Writing Lab 7/8 Syllabus 2014-2015 Mrs. Anne Tremonte tremontea@issaquah.wednet.edu 425-837-5925 Mrs. Tremonte’s website: http://connect.issaquah.wednet.edu/middle/pacificcascade /staff/mrs_tremonte/default.aspx OVERVIEW Welcome to Writing Lab 7/8! This trimester class is designed for students who struggle with writing and need additional instruction. Students will write and get feedback frequently and learn the “habits of mind” of a writer. The small class size will allow for one-on-one consultations with students about their writing, and a focus on targeting lessons to best serve student need. The class will follow a workshop structure, utilizing mini-lessons, in-class writing time, and shareouts. The lessons will mirror 7th and 8th grade language arts writing curriculum. This will allow for a previewing of materials that will put your student in the driver seat upon the beginning of these lessons. COURSE MATERIALS * Materials form the following educational curriculum will be utilized and taught in class. 1. Units of Study in Argument, Information, and Narrative Writing Middle School Series Bundle, Lucy Calkins and the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, Columbia University The following lessons are exemplary of the content taught: Imagining Stories You Wish Existed in the World Giving Characters Struggles and Motivations that Mirror Real Life Plotting with Tools: Story Arcs, Timelines, Lists, and Mentor Texts From 2-D to 3-D: Planning and Writing Scenes by Including Evidence Studying Published Texts to Write Leads Reading Drafts like Editors Thinking Big, Thinking Small: Ideas and Specifics Incorporating Evidence from the Text as a Means to Elaborate Reflection and Goal-Setting Using the Information Writing Checklist – and a MiniCelebration Reading Like Writers – and Writing about It Writing Introductions and Conclusions Weighing Evidence to Form Considered Positions Bam! Bolstering Positioning by Adding Relevant Evidence Brining a Critical Perspective to Your Research Self-Assessment with an Eye Toward Counterargument 2. Lessons That Change Writers, Nancy Atwell 3. Additional writing curriculum content by Ralph Fletcher and Prufrock Press STUDENT-PROVIDED MATERIALS 1. A system to electronically transport materials (USB drive, email, cloud system) 2. Pens, pencils, highlighters, etc. 3. 1 – 1½” Binder or Designated Section of Binder and Notebook Paper 4. Composition Notebook CLASS EXPECTATIONS 1. Please treat me with the same respect that I treat you. 2. Take responsibility for your own learning. 3. Please participate! 4. Respect your classmates. 5. If you cause a problem, I will ask you to solve it. If you cannot solve it or choose not to, I will intervene. 6. We will all come to class every day prepared, ready to learn, and with a good attitude. 7. We will follow school rules and expectations as stated in the PCMS planner. LOVE AND LOGIC The Love and Logic principles will guide how opportunities for learning and making mistakes are handled. Students will be asked to step back and think about behaviors that do not adhere to classroom expectations. Each situation will be responded to on an individual basis. Students are ultimately responsible for their own behavior. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY 1) All assignments are important to learning. It is necessary for all assignments to be completed and turned in on time. 2) ASSIGNMENTS TURNED IN LATE WILL NOT RECEIVE FULL CREDIT. ALL LATE WORK WILL BE PENALIZED 20%. 3) ANY LATE WORK MUST BE TURNED IN BEFORE THE UNIT TEST FOR ANY CREDIT. WORK TURNED IN AFTER THE UNIT TEST WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 4) If a student regularly turns in work late and cannot correct their behavior, these will be the interventions: a. student conference with the teacher b. parent contact c. student will be assigned 7th period until the behavior changes 5) No matter how planned and organized we are, sometimes life has other ideas. Please be proactive and communicate with me if you are going to be absent or if you cannot meet a deadline. Responsible students do this before an assignment is due. 6) If you are absent, please check the website from home to see what you missed. For each excused day of absence, you have one additional day to get work in. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up the work you missed and schedule any make up tests or quizzes. 7) Academic Integrity/Honesty Policy (see planner). Plagiarism, or academic dishonesty, is presenting someone else’s ideas or writing as your own. Do not plagiarize. UNDERSTANDING THE GRADE BOOK The grade book will reflect student mastery of the Common Core Standards. The focus of standards based grading is having the grade reflect what students know and understand. To earn an A in this class, students must exceed expectations. Completion of work alone is not a measure of student learning. Work must be completed to a high standard to earn a high grade. These standards will be made very clear to students. The grades will be weighted according to the following categories: 30% Assignments 50% Projects: Final Drafts of Essays 20% Speaking & Listening: Workshop Discussion and Sharing There will be absolutely no rounding of grades. Extra credit will not be an option, so be sure to complete all of your assignments and prepare for tests. Check Family Access often to track your progress and speak to your teacher right away if you have concerns. Learning is the absolute focus in the classroom. Students will have many opportunities to practice and demonstrate what they have learned. If students do not meet standards on major assessments, they will be provided with opportunities to meet standard. Writing Lab 7/8 2014-2015 SYLLABUS Welcome to Writing Lab 7/8! We are confident that this is going to be a fabulous and learning-filled year, and we look forward to working with and getting to know you! Please return this signed form indicating your understanding of the syllabus and confirming that you have reviewed this with your student. Your student may keep the other pages for reference in their school materials. Parents/Guardians Thank you, Anne Tremonte Mrs. Anne Tremonte tremontea@issaquah.wednet.edu 425-837-5925