Chong-suk Han attended college at the University of California

Han, Chong-suk, Archana Bodas LaPollo, Lisa Bond, Jennifer Lauby, and Scott
Rutledge. Magic Johnson doesn’t worry about paying for medicine: Black MSM’s
experiences living with HIV/AIDS. Culture, Health, and Sexuality.
Han, Chong-suk. Chopsticks don’t make it culturally competent: Addressing larger issues
for HIV prevention among gay, bisexual, and queer Asian Pacific Islander men. Health &
Social Work.
Chen, Angela Chia-Chen, Dianne Morrison-Beedy, and Chong-suk Han. Assessing
Chinese immigrant youths’ sexual behaviors: Instrument translation and pilot testing.
Journal of Pediatric Nursing.
Han, Chong-suk. One gay Asian body: A personal narrative for examining human
behavior in the social environment. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social
Han, Chong-suk. Asian girls are prettier: Gendered presentations as stigma management
among gay Asian men. Symbolic Interaction.
Han, Chong-suk. Sexy like a girl and horny like a boy: Contemporary gay “western”
narratives about gay “Asian” men. Critical Sociology.
Han, Chong-suk. A qualitative study of the relationship between racism and unsafe sex
among Asian and Pacific Islander gay men. Archives of Sexual Behavior).
Operario, Don, Chong-suk Han, and Kyung-Hee Choi. Dual identity among gay Asian
Pacific Islander men. Culture, Health & Sexuality.
Han, Chong-suk. No fats, femmes, or Asians: The utility of Critical Race Theory in
examining the role of gay stock stories in the marginalization of gay Asian men. Special
issue on Sociology and Critical Race Theory, Contemporary Justice Review.
Han, Chong-suk. They don’t want to cruise your type: Gay men of color and the racial
politics of exclusion. Social Identities.
Han, Chong-suk and Edward Echtle. From merging histories to emerging identities: An
“Asian” museum as a site of pan-ethnic identity promotion. AAPI Nexus: Asian
Americans & Pacific Islanders Policy, Practice and Community.
Han, Chong-suk. Geisha of a different kind: Gay Asian men and the gendering of sexual
identity. Sexuality & Culture.
Han, Chong-suk. Being an oriental, I could never be completely a man: Gay Asian men
and the intersection of race, gender, sexuality, and class. Race, Gender & Class.
Do, Tri, Ester Hudes, Kristopher Proctor, Chong-suk Han, and Kyung-Hee Choi. HIV
testing trends and correlates among young Asian and Pacific Islander men who have sex
with men in two U.S. cities. AIDS Education and Prevention.
Han, Chong-suk. We both eat rice, but that’s about it: Korean and Latino relations in a
multiethnic city. Ethnic Studies Review.
Choi, Kyung-Hee, Chong-suk Han, Ester Hudes, and Susan Kegeles. Unprotected sex
and associated risk factors among young Asian and Pacific Islander men who have sex
with men. AIDS Education and Prevention.