COVA Collections Survey Initiative We have recently embarked on a survey of archaeological collections on a statewide basis. COVA’s Collections Committee has drafted a short questionnaire and disseminated it to approximately 135 institutions that curate, own, or exhibit archaeological collections including cities, counties, museums, contract companies, historical societies, libraries, state and federal parks, universities and colleges, military installations, and ASV Chapter presidents. The purpose of this assessment is threefold: 1) On a basic level, we would like assess how many archaeological collections are housed in the state. Understanding the size and scope of the archaeological collections database will aid in future coordinated regional planning and management of Virginia’s archaeological resources. 2) With your input, we would like to draft and make readily available complementary collections management policies or best practices among repositories in the region. 3) Finally, because repositories like yours are full of exciting and informative artifacts, photographs, and field records, we would like to develop a list that highlights the research potential of this material. What themes of research do your collections contribute towards? What collections have the potential to expand our understanding of Virginia’s unique and rich past? This list would help historic preservationists, historians, collections managers, archaeologists, and other museum professionals communicate the importance and highlight the non-renewable nature of archaeological collections to the public and stimulate future research by scholars. Please help us reach our goal of amassing an inventory of archaeological collections in Virginia and submit by December 15th, 2010! We understand that the questionnaire will require some time and effort on your part, but we hope that you will see the merit in this endeavor. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Collections Management Committee co-chairs ( or We look forward to sharing our results with you in the future.