Pierce College Bio 242 Anatomy and physiology INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Instructor: Joseph Cates-Carney ND. Phone: 253-864-3399 E-mail jcarney@pierce.ctc.edu Office location: L114 Office hours: M-Th 10-12, TTh 4-5 and by appointment. TEXTBOOKS AND SUPPLIES · Required Materials: Human Anatomy and Physiology 8th ed. Marieb, Hoehn Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual, 8th ed. Marieb, Mitchell Colored pencils, paper in lab · NOTE: It is recommended that you bring the text to each class, as it will be referred to frequently. Reading assignments must be completed prior to classes for which they are assigned. Any material from the required reading assignments is testable. Meeting Time and Place Lecture room: LSC 206 (lecture) LSC 144 (lab) Class days and times: Lab Tuesday, Thursday 3:30-5:30; 7:20-9:10 Class Tuesday, Thursday 5:30-7:10 Course Description This is the second course of a two quarter study of body structure and related physiology on cellular through system levels. Includes an in-depth study of endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems Course Format The format of this course is a combination of lecture, small group discussion or projects, general class discussions, writing assignments and lab investigations as possible Attendance and classroom expectations. Regular attendance is essential to your success in this course. If you miss a class, you are responsible for getting missed material from a classmate. Lab attendance is required. If you are anticipate being absent on the day of an exam, please make arrangements before the test date. Unanticipated test make-ups may not be allowed, or may be subject to substantial point penalty. Practical tests and quizzes cannot be made-up, if missed. Be aware that your movements and noise (shuffling papers, closing books, zipping backpacks) when arriving late or departing early are disruptive to other students and that it is common courtesy to keep these disruptions to a minimum. If you cannot be mentally present in class, i.e., you feel the need to read the newspaper or other irrelevant materials, sleep, or be otherwise disengaged...please do not come to class- it is distracting to others. The use of pagers, text messaging devices or cell phones is strongly discouraged during class time, except for emergency purposes. If use is observed, you will be asked to leave the room. Plagiarism and cheating Any required coursework (assignments, projects, tests, etc.) in which one has represented someone else's work as their own is plagiarism. Plagiarism includes allowing others to misrepresent your work as their own. Cheating will result in a zero score for the work on which cheating occurred (assignments, exams, and any other required coursework). Class Accommodations Students with disabilities who believe they may need academic adjustments, auxiliary aids or services to fully participate in course requirements are encouraged to register with the Access and Disability Services (ADS) Office, Room 115 in the Administration Building. You may also call the ADS Office to make an appointment to meet with the ADS Coordinator at (253) 840-8335 or 253-864-3301. Students requesting accommodations must obtain the “Approved Quarterly Academic Adjustments, Auxiliary Aids or Services" (green) form provided by ADS. Assignments and Projects You may be given a variety of individual and group assignments and projects throughout the quarter. All assignments are to be written clearly (preferably typed), with correct spelling and grammar and with sources cited properly. If you are absent on a day in which student groups complete in-class assignments or projects, you may not be able to make-up that assignment or project. Therefore, your regular attendance is critical to your ability to complete and achieve credit for all assignments and projects. Emergency Procedures for Classrooms Call 911 and then Campus Safety in response to an imminent threat to persons or property. In the event of an evacuation (intermittent horns & strobes), gather all personal belongings and leave the building using the nearest available safe exit. Be prepared to be outside for one hour and stay a minimum of 200 feet from any building or structure. So long as it is safe to do so students are expected to stay on campus and return to class after evacuations that last less then 15 minutes. Do not attempt to re-enter the building until instructed by an Evacuation Director (identified by orange vests) or by three horn blasts or bell rings. Please notify the nearest Campus Safety Officer or Evacuation Director of any one left in the building or in need of assistance. Puyallup Campus Safety (253) 840-8481 Lab Quizzes Students should expect a quiz at the start of lab every week at a minimum, with 2 during some weeks. Quizzes will be announced and cover material presented in the previous lab or two. Missed quizzes cannot be “made-up” Lecture Pop quizzes Students should be prepared for quizzes on recent material. These may be at anytime during a class period. Because it is understood students may need to miss class occasionally, the overall grade quiz assumes 6 quizzes to achieve 5 quizzes worth of points. For example: if there were 6 quizzes total at 10 points each the quiz grade would be based on 50 points =100%. In this way, one missed quiz receives no penalty, and full points on all 6 quizzes provides an opportunity for “extra” points. Missed quizzes cannot be “made-up”. Calculation of your grade Lecture exams: 3@ 100pts Final exam (comprehensive) 150 Lab Quizzes (total average/100)* 100 Pop lecture quizzes** 75 Lab tests 2@ 100 pts Total 300 150 100 75 200 825 Other assignments may also be included, with points added into the exam total or lab quiz total as appropriate ** “Pop” lecture quizzes: as discussed in class. Your final percentage of points earned in the course will be calculated as follows: points earned / possible points = percentage of points earned Your final percentage of points earned translates into a decimal grade or letter grade: Percentage / Grade point 96-100 4 94-95 3.9 92-93 3.8 91 3.7 89-90 3.6 88 3.5 86-87 3.4 85 3.3 81-82 3.2 80 3.0 79 2.9 77 2.7 76 2.6 75 2.5 74 2.4 73 2.3 72 2.2 Percentage / Grade point 71 2.1 70 2.0 69 1.9 68 1.8 67 1.7 66 1.6 65 1.5 64 1.4 63 1.3 62 1.2 61 1.1 60 1.0 58-59 0.9 56-57 0.8 55 0.7 <55 0.0 Please note that the schedule is subject to adjustment based upon the needs and progress of the class. Under no circumstances will individual extra credit assignments be given.