Miss Specht - Butler Area School District

Geometry 2014-2015
Mrs. Matonak Room: 234
Phone: 724-214-3151 ext. 5511
E-mail: Krista_Matonak@butler.k12.pa.us
Course Outline:
Grading Scale:
Text: Geometry, Common Core Pearson
Textbooks are almost BRAND NEW!
They are to be returned in a similar fashion.
90% - 100%
80% - 89%
70% - 79%
60% - 69%
0% - 59%
Grading Policy:
Homework: Homework assignments will be given daily. Homework should be done in pencil.
Assignment number and problem numbers are to be written at top of page along with student’s name.
Each homework assignment is worth up to 3 POINTS. Assignments are reviewed on a daily basis.
Therefore, late work will not be accepted. Homework will be posted on Edline and the board. I will
check homework in one of the following ways:
Visual Spot Check by teacher (used to see if homework was attempted)
All work that is required in finding the solution should be shown.
(3) = At least 80% of the problems are completed
(2) = Between 80% and 65% of the problems are completed
(1)= Between 65% and 50% (inclusive) of the problems are completed
(0) = Less than ½ of the problems are completed or attempted
Homework Quiz (used to check for correctness)
I will select 5 questions from the homework in which you are to write down the answer.
The number of questions you get right is the number of points you receive on the
homework. Since homework is worth up to 3 points, 3 out of 5 correct is a perfect
score. It is possible to get bonus points. Students who get 4 out of 5 correct will
receive one bonus point, and those who get 5 out of 5 correct will receive two bonus
WAIT! What if I was absent??
As per the school district policy, absent students have five school days to make up
missed work. This is for missed material only. Previously assigned material is due
upon return. Previously assigned quizzes/tests are to be taken as scheduled unless NEW
MATERIAL is missed. All make-up work must still follow above instructions for
completion. If no work or homework number is shown, no points will be given and the
chance for credit will be gone.
Project: A math project is required. It will be 10-15% of the marking period grade.
3. Jump Starts: Before each lesson, I will give you warm-up problems to complete. I will collect them
at the end of every week, and you will receive 1 point per day for attempting these problems.
4. Quizzes/Tests: These will be announced in advance to give you adequate time to prepare. During a
test, communicating with another student for any reason (whether related to the exam or not) will
result in an “E” for the test. On exams, when the problem has one answer and I am given two answers,
it will be marked wrong. Also, if I cannot read your answer, it is wrong. Make sure you complete the
tests/quizzes in PENCIL and that you show your work.
5. Final Exam: The material on these exams will cover everything learned in that semester.
6. Preparation and Participation: 3 points will be given weekly to the students who are prepared to
participate in class. This would include having all materials needed for class daily. These materials
should be on the desk and opened, so that the student is ready to proceed with the lesson.
3-ring Binder/Folder
Textbook –Books must be covered at all times.
Calculator – Scientific calculators will be provided in class when they are needed, but it is a good idea to
have a personal calculator that can be used for homework assignments as well.
 Compass, ruler, and protractor – These will be provided when needed in class. It is again a good idea to
have a set at home for use. These are reasonably priced and are available in most stores.
Missed Quiz/Test:
When a student is absent, any homework or project previously assigned is due on the assigned date. If a
student misses a quiz or test day, that students should be prepared to make up the quiz/test on the day of
return. It is the student’s responsibility to attain any missed work.
Classroom Rules:
1. Be respectful of your peers, the school, and the teacher.
This means that at no time in the classroom should I hear a negative comment about another student.
There should be no teasing/bullying other students, chair/desk abuse, speaking during announcements,
misuse of classroom resources, or general rudeness. This also means that when we are doing group
work, the noise level will remain at a level where all can think.
2. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise.
3. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.
4. No backpacks or purses should be on your desks during class. (I can tell when you’re texting…)
5. No personal grooming during class time.
Student Responsibilities:
Be ON TIME. School policy states that students should be in the classroom before the bell begins to
ring. After three tardies, students will be referred to the office. We will start class as soon as the bell
rings. This means that at the beginning of class, you should have all your materials ready (sitting in
your assigned seat, homework out and ready to go).
Be Prepared. Students are expected to have all of their materials with them each day for class.
Students will not be permitted to return to their locker for forgotten materials. Forgotten work that
is due will result in a zero.
Be respectful. Students are expected to treat the school community with respect. Possible
consequences are as follows:
 Warning
 Conference with teacher
 Parental contact
 Referral to office/School detention
 Work hard. Make sure you do your homework every night. Do your best and ask questions often in
class. Seek help when you need it.
Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian:
My name is Mrs. Matonak, and I will be teaching your son/daughter’s math course this year. In our rapidly
changing, technologically rich society, the importance of understanding and using mathematics in “realworld” applications is growing. I am really looking forward to working with your child to give him/her a
strong foundation in mathematics.
I have created a syllabus to let your child know what I expect from my students, and what they can expect
from me. Student compliance to these guidelines will contribute to a positive learning environment and to a
successful school year. By filling out and signing the back page of this letter, you are directly assisting your
child’s learning by helping to uphold the rules and policies that will enhance your child’s potential to succeed.
Please take a few minutes to go over the syllabus. Sign and return this page only. The attached papers are to
be kept in your son/daughter’s math binder for the entire school year. If you have any questions regarding my
policies or your son/daughter’s progress, please feel free to contact me anytime at 724-214-3151 ext. 5511 or
e-mail me at Krista_Matonak@butler.k12.pa.us
Thank you for your cooperation. I am looking forward to a successful school year!
Mrs. Matonak
Please turn to next side for information sheet…
Student Information Sheet
Student Name ____________________________________
Student Signature ___________________________________
We have read and fully understand
the rules and grading policies of
Mrs. Matonak’s math class.
Parent(s)/Guardian Name(s) _______________________________________
Parent(s)/Guardian Signature ___________________________________
Parent Home/Cell Phone _________________________________
Parent Email _________________________________________
Please list any additional information that you feel is important for me to know about your child:
9 / 10
(Please circle one) Homeroom Teacher______________________ HR # ______
When is your birthday? _____________________________
Who was your math teacher last year? _____________________________________
What math class did you take last year? _________________________________
What letter grade did you earn last year in math? ________________
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much effort do you put into doing well in math?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(Please circle one)
What is your favorite part about math? ______________________________________________________
What is your least favorite part about math? __________________________________________________
What is your goal this year for math? ________________________________________________________
(Example: Get a B, do all my homework…)
What is your favorite thing to do outside of school? ____________________________________________
Tell me one or more interesting facts about you _______________________________________________