7th Grade Syllabus

7th Grade Humanities Course Syllabus
Mrs. Fedoryk
Room 28
Contact Information: lynn-fedoryk@scusd.edu
Course Description:
The purpose of this course is to promote academic excellence in English Language Arts and the
Social Sciences through enhanced experiences in literature, research, writing, speaking, listening,
and critical thinking.
The content will include, but not be limited to, the use of the textbooks Holt Literature and
Language Arts (First Course) and History Alive!: “The Medieval World and Beyond”, the study of
contemporary and classic novels, application of the writing process for a variety of purposes and
audiences, the study of advanced vocabulary, practice of formal and informal speaking and
listening activities, and utilization of critical thinking skills in class and in the completion of
This is a GATE class. As such, there will be greater expectations and responsibilities. You are
expected to exhibit strong academic behaviors and conscientiousness throughout the school year.
You can expect this class to be challenging, but as long as you stay organized, use your class time
wisely, follow directions in class carefully, work hard in class and at home, you will be successful
and make yourself proud. You will also be gaining the knowledge and work habits that will
contribute to your success in 8th grade, high school and beyond.
Materials Necessary for Success:
Students will need to bring the following items to class every session 1 inch binder organized with 5 tabbed dividers
 Pencil and/or pen (it is your responsibility to have an eraser and lead)
 Extra pencils
 Binder paper
 8 MB (or smaller) flash drive
Class Rules:
Respect yourself and others
Stay on task
Raise your hand to speak
No gum, candy, or cell phones (should be turned off, in backpack)
Follow all school rules in the Student Handbook
Verbal warning
10 minute time-out
Detention/parent is contacted
Referral to principal
***Students who have consistent behavior issues will not be allowed to attend privilege
activities, such as field trips, dances, and rallies.
Late Work:
Late work will automatically be marked down by 10 percent.
Missed Work:
It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the assignments, notes & any other pertinent
information that is missed during an absence.
Work assigned or completed during your absence will be due within the same number of
days as you have missed.
Course Grading Scale:
A = 90-100%
B = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
D = 60-69%
F = 59% and below
Coursework Weighting:
Writing/ Projects
Parents: Students will receive a monthly calendar and assignment log. Please
review your child’s homework and assignment log regularly. In addition, please
check your child’s grades on a weekly basis on Zangle. You will also be able to see
due dates for upcoming projects and assignments. Please email me with any
questions you may have about homework, grades or upcoming assignments. If you
have any questions about how to log on to Zangle, please contact the front office at
Students: Please have parents review this syllabus, sign, and return
THIS PAGE ONLY by ______________________________. Keep the syllabus in
your binder for your reference.
PRINTED STUDENT NAME: ___________________________________
PRINTED PARENT NAME: _____________________________________
We have reviewed the course syllabus for Mrs. Fedoryk’s Humanities class.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Student Signature
Parent Email Address: _______________________ Parent Phone:_______________