Document Attitude Toward Technology 1 Flood prevention needed, a necessity, protecting Han Gov’t official, duty the people, utilitarian, benefits the people, positive? as an official/his job, Indifferent? keep people happy--Mandate of Heaven, dynasty might lose power Tools made by the workers were better quality than Han Gov’t Official those made by convict labor for gov’t, tech made by Han has monopoly on you for you is good, quality not quantity, want salt and iron benefit the people, worried about the peasants His job to make sure things are running well, concern that people aren’t buying salt from government Very positive, benefits the people, labor saving, Han, Upper-class efficient, progressing/evolving philosopher, praising a wise emperor Save the labor, benefit the common people, positive ? governmentsponsored, Is this account going to say something negative about the gov’t? 2 3 4 Point of View (POV) 5 6 7 8 Those who create it are vulgar and not gentlemanly, Upper-class, Roman not civilized, just a job to make $ not a skill political leader, looks down on other classes Technology that was created was nice using words Greek-born, Roman like “grace, beauty, equal, parallel” citizen, high official Oh you fancy Horses? Who would ride horses? Also, talking about a political leader and he is in the gov’t Looking down upon those who create the Upper-class Roman technology, not important to higher people philosopher, advisor to emperor, look down on lower classes How awesome his works are---we’re better than Roman general, others (Greece and Egypt), calibrated scales, water governor of Britain, enough for pleasure, useful water commissioner! What would he say about his own work? How did Rome feel about Egypt and Greece? Additional Document: lower classes, females, foreigner comparing his technology to Han or Rome---- but WHY? Grouping: positive/appreciation vs. negative, concern for people/benefitting people vs. no concern, labor-saving, benefits upper-class/fancy think horse, water regulation (docs. 1&8), gov’t officials vs. philosopher in each area???, by type of technology??? Necessity/need vs. want/ “fluff”