MLA South East Sharing Collections Pilot Project in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Brief for a specialist Peer Reviewer Invitation to Tender for Peer Review Contract re: the lithics collection at Buckinghamshire County Museum Renaissance South East, MLA South East, the Museums Association through Effective Collections, which is supported by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and Culture Milton Keynes jointly fund the Sharing Collections Pilot Project in the BOB sub-region of MLA South East. The project aims to promote more loan activity in the region, including long-term loans from national museums into the region, build capacity for loans and temporary exhibitions through training and grant aid and provide specialist peer reviewers to work with stored collections. A key part of the pilot project is to trial reviews of stored collections to identify underused objects, and to recommend them, where possible for long loans (3 – 5 years with the possibility of renewal) or permanent transfer. When appropriate, recommendations for disposal of some objects may also be an outcome of the review. This tender invites individuals with appropriate experience to apply to undertake a review of the lithics (flint and stone) collection at Buckinghamshire County Museum, working with a member of their staff for a period of up to five days during late Spring 2008. Background to the Buckinghamshire County Museum The Museum has collections covering the natural and human history for the entire historic county of Buckinghamshire, including the present Milton Keynes. Significant collections include art, archaeology, social history, geology, biology, costume and textiles, studio ceramics and photographs. Aside from the main public galleries in Aylesbury, the main museum stores are located about 7 miles away at Halton. The stores are environmentally monitored and controlled 24 hours with separate storage areas for each type of collection’s distinctive needs. Documentation is well advanced with a core database record for + 85% of the collections which total + 120,000 objects and specimens. See A Measure of Success, Appendix 2 (Southern Museums Agency, 2001) for most up to date summary of collections numbers and assessment of significance by DOMUS categories Jane Bowen, Sharing Collections Advisor Email: Mobile: 07887 928 645 Oak Barn, Sonning Eye, Reading, Oxon RG4 6TN Background to the Lithics Collection The collection consists of Palaeolithic, Mesolithic & Neolithic flint tools. Many of these objects were acquired in the late 19th and early 20th century, from antiquarian collections, and have never been properly identified. The collection numbers approximately 500 items and includes specific and underresearched named collections, for example the Treacher and Rutland Collections. The most significant geographical concentration is naturally the Southern, Thames-side parishes. Ownership of the Collection Much of this early lithic material is on loan from the Bucks Archaeological Society under the terms of a lease agreement, which runs until 2115. There is therefore potential for researching and enhancing the acquisition and provenance information through Records of Bucks, other local background source material and the County HER. Outcomes 1. To make the collection more accessible for future use. 2. To establish a number of long loans or permanent transfers of objects from the collection to publicly accessible locations. 3. Raise awareness of the collection and resources available. 4. Support Buckinghamshire County Museum’s collecting policy. Stored Collection Reviewer activities 1. Assess current items in the collection and reveal strengths and weaknesses of the subject area. Including identifying items that would be better transferred elsewhere. 2. Review the potential of the collection for display and use in their education programmes. 3. Advise on potential objects for loan. 4. Advise on non-museum organisations or educational opportunities where collection might be of use. 5. Assess current collections care for these items (storage, health & safety issues, pests). Stored Collection Reviewer person specification 1. An understanding and experience of working with archaeology and especially lithics collections. 2. Knowledge of similar collections in the UK. 3. Experience of caring for archaeology collections and considering their storage, handling and display requirements. 4. Enthusiasm for lithics collections and their wider use. Jane Bowen, Sharing Collections Advisor Email: Mobile: 07887 928 645 Oak Barn, Sonning Eye, Reading, Oxon RG4 6TN Timescale and fees The stored collections reviewer will be contracted at a daily rate of £200, with the work expected to take five days (3-4 days at the museum and 1-2 days for additional research and report production). This will include all expenses apart from travel, to be agreed separately. The review is expected to take place between March and June 2008 at a time agreed between the curator and the appointed reviewer. Reporting The stored collection reviewer is required to provide a concise report covering the following areas: 1. Specific objects or groups of objects that are strengths of the collection for: a) local relevance; b) national relevance; c) subject specialism. 2. Objects or groups of objects that do not have local, national or subject specialist relevance. For example, samples of poor quality or not to museum standard for another reason. 3. Recommendations based on the above two criteria about uses of the collections for: a) display at Buckinghamshire County Museum; b) display at alternative museum or non-museum locations; c) use in other ways, perhaps by specialist groups. 4. Suggest where to lend or transfer objects to, where possible. 5. Strengths and weaknesses of current storage and collections care, recommending improvements where appropriate. 6. Suggest disposal if appropriate. Applications Applications to undertake the stored collection review at the Buckinghamshire County Museum store should be received by 7th January 2008. Short-listed candidates will be contacted by 21st January 2007. Please send a covering letter addressing the person specification above and a CV to Jane Bowen at or Oak Barn, Sonning Eye, Reading, RG4 6TN. For an informal conversation about the reviewer role contact Jane on 07887928645. Jane Bowen, Sharing Collections Advisor Email: Mobile: 07887 928 645 Oak Barn, Sonning Eye, Reading, Oxon RG4 6TN