTEACH authoring and presentation
software[3] was used to reform the curriculum of a large
enrollment sophomore level computer sciences course (CS
310) taken by engineering students at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison. Two weekly lectures were replaced
with on-line eTEACH presentations viewed at the student’s
convenience and students attended an additional computer
laboratory each week in a specially designed computer
“team lab”. This laboratory experience was mentored by the
faculty in an active learning format.
This educational reform was formally evaluated by the
LEAD Center at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, an
evaluation service and research center, to measure the
outcomes. Outcomes were positive with many details
reported in this paper.
Numerous studies and individual experiences have shown
that engineering students learn best by doing and not by
being “lectured at.”[1] Yet most engineering courses
continue to be taught by a professor at the front of the room
lecturing to dozens or perhaps hundreds of students in a
oneway “information transfer.” Such lectures have been
portrayed in the educational literature as an ineffective way
of teaching[2].
Using appropriate information technology the lecture
does have a legitimate place in the engineering educational
framework. This place is one where the student can view the
lecture at their own time and convenience in order to obtain
guidance on the particularly difficult or subtle parts of the
course material. The lecture is a roadmap for the material in
the course curriculum, emphasizing the most important
aspects of the material. The lecture is a personal message
from the professor to the individual student.
In this context the lecture, like the textbook, is a
reference at the student’s disposal. And just as important, the
lecture is not the focal point of a teaching-centered course
curriculum, but instead is one more resource in a self-paced
learning-centered curriculum. The student does not “attend”
eTEACH is an authoring software tool to prepare multimedia presentations. eTEACH presentations are viewed
using standard software; Microsoft Internet Explorer and
Microsoft MediaPlayer. The vast majority of eTEACH users
are viewers of the presentation. Therefore the viewing
experience is described first, followed by the details of the
browser-side software, the authoring tool and server
A snapshot of a typical eTEACH presentation is shown
in Figure 1. The static nature of print publications does not
capture the features of streaming video software so these
will be described. The video frame in Figure 1 shows a
“talking head”. This is the lecturer speaking about the
Microsoft PowerPoint slide shown in the frame to the right
of the lecturer. Such a format mimics the standard lecture
hall format of a lecturer and slides. This is not the most
ambitious utilization of streaming video, but it serves a
useful purpose. Survey results of 531 students over two
semesters showed that 58% thought it was important to see
the professor lecture, rather than just listening to an audio
presentation of the slides. Those that thought this was
Gregory Moses, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Engineering Physics Department, Madison, WI, 53706
Michael Litzkow, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Engineering Physics Department, Madison, WI, 53706
Julie Foertsch, University of Wisconsin – Madison, LEAD Center, Madison, WI, 53706
John Strikwerda, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Computer Sciences Department, Madison, WI, 53706
Work supported in part by the National Science Foundation through EOT PACI and the Foundation Coalition.
0-7803-7444-4/02/$17.00 © 2002 IEEE
November 6 - 9, 2002, Boston, MA
32nd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
preferrable indicated that seeing the professor connected
them more to the course.
eTEACH supports all of the animation features
available in PowerPoint slides. Therefore the arrows on the
slide fly into place as the lecturer refers to this particular line
of the slide. Parts of the slide can appear and disappear as
the lecturer refers to them. This is particularly important
when slides contain a lot of technical content and the
speaker wants to direct the attention of the viewer to one part
or line of the slide. Slide changes are timed to the lecture
timeline by the eTEACH authoring software tool.
The slide frame need not contain PowerPoint slides.
Any format viewable in a web-browser can be displayed in
this frame. However, PowerPoint slides are the most
common content to use.
The frame below the video frame has controls for
navigating the video. These include fast forward and reverse
and “jog” controls that allow the viewer to skip ahead or
back in the presentation by 10 or 30 seconds. This is
particularly useful if the viewer wants to replay a short
segment of the presentation to better grasp the content. The
slide frame synchronizes automatically as the video is
advanced or “rewound.” These navigation features were
added after surveying the students on their preferences.
Ninety-three percent of the students answered affirmative to
the suggestion of adding the fast forward, rewind and jog
There are play, pause and stop buttons, volume control
and a button to activate closed captioning. The pause button
was used by 97% of the students. Ninety percent of the
students answered yes to the idea of adding a meter to show
the time elapsed in the video and the total video time. These
features are all now included in the latest version of
Below the video controls is the dynamic Table of
Contents (ToC). The table of contents entries correspond to
time markers in the video controled by the author. The time
is displayed with the entry. The ToC entries dynamically
change, indicating those sections that have been viewed. The
viewer can move directly to any part of the video
presentation by clicking on the corresponding entry in the
ToC. This is useful if the author wants to combine several
presentations into one large one or for coarse grained
navigation of a presentation.
Below the slide frame is the external links frame. This
frame contains links to other web sites. If the link is clicked,
the presentation suspends and a new Internet Explorer
window appears with the selected web site. When the new
window is closed, the control returns to the presentation at
the point it was suspended. This is useful for referencing
related content or for adding interactivity such as selfassessment measurements that the student can use to
determine their understanding of the material presented. The
link table is dynamic and the author can control the links that
appear during the presentation.
An eTEACH presentation is a single page in the Internet
Explorer web browser as shown in Figure 1. The video, table
of contents, slides, animations, and changing link tables are
automatically coordinated and function together as a logical
whole. The instructor who creates such a presentation begins
with compressed video, a set of slides, and some notion of
how the table of contents should be organized and what web
links should be available at different points during the
presentation. Once the presentation has been created, it must
be published on a web site or CD before students can access
it. The process of creating the presentation from video,
slides, and other materials is called “authoring.” Making
these materials available via the web or CD is called
“publishing.” While students both hear and view as well as
interact with the presentation, this activity is simply called
“viewing.” This section describes the technology behind the
viewing, authoring, and publishing processes.
Viewing – The Browser
An eTEACH presentation is comprised of two different
types of digital resources, streaming video materials and
web-based materials. The process of loading these resources
into a web browser begins when the student follows a link
from a course syllabus or other web page. Students need not
concern themselves with the fact that they are accessing
materials from two different servers, nor with how those
materials are coordinated. These tasks are handled by
JavaScript code that is automatically loaded into their
browsers along with the HTML in the web pages.
The initial web page is called “top.html.” The HTML in
this file initializes each of the frames needed for the video,
table of contents, slides, and web links. The sizes and
locations of the frames are defined in an internal HTML
0-7803-7444-4/02/$17.00 © 2002 IEEE
November 6 - 9, 2002, Boston, MA
32nd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
style sheet. If the author uses eTEACH’s ability to change
layouts during the course of the presentation, multiple style
definitions are used for each frame. Changes in the layout
geometry are affected by simply switching styles. Each
presentation will contain a frame for the video player, and a
frame for the table of contents. Most presentations also
contain a frame for slides, and many contain other frames for
web links or other purposes as defined by the presentation
author. Code in the “top.html” file loads specific HTML
pages into the video and table of contents frames which
contain the code that implements their functionality.
The web page loaded into the ToC frame includes
HTML to create the ToC as well as the JavaScript code
which coordinates activities while the presentation is in
progress. This page contains an internal HTML style sheet
that defines styles for the ToC entries. During the
presentation the currently playing ToC entry is indicated by
use of a larger font and highlighted color. Entries that have
been previously viewed are indicated by a text “strike
through” and a “diminished” font color. These changes are
affected by switching styles. Immediately upon startup, the
ToC page loads another file called “Presentation.XML.”
This file contains information needed to access the video
stream. If the lecture is being viewed from a CD, this is
simply the name of the video file. For web-based
presentations both the name of the video file and the IP
address of the server are included. In either case script
running in the ToC frame passes this information to script in
the video frame which loads the video stream.
The video file has been specially prepared by inserting
“markers” at each time offset in the video where an
animation, slide change, or other event should occur. Each
time the video reaches a marker, an event is generated that
triggers code in the video frame. This code informs code in
the ToC frame that a marker has been reached, and that it
should update things accordingly. This code updates the ToC
and instructs other frames to load new materials or perform
animations as appropriate. In most cases the presentation
author has placed a ToC entry and an introductory slide at
offset zero in the file. Thus as soon as the video starts to
play, the first slide displays and the first ToC entry is
highlighted. As the video progresses, further slide changes,
animations, and ToC entry changes are triggered at
appropriate times. When the student clicks on a ToC entry,
the same actions are triggered as if the video had reached the
corresponding marker. However, in this case the code also
requests the video server to “jump” to the indicated marker.
Thus in the normal case, events in the video stream “drive”
the ToC and other content changes, but when the student
clicks on the ToC, it drives the video to the new location.
The student can also move around in the presentation using a
trackbar, fast-forward and rewind controls, or specially
designed “jog” controls which move the video forward or
backward 10 or 30 seconds. In all theses cases, movement
within the video stream drives the table of contents, and
thereby all the other frames as required.
Authoring – The Presentation Production
The authors of eTEACH presentations are typically college
professors, instructional staff, teaching assistants or other
student helpers. Authors are expected to be familiar with
common computer applications, but not the inner workings
of eTEACH. The “authoring tool” in eTEACH does most of
the technical work automatically and allows the author to
concentrate on the presentation of the materials. Several
high-quality video editing programs are available on the
commercial market, so video editing capabilities are not
included in the eTEACH authoring tool.
Authors start with a video file that has already been
edited and contains the exact sequence of events they want
the viewer to see. Presumably, they have prepared their
PowerPoint “slide deck” before shooting the video, so that is
also ready. Instructors who want to provide accessibility for
hearing-impaired students should also have their closed
captioning data prepared before beginning the eTEACH
authoring process. The authoring tool starts by building a
directory which holds all files associated with the
presentation, then allows the instructor to “import” the
video, PowerPoint, and closed captioning files. The
authoring process consists of making decisions about the
timing, coordination, and display of the imported materials.
eTEACH author stores all these decisions in an XML based
file called “Presentation.XML.” If the instructor wants to
make modifications to an existing presentation, the
authoring tool reads the corresponding XML file to learn
about all the decisions that have already been made,
allowing the author to continue from where they previously
left off.
In addition to creating the XML file, the authoring tool
places the markers in the video file, generates dynamic
HTML code to affect all the PowerPoint slides and
animations, and writes the custom JavaScript code to
manage the table of contents, video player, and all
interactions with the viewer. The authoring tool provides a
preview of the developing presentation so that authors can
conveniently view the outcomes of the decisions they are
The authoring tool is a Windows application program
with a graphical user interface. This application is built
using the DotNET technology recently released by
Microsoft. The graphical user interface is entirely custom
coded in C#, but the underlying functionality relies heavily
on leveraging existing COM components and parts of the
DotNET framework. The XML processing is provided by
standard classes available in the framework, and markers are
inserted into the video files by an external COM component.
The PowerPoint application is accessed directly for analysis
of the slides and animations as well as to create the dynamic
HTML code which implements those items on the world
wide web. A web browser COM component is utilized for
the built-in preview functionality.
0-7803-7444-4/02/$17.00 © 2002 IEEE
November 6 - 9, 2002, Boston, MA
32nd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
Publishing – The Web and Video Servers
eTEACH presentations can be disseminated either through
the world wide web or via CD. The process is similar for
both technologies, with some differences due to the different
limitations associated with each. In either case the ultimate
display engine is a web browser, and the viewer generally
accesses presentations by following a link from a syllabus or
index page.
In the case of the world wide web, the video files must
be hosted on a Windows Media Server and all other files are
hosted on a web server. The primary limitation here is
bandwidth, with the largest consideration being the video
bandwidth, since this is generally much larger than the
bandwidth required by the accompanying materials. While
available bandwidth does vary somewhat by time of day due
to network load, the main consideration is the kind of
network connection the viewer has available. For students
on a campus local area network, video recorded at 300
kilobits per second (Kbps), provides very good quality at the
sizes needed for eTEACH lectures. A 100 Kbps version for
those students with cable or DSL connections at home is
also provided. At this bitrate the video looks nearly as good
as at 300 Kbps, but motion tends to be less smooth. For the
“talking head” lecture videos usually associated with
eTEACH, this is seldom a problem, and most students are
quite comfortable watching the videos at 100 Kbps. For
modem users there are two alternatives – 37 Kbps video and
16 Kbps audio-only. At these low bitrates the video tends to
be “choppy,” but some students prefer that to not seeing the
video at all. The audio-only version provides very clear
spoken audio and should work for nearly every student with
a telephone connection to the internet. The authoring tool
has built-in support for publishing each lecture at a variety
of bitrates making it easy for instructors to provide
alternatives for viewers with varying network connections.
Publishing eTEACH lectures on a CD is also a good
alternative, and eliminates any requirement for viewers to be
connected to a network. Here the main limitation is not
bandwidth, but space on the CD. Using 100 Kbps video, an
entire semester’s worth of presentations fits on a single CD,
which is very convenient. It is also possible to combine CD
based instruction with web-based materials by including
links to sites on the web in the eTEACH presentation. In this
case both the video and all the other materials that are a
direct part of the presentation come from the CD, but the
student can still be directed to external websites for
additional enrichment.
The use of information technology such as eTEACH must be
guided by curriculum reform incentives[1]. A large
enrollment undergraduate computer sciences course called
“Engineering Problem Solving Using Computers”, CS 310,
served as the testbed for application of eTEACH. CS 310
was chosen because there was the potential for a large
impact using information technology. Also, being a
computer sciences course, the use of computer technology
for the pedagogical aspects of the course would not be
intrusive. The course content is briefly described, the reform
features are described and then the reform process is
Computer Sciences 310 Content
Computer Sciences 310 is a 3 credit course taken by about
300 engineering sophomores and juniors each semester. The
course treats seven problem solving areas.
 Symbolic computation using Maple
 Simple programming using Matlab
 Linear systems using Maple and Matlab
 Numerical errors and convergence
 Ordinary differential equations using Maple and Matlab
 Eigenvalue problems using Matlab
 Data interpolation and approximation using Matlab
Each semester has about 14 weeks of class. It is required of
Chcmical, Mechanical, Civil and Environment, and
Engineering Physics students and is an elective for Industrial
Engineering students. The problems in the course are taken
from these disciplines and the emphasis is on problem
solving and not on the specific engineering discipline.
Course notes are provided. There is no required text.
Computer Sciences 310 Reforms
Before Fall 2000 CS 310 was taught in a typical university
format. Two large lectures per week were given by a
professor and and one computer lab session per week was
taught by a teaching assistant. Printed course notes were
available at a local copy store. Student evaluations of the
course expressed dissatisfaction with this arrangement,
stating that the lectures and labs were disconnected. The
lectures covered mainly mathematical methods while the
computer labs covered the software tools. Teaching in this
format to so many students, it was nearly impossible for the
professor to see the learning process in the individual
students. This led to a number of misconceptions of the
students’ level of understanding and some mismatches
between faculty expectations and student performance.
The reformed course, taught first in Fall 2000, has a
very different format. First, there are no scheduled lectures.
The lectures are on-line in the form of eTEACH
presentations. Students view them at their own convenicnce
using the computer labs in the College of Engineering or in
their dorm rooms (with ethernet connectivity) or at their
residence using either cable or DSL service. An on-line quiz
covering the week’s lecture material is due on Wednesday
night to give an incentive to view the eTEACH presentation.
On either Monday or Tuesday the student attends a so-called
“individual lab” section with one student per computer to
work through a self-guided programming tutorial that covers
features of Maple or Matlab. This lab is mentored by a
0-7803-7444-4/02/$17.00 © 2002 IEEE
November 6 - 9, 2002, Boston, MA
32nd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
teaching assistant (TA) and is similar to the pre-reform lab.
There are roughly 13-16 sections of the individual lab
Second, on Thursday and Friday students attend a new
“team lab” section that is taught by a professor and a TA. In
this specially designed team lab with 12 computer
workstation “pods,” three students work together at a
computer station to solve comprehensive engineering
problems assigned for the lab. They discuss the problem and
solution methods and programming techniques in an active
learning setting. They are graded only on attendance at the
lab, removing the pressure to completely finish the
assignment and instead concentrate on learning the material.
There are about 10-12 team lab sections.
The team lab allows the professor to be close to the
students and to observe their learning processes first hand.
This is one of the strongest features of this reformed format.
It is difficult to quantify the impact of changing the totally
detached approach of lecturing in a large hall to working
within inches of 3-student teams as they try to solve
problems. However, the experience teaching in both formats
convinces the authors that the active learning setting is
vastly superior to the lecture format. The eTEACH
presentations free the professor from the low-quality student
contact time spent in large lecture halls and allow the
professor to spend that time in active learning team lab
sections. The eTEACH presentations continue to provide
guidance to the students as they navigate through the course
material. However, in the reformed format, the presentation
becomes simply one more resource for the student, along
with the course notes, student-to-student peer discussion,
etc. The lecture is removed as the passive teaching
centerpiece of the course. The combined use of on-line
eTEACH presentations and active learning team labs has
been described as “reversing the lecture-homework
paradigm.” The student does not attend the lecture in class
and learn the problem solving skills at home, but instead
“attends” the lecture out of class, and practices the problem
solving with the professor in class[4].
Third, the course notes, lab assignments, and eTEACH
presentations are all on-line using the WebCT course
management system. Wednesday quizzes are taken on-line
using the WebCT quiz feature. Team lab attendance is
conveniently taken on-line using the WebCT quiz feature
(quiz has one question and one answer—“I am here”).
Computer Sciences 310 Reform Process
The process of developing the reformed format for CS 310
using eTEACH was staged over one semester and a summer
followed by an additional summer’s activity. The course was
taught in Spring 2000 semester as a normal lecture format,
but the lecture material was authored onto PowerPoint slides
rather than writing on the blackboard or using overhead
transparencies. The eTEACH presentations and the team lab
exercises were created in the Summer 2000 by a team of two
professors, one programmer and 12 undergraduate students
who had previously taken the course. This was run like an
engineering project with milestones and deadlines to give
the students experience in open-ended development. It was
also very real-world because no large lecture hall had been
reserved for the course in the fall! Had this effort failed, the
negative consequences were very large. Needless to say it
was a success.
Using these new materials, the course was taught in Fall
2000 and Spring 2001. Comprehensive evaluations were
conducted both semesters by the LEAD Center. Students
were given homework credit for completing the 80 question
on-line survey. This ensured nearly 100% participation.
Selected students in the course were interviewed. The
faculty and students who prepared the materials were
interviewed. This collection of data, attitudes and
experiences underwrites the outcomes and conclusions of
this paper.
In these two semesters various problems were identified
and corrected. The most serious problem was that some team
lab exercises were too lengthy to complete in the allotted
The on-line materials were hosted on a dedicated web
and video server that was custom programmed. The
reliability of the on-line technology was nearly 100%
according to the student survey. eTEACH worked perfectly.
In the Summer 2001 major improvements were made by
four faculty, a programmer and a new team of undergraduate
students. The eTEACH presentations were reshot. The
presentations of Summer 2000 were videotaped outside “on
location” around the UW campus and city of Madison. This
created interesting and sometimes amusing settings
(elephants at the zoo in the background), but it created
problems with the compressed video. Rapidly changing
backgrounds, like fluttering leaves, consume excessive of
bandwidth. Therefore the presentations were sometimes
choppy, even though the speaker was standing still.
Sometimes the audio was poor quality due to wind or traffic
noise. This poor quality was corrected by shooting inside
with a monochrome backdrop to avoid the problem of
bandwidth consumption by extraneous movement. This
background is shown in Figure 1. The Summer 2001
presentations are noticably smoother, albeit not as amusing.
The course notes and lab writeups were converted from
Microsoft Word documents to HTML documents for more
convenient viewing on the web. The host website was
moved to the institutionally supported WebCT course
management site. The video was served by a dedicated video
server operated by the College of Engineering computing
center. These were important steps to prove that eTEACH
could be used with institutionally supported web or video
facilities. The use of eTEACH v2 allowed animation in the
PowerPoint slides for the new presentations, a feature
unavailable during Summer 2000. This was used extensively
in the Summer 2001 presentations. Finally, the enhanced
0-7803-7444-4/02/$17.00 © 2002 IEEE
November 6 - 9, 2002, Boston, MA
32nd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
eTEACH features identified by the student survery were
included in the Summer 2001 presentations.
Almost 60% of the students felt that in comparison to other
courses the on-line version of CS 310 gave them more
control over the pace and method by which they learned the
material, but as a tradeoff for this greater degree of control,
64% felt the course also required more self-discipline than
most courses. Seventy eight percent of students reported that
it was more convenient to view eTEACH presentations
according to their own schedule than it would have been to
attend a live lecture at a scheduled time. Forty one percent of
students viewed eTEACH in a college computer lab and
37% watched in their dorm room or apartment. The majority
of students made use of eTEACH’s ability to stop the video
in order to take notes, 81%, to go back over parts of the
presentation in the same sitting, 89%, or to review
presentations they had watched earlier, 67%. This clearly
supports the hypothesis that the use of on-line eTEACH
presentations altered the study habits of the students and the
presentations took the role of a learning resource rather than
the traditional lecture role of a scheduled “teaching event.”
The use of eTEACH as a review resource is demonstrated by
viewing statistics from the video server shown in Figure 2.
The viewing of the current week’s presentation is subtracted
from the total viewing time, thus Figure 2 displays the
viewing of presentations for future and past weeks. The
three exam weeks are those where the review viewing time
peaks. Thus, in addition to the normal viewing, this is
evidence that students use the eTEACH presentations in a
way that is very different from the once-through classroom
Forty seven percent of students watched all 13 eTEACH
presentations and 75% watched 10 or more. Fifty six percent
of students watched the lecture at least two days before the
team lab that the presentation applied to and another 30%
watched in the day or hours before the team lab. Recall that
students were motivated to view the presentations before
Wednesday night by an on-line quiz deadline of 6 PM on
eTEACH was successfully used in the curriculum reform of
a large enrollment computer sciences course taken by
engineering students. The evaluation of the reform
demonstrated that students used the eTEACH on-line
presentations differently than they would use a conventional
college lecture. Students liked the on-line presentation in
comparison to a large lecture format; they liked the selfpaced approach to learning that this provided. They liked the
active learning team lab taught by the faculty that took the
place of the conventional lecture. The features of eTEACH
were improved, based upon the student survey. The process
of curriculum reform using eTEACH was improved in the
second summer’s activity. ETEACH is a stable learning
technology tool that has demonstrated its effectiveness in
education reform.
The authors acknowledge the students who participated
in making this project a success: Kim Benson, Alice Chen,
Dave Farnia, Megan Gibbs, Mary Flynn, Mike Freeman,
Nick Hanson, Lisa Kamke, James Masanz, Jeff Masters,
John Mickelson, Dan Mueller, Jim Neckvatal, Eugenia Ng,
Monica Petrie, Derek Ploor, Patrick Pollard, Jen Schwarz,
Tim Snell, Keith Tschohl, and Kevin Yttre.
National Science Foundation, Shaping the Future: New Expectations
for Undergraduate Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering,
and Technology, 1996.
Millis, B. J., “Introducing faculty to cooperative learning,” Teaching
Improvement Practices: Successful Strategies for Higher Education,
1995, pp. 127-154.
eTEACH website,
Foertsch, J., G. Moses, J. Strikwerda, and M. Litzkow, “Reversing the
Lecture/Homework Paradigm Using eTEACH Web-based Streaming
Video Software,” J. Engr. Ed., (submitted). Also see pre-print version
0-7803-7444-4/02/$17.00 © 2002 IEEE
November 6 - 9, 2002, Boston, MA
32nd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference