2007 United Way Request for Proposal Helping Teens and Young Adults Succeed BACKGROUND Background United Way of Allegheny County (UWAC) has undertaken a multi-year effort to redesign the process of allocating unrestricted dollars from its Impact Fund in order to: Identify and address critical needs in our region Invest in agency partners – both current and new - that can best meet these needs Grow the Impact Fund to provide additional resources to our partners Help more people in need. UWAC believes the objective assessment of community needs is an important enhancement to our current agency allocation process. In 2006, as an early step in the redesign of the allocation process, UWAC assembled the Needs Assessment Task Team consisting of community stakeholders to make recommendations on priority areas that present both urgent needs and opportunities for significant impact by UWAC within Allegheny County. UWAC worked with the Office of Child Development (OCD), Division of Applied Research and Evaluation of the University of Pittsburgh to conduct a Community Needs Assessment to provide this task team with the necessary data to inform its recommendations on priority needs. The full Needs Assessment Report can be viewed on the UWAC web site: http://www.unitedwaypittsburgh.org/uploadedFiles/Find_Help/NeedsAssess06-07.pdf The 2007 Request for Proposals (RFP) is a pilot for the total allocation redesign. A generous donor has provided funds to be used in support of agencies that are not current UWAC partners. UWAC will be providing up to two years of funding to address a community priority identified by the Needs Assessment Task Team - Helping Teens and Young Adults Succeed. Additional critical needs will be addressed through funding priorities in subsequent years. Participants will be required to provide feedback throughout this pilot RFP process. This feedback will help UWAC to refine and improve the allocation and RFP process as we move forward. www.unitedwaypittsburgh.org Rev. 2/12/2016 1 2007 United Way Request for Proposal Helping Teens and Young Adults Succeed BACKGROUND Proposal Process A total of approximately $236,600 is planned for distribution in each of the next two years. Awards of up to $100,000, or no greater than 15 percent of an agency’s total budget, will be provided to agencies selected. Funding is for general operating support to assist agencies in producing outcomes in the priority need area. UWAC expects to make up to three awards from among the proposals received. The RFP involves a three-part process. Training and technical assistance will be available to assist applicants in the process. STEP 1: Due July 23, 2007 Applicants will email a Proposal Summary, and preliminary documentation including: a. Proposal Summary Form (three page maximum including the cover page). b. Evaluation Plan Form for the program / service for which funding is requested (two page maximum). c. Organizational Eligibility Form. d. Supporting documentation – IRS 501(c)(3) determination letter. STEP 2: Due September 13, 2007 By Invitation Only Applicants selected through Step 1 will be invited to email a Full Proposal, including: a. Detailed program description (five page maximum) b. Logic Model Form for the program /service for which funding is requested (two page maximum) c. Agency Budget Form d. Agency Self Assessment of Capacity e. Supporting documentation including: - audit(s) covering two years; - most recent IRS Form 990; - Board list f. The applicant may choose to submit a revised evaluation plan at this time, but it is not required. STEP 3: Target Dates – October 10 – October 24 Finalists in the selection process will participate in a Site Visit. The site visit, conducted by a multidisciplinary review team including community and corporate volunteers and UWAC staff, will focus both on the proposed service for which funding is requested, and a more in-depth exploration of the agency’s capacity. Applicants who are awarded funding will make a commitment to participate in capacity building and training as a condition of the grant. Year Two funding will be contingent on Year One performance. www.unitedwaypittsburgh.org Rev. 2/12/2016 2 2007 United Way Request for Proposal Helping Teens and Young Adults Succeed BACKGROUND Eligibility Applications may be submitted by a single agency or a collaborative of multiple agencies, providing that at least the lead agency meets the following criteria: 501(c)(3) organization located and providing a health or human service in Allegheny County and not currently a UWAC Partner agency In full compliance with all federal, state, county and local requirements and laws pertaining to non-profits, including the USA Patriot Act and other counterterrorism laws Meets the requirements of the Solicitations of Funds for Charitable Purposes Act passed by the Pennsylvania General Assembly in December, 1990 Is able to provide all documentation as noted in Step 1 and Step 2 Timeframe for Applicants 2007 June 22 RFP forms and information available on UWAC web site July 11 Information and training session for potential applicants June 22 - July 23 Technical Assistance available on preparation of Proposal Summary July 23 Step 1: Proposal Summary and related documents due August 13 Invitations to submit full proposals issued Aug 14 - Sept 13 Technical assistance available on full proposal preparation September 13 Step 2: Full proposals and related documents due October 3 Candidates for site visits notified October 10 - 24 Site visits completed October 26 Funding recommendations made by review teams to Impact Cabinet December 12 Funding approved by Board December 14 Agencies notified of funding decisions 2008 January 1 First year funding available www.unitedwaypittsburgh.org Rev. 2/12/2016 3 2007 United Way Request for Proposal Helping Teens and Young Adults Succeed BACKGROUND Benefits for Applicants and the United Way UWAC recognizes that this pilot application process will require an investment of time and effort. Applicants will benefit from participation in this pilot RFP in several ways, whether they are eventually funded or not. Specific benefits to all applicants include: Completion of the Organizational Eligibility Tool will inform applicants of any areas where they may be potentially out of compliance with federal or state regulations, or where they might not be engaging in widely recognized “best practices” for nonprofits. This will enable agencies to take corrective action if needed. Completion of the Logic Model and Evaluation Plan will provide applicants the opportunity to be sure that their program activities are leading to measurable, positive results for participants. It will provide a basis for effective program evaluation, an important tool for future fund raising efforts. Completion of the Agency Self Assessment is useful for agency executives, board members and staff to assist with planning for future growth and increased capacity for the agency. All applicants will be invited to participate in training and technical assistance to learn to use these tools and to apply them for their own strategic planning. UWAC will also benefit from the use of this pilot in two ways. It will help us identify and fund high performing agencies that are not current partners It will help us to evaluate and improve the process that is planned for future allocations UWAC will seek feedback from participants to enhance the process for future applicants and reviewers. All applicants must make a commitment to completing brief surveys evaluating the RFP process. www.unitedwaypittsburgh.org Rev. 2/12/2016 4 2007 United Way Request for Proposal Helping Teens and Young Adults Succeed BACKGROUND Funding Priorities Statement of Need The number of youth ages 15 to 24 has been increasing in Allegheny County, both in absolute numbers and as a percentage of the total population. While this is a promising trend in terms of the demographics of the county, there are critical needs to be addressed in this age group. There has been a 23 percent increase in the number of youth living in poverty since 1999. Among 20 to 24 year olds, the unemployment rate was ten percent in 2005 – markedly higher than the six to seven percent rate for the general labor force in the county during the same time period. Poverty rates and unemployment rates are even higher among African American teens and young adults. The overall unemployment rates for African Americans in 2005 were 10.3 percent, a 30 percent increase over five years. Academic proficiency, key to long term employment, is also a concern for this age group. Over 43 percent of the county’s 11th grade students do not meet PSSA proficiency standards in math. Over 31 percent are not proficient in reading. For youth in distressed areas of the county, the concerns are especially serious. A recent RAND study of the Pittsburgh Public Schools estimated that 35 percent of total students drop out during the entire course of high school, compared to the statewide estimated rate of 26 percent (Pennsylvania Department of Education). While the number of youth between the ages of 16 to 19 who are neither in school nor employed has declined in the county and statewide, it has risen sharply in the City of Pittsburgh. The paired problems of academic failure and high unemployment are taking a disproportionate toll among teens and young adults in other distressed areas of the county as well where fewer programs are available to address these needs. The ripple effects and co-occurring problems related to economic and academic problems faced by young people, especially in areas of the county with high poverty rates, are readily apparent. The rate of involvement in the juvenile justice system has increased sharply, and is especially high among African American youth. The youth death rate has risen sharply since the late 1990s, with homicide as a major cause. The 2005 Pennsylvania Youth Survey of 12th graders showed binge drinking, smoking and use of drugs to be above the national average. Mothers in this age group face a higher risk of not accessing prenatal care, having low birth weight babies, and raising their children in poverty, which in turn puts their children at risk for a host of long term health and developmental problems. The UWAC’s goal in addressing such serious community needs is to invest funds strategically, focusing on those areas where the investment can have far reaching positive effects. Through the 2007 RFP process we are looking for new nonprofit partners that can help us: Address academic failure and unemployment for youth ages 15 to 24 years Achieve the community and program outcomes outlined below Required Outcomes Proposals chosen for funding will focus on achieving and providing a comprehensive plan for measuring at least one of the following outcomes: Out of school youth return to school and graduate with proficiency, or complete a GED At risk youth stay in school and graduate with proficiency At risk or out of school youth engage in post-secondary training or secure employment appropriate to skill level with career advancement opportunities www.unitedwaypittsburgh.org Rev. 2/12/2016 5 2007 United Way Request for Proposal Helping Teens and Young Adults Succeed BACKGROUND Target Populations Proposed programs must serve one or more of the following target populations Youth who are not in school and not working Youth with poor school attendance or other risk factors for dropping out Youth with low grade point averages and low scores on standardized measures of academic proficiency Youth in areas of the city or county with high rates of poverty and low rates of high school graduation Proposals will be given priority when the programs also focus on one or more of the following groups: African American youth Single mothers Youth in areas without existing or sufficient neighborhood-based programs Youth with prior involvement in the juvenile, criminal justice or child welfare system Youth with drug and/or alcohol problems Scoring Criteria Proposals will be rated according to the following criteria: Priority Fit Does the program align with the United Way’s funding priorities? Does the program serve the target population? Does it serve targeted subpopulations? Is a high need neighborhood being served? (20 percent) Impact Is the program likely to meet the outcomes identified in the RFP for a significant number of participants? (20 percent) Agency Record and Experience What is the agency’s history serving the target population, delivering similar programs and/or achieving the desired outcomes? (15 percent) Program Model Is the model evidence based? Is there a process for continuous improvement? Does the program increase access to existing services? Can the group demonstrate a commitment to cultural competency? (20 percent) Comprehensive Approach Does the program design include partners and work across systems? Are the services designed to prevent the development of problems in the future? Are other relevant service providers clearly involved? Is a formal collaboration proposed? What is the agency’s experience with collaboration? (15 percent) Use of Funds / Leveraging What is the program’s budget, basis for sustainability and ability to leverage other dollars? (10 percent) www.unitedwaypittsburgh.org Rev. 2/12/2016 6 2007 United Way Request for Proposal Helping Teens and Young Adults Succeed BACKGROUND Examples of service strategies are listed below. Note this is not a comprehensive list and other strategies /approaches are welcome. Case management and family support to address multiple issues preventing school attendance and employment retention After-school programs that coordinate with the school’s curriculum so that participants attain proficiency Training/mentoring programs that teach/reinforce skills and workforce readiness Partnerships with child care providers so teen mothers may obtain training and employment & secure child development. www.unitedwaypittsburgh.org Rev. 2/12/2016 7