Step By Step – Clean Up Collections

CEFLS Horizon Procedures
Step By Step – Clean Up Collections
As you proceed through your automation project, you will need to do some “batch
editing” to clean up what’s left of your “unknown collection.”
The unknown collection code exists because before we had Horizon there were no
collection codes or item types. Also, since CEFLS did all your cataloging in the
automated system, we didn’t know what collection codes to use for your library, so
everything was put in the “unknown collection.”
This will be pretty easy to fix, and your statistics will be much more usable when you go
live on Horizon.
How to do it:
1. Double click on the Circulation folder, and double click on the Item Group Editor.
2. In the Compound Search window, highlight the word Location in the upper area.
3. In the “Search for:” blank, type the three-letter code of your library. Make sure
it’s your library so you won’t be editing the items of another library!
4. Click on the “and” radio button below the blank.
5. Return to the upper part of the window and select “Collection”.
6. In the “Search for:” blank, type the collection code of your unknown collection,
which is always the first two letters that precede all your collections followed by
“unk” . For example CEF’s unknown collection would be “ceunk” and
Plattsburgh’s would be “plunk”. You can use the Show Codes button to find
7. Click on the search button. (Explanation: You have just asked the system to list
all the items at your library that have the unknown collection code.)
8. A list appears.
9. Click on the Sort button, select Call Number, and click OK.
10. The first few items may not have call numbers. Find the first item that has a nonfiction call number and highlight it.
11. Using the scroll bar, go down the list until you get to the end of the non-fiction
call numbers, or to about 1000, whichever comes first.
12. Hold down the shift key and highlight the last item.
13. Click the Edit button, then click OK.
14. Now fill in the Item Type of ‘nf’ where it says ‘unk’ and the Collection Code for
non-fiction at your library.
15. Click Save. The process may take a while as the system makes this change to each
item on your selected list. When the Save button goes gray, click Close.
16. You are returned to the list, where you can now highlight another group to make
changes to. As you reach other types of call numbers, use your knowledge of the
library call number setup to decide which item type and collection the items
belong in.
17. It is not necessary to clean everything up in one session. You can start again and
find a smaller list of “unknown” items on another day. When you finish, all your
items will be categorized and you won’t be able to find any in the “unknown