State Float Grading Rubric

13 Colonies Time Machine
Grading Rubric
13 Colonies Time Machine
Grading Rubric
Name: _______________
Date: _______________
Name: _______________
Date: _______________
____ /5 Cover Page and Title
____ /5 Cover Page and Title
______/5 Date you traveled back to is
included in the paper
______/5 Date you traveled back to is
included in the paper
____ /10 Has an interesting introduction
that informs the reader where you are.
____ /10 Has an interesting introduction
that informs the reader where you are.
____/55 Main Events in the body of the
story include the following items:
(5 pts each)
__ the colony you are in
__ the people you live with
__ the house and location
__ daily work you completed
(gender specific)
__ school and activities
__ at least one game you played
__ religion of the colony
__ government of the colony
__ at least one historical person
you encountered
__ examples of how you completed
daily tasks
__ details about how you got back
to present day
____/55 Main Events in the body of the
story include the following items:
(5 pts each)
__ the colony you are in
__ the people you live with
__ the house and location
__ daily work you completed
(gender specific)
__ school and activities
__ at least one game you played
__ religion of the colony
__ government of the colony
__ at least one historical person
you encountered
__ examples of how you completed
daily tasks
__ details about how you got back
to present day
____/10 Conclusion
____/10 Conclusion
____/10 Spelling/conventions/grammar
____/10 Spelling/conventions/grammar
____/5 Complete sentences
____/5 Complete sentences
____/100 Total
____/100 Total
Grade: _______
Grade: _______
13 Colonies Newspaper
Grading Rubric
13 Colonies Newspaper
Grading Rubric
Name: _______________
Date: _______________
Name: _______________
Date: _______________
____ /5 Name of Newspaper with date
____ /5 Name of Newspaper with date
____/35 Editorial: Which region you
would live in and why needs to include:
(5 pts each)
__ Interview with founder of the
__ Weather/Climate
__ daily work colonies do (both
male and female)
__ which country founded the
__ religion of the colony
__ government of the colony
__ what type of food was available
____/35 Editorial: Which region you
would live in and why needs to include:
(5 pts each)
__ Interview with founder of the
__ Weather/Climate
__ daily work colonies do (both
male and female)
__ which country founded the
__ religion of the colony
__ government of the colony
__ what type of food was available
____ /10 At least two advertisements for
that colony
____ /10 At least two advertisements for
that colony
____/30 At least 3 articles comparing
and contrasting each of the three major
____/30 At least 3 articles comparing
and contrasting each of the three major
____/10 3-way Venn Diagram comparing
the 3 regions.
____/10 3-way Venn Diagram comparing
the 3 regions.
____/10 Spelling/Conventions/Grammar
____/100 Total
____/100 Total
Grade: _______
Grade: _______
13 Colonies Powerpoint
Grading Rubric
13 Colonies Powerpoint
Grading Rubric
Name: _______________
Date: _______________
Name: _______________
Date: _______________
____ /5 Has at least 24 slides
____ /5 Has at least 24 slides
____/35 One slide for each colony (13
total) Each slide should include:
(5 pts each)
__ founder of the colony
__ Weather/Climate
__ daily work colonies do (both
male and female)
__ which country founded it
__ religion of the colony
__ government of the colony
__ what type of food was available
____/35 One slide for each colony (13
total) Each slide should include:
(5 pts each)
__ founder of the colony
__ Weather/Climate
__ daily work colonies do (both
male and female)
__ which country founded it
__ religion of the colony
__ government of the colony
__ what type of food was available
____ /25 Founders of the colonies slides
(three slides total) Each slide should
include: (5 points each)
__Name of founder
__Region they founded
__Colony they founded
__Country they were from
__Why they founded the colony
____/10 Issues colonist faced (both good
and bad) Must have 4 slides.
____ /25 Founders of the colonies slides
(three slides total) Each slide should
include: (5 points each)
__Name of founder
__Region they founded
__Colony they founded
__Country they were from
__Why they founded the colony
____/10 Issues colonist faced (both good
and bad) Must have 4 slides.
____/10 four slides describing food,
clothing, housing and games.
____/5 Pictures/realistic clip art used on
every slide (no animation/character clips).
____/10 four slides describing food,
clothing, housing and games.
____/5 Pictures/realistic clip art used on
every slide (no animation/character clips).
____/5 Spelling/Conventions/Grammar
____/5 Spelling/Conventions/Grammar
____/5 Bibliography
____/5 Bibliography
____/100 Total
Grade: _______
____/100 Total
Grade: _______