Chapter 1 Study Guide

Chapter 1 Study Guide
Exam on Friday 10-2-15 (Tentative)
Turn in Study Guide for 20 pts
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Vocabulary (ALL THE WORDS)
Section 1: P: 2-3
1. What is a common need that all people have?
2. Why did the government of the United States form?
3. What are 2 reasons that the colonists decided to form their own government?
4. Which 2 ancient civilizations influenced American government?
Section 2: P: 4-5
5. Which 3 groups were rulers of Greece?
6. What was the ruling body of Greece?
7. What kind of government did Greece have?
8. What was the ruling body of Rome?
9. What kind of government did Rome have?
10. What is the difference between a democracy and a republic?
11. What power did the common people have in Rome?
12. Why do we learn about the ancient Greek and Roman governments?
Section 4: P: 10-12
13. Why did the Pilgrims leave England?
14. What 3 important things were written in the Mayflower Compact?
15. What was the House of Burgesses and where was it?
16. Who was Thomas Hooker and what did he and his followers create?
17. What was the first colony to have a constitution?
18. What was the first colony to have public schools?
19. What was the first colony to have elected representatives?
20. Who was John Peter Zenger and why is he important?
21. Who were the Puritans and why were they important?
Section 5: P: 14-16
22. Why did England begin to interfere with the colonies?
23. What was the Stamp Act?
24. Why did the colonists create the First Continental Congress?
25. What good did the colonists boycott and throw into the ocean?
26. When did the Revolutionary War begin and where (which two cities)?
27. Which countries helped the colonies during the Revolutionary War?
28. Declaration of Independence:
a. Who wrote it:
b. What 3 rights should people have:
c. Who was it sent to:
d. What date was it approved: