Chemistry – Ch 4 Review Sheet

Chemistry – Ch 5 Review Sheet
___1. Given a particle of mass m and velocity v, de Broglie’s hypothesis allows you to predict
the ___
a. position of the particle
c. wavelength of the particle
b. diameter of the particle
d. charge of the particle
___2. Which of the following is a possible value of electron spin?
a. 0
b. +1/2
c. 1
d. -1 ½
___3. Quantum mechanics would be used to predict the behavior of which of the following?
a. a collision between a photon and an electron
b. a projectile fired from a cannon
c. a ball dropped from a roof
d. a rocket launched from Earth
___4. Under what conditions would the wave properties of a particle be as important as the
particle properties in examining the behavior of the particle?
a. in the study of particles with a low mass and a low speed
b. in the study of particles with a high mass and a high speed
c. in the study of particles with a high mass and a low speed
d. in the study of particles with a low mass and a high speed
___5. As the speed of an electron increases, the wavelength of the electron will ___
a. increase
b. decrease
c. remain the same
d vary at random
___6. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle pointed out that it is impossible to the know the exact _
a. position and momentum of an electron at the same time
b. mass and charge of an electron at the same time
c. momentum and wavelength of an electron at the same time
d. wavelength and charge of an electron at the same time
___7. By using the square of the absolute value for the electron-wave amplitude, Max Born was
able to calculate the ___
a. wavelength of an electron
b. probability of finding an electron at a point in space
c. exact speed and position of an electron]
d. time required for an electron to orbit the nucleus
___8. Which of the following orbitals is spherical?
a. 3p
b. 2s
c. 4d
d. 5f
___9. The principal quantum number best describes which of the following characteristics?
a. shape of the electron cloud
c. spin of the electron
b. size of the electron cloud
d. intensity of the charge of the electron cloud
___10. In the wave-mechanical view of atomic structure, the pathway or position of an electron
is best represented as ___
a. a circular orbit with a specific diameter
b. an elliptical orbit with the nucleus at one focal point of the ellipse
c. a series of most probable positions represented by a cloud
d. a straight line that radiates out from the center like a spoke in a wheel
___11. What is the maximum number of electrons that can occupy energy level 4?
a. 4
b. 8
c. 16
d. 32
___12. Which of the following designates the sublevels that exist in energy level 3?
a. s,d
b. p,f
c. s,p,d
d. p,d,f
___13. How many pairs of electrons can a d sublevel hold?
a. 1
b. 3
c. 5
d. 7
___14. Electrons of opposite spin the same orbital would have energies that ___
a. are about the same
b. sum to 0
c. are very different
d. are unpredictable
___15. According to the Pauli exclusion principle, no two electrons in the same atom can have
the same ___
a. average distance from the nucleus
c. spin
b. orbital location
d. set of quantum numbers
___16. Which of the following quantum numbers indicates the direction of the orbital in space?
a. n
b. l
c. m
d. s
___17. The electron configuration of the nitrogen atom (Z = 7) is ___
a. 1s22s23p23s1
b. 1s22s22p3
c. 1s22s43p1
d. 1s22s23s2
___18. The Lewis electron dot diagram for calcium is ___
a. Ca·
b. Ca:
c. :Ca·
___19. The importance of the de Broglie equation to the development of our present theory of
atomic structure was the ____
a. calculation of the energy of specific electrons
b. calculation of the energy of the sublevels of an atom
c. application of wave-particle duality to a particle
d. application of uncertainty to the position and momentum of an electron
Which of the following is a possible ending of an electron configuration for an
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a. 4s23d104p1
b. 2s12p2
c. 3s23p6
d. 5s24d3
___21. How many sublevels are present in the fourth energy level?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 10
___22. Which of the following is the electron configuration for phosphorous (Z = 15)?
a. 1s22s23p64s23p3
b. 1s22s22p64s103s1
c. 1s22s22p63s43p1
d. 1s22s22p63s23p3
___23. How many d orbitals must be occupied by single electrons before the electrons begin to pair up?
a. 3
b. 1
c. 7
d. 5
___24. Which of the following quantum numbers designates the shape of the electron cloud?
a. m
b. l
c. n
d. s
___25. The two electrons in the outermost level of strontium are designated as 5s 2. How many quantum
numbers would these two electrons have in common?
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
___26. How many dots would appear in the Lewis electron dot diagram for an atom whose electron
configuration ended 4s23d104p3?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 5
d. 1