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SW 343
University of Portland
Dr. Rogers
Group Presentations
Think about the presentation as your opportunity to help the class learn
more about your topic. Talk about what you learned, what you found interesting,
things you might disagree with, questions you have after learning more, ideas you
might have to help work with the issue, ethical issues or controversies on the topic,
etc. Use the sections of your paper to help inform your presentation (e.g., maybe you
really think the theory you used should be used in practice but it’s not. You could tell
us why). Groups can organize presentations however they wish. Just be sure that
you’re not presenting redundant information. All presenters should have their
powerpoints up and ready to go before class begins (in other words, don’t take time
between presentations to upload your presentation). Each person will have 10-12
minutes to speak including time for questions – so individuals can use the full time
for themselves, or groups can combine those minutes for more integrated
presentations. You are expected to be in class when you’re not presenting. People
invest a lot of time and thought into these papers and presentations; please give
them the respect of attending, listening, and asking thoughtful questions.
Sexual Abuse/Sex Trafficking
Morgan LaFontaine
Marissa Kelly
Yuri Hernandez
Violence Against Women/Older Adults/Victims of Crime/Trauma
Cassie Esparza
Megan Leon Guerrero
Elise Chow
Children Experiencing Divorce/Incarcerated Parents/Poverty
Becca Tabor
Laura Forsythe
Paul Steiner
Addictions/Substance Abuse/Eating Disorders
McKenzie Oliver
Patricia Stein
Laura Parsons
Adoption/Foster Care
Michaela Bailey
Elisha Codding
Laura Leonard
Micaela Capelle
Jaclyn Sisto
Carina Chavarria