Describe the rule of Qin Shihuangdi (the 1st emperor of

Describe the rule of Qin Shihuangdi
(the 1st emperor of China).
 Adherence to legalism
 Persecution of Dissenters ( buried people alive)
 Created administrative districts to govern empire *
 He helped unify China by standardizing measurements,
weights, standardized script
Qin & Han Empires
1o questions
5 pts each
criticism from Daoists and
 He executed all dissenters
 Burned books even classical Chinese text
How the Han Dynasty emerge?
 Chin Shi Shihuangdi died and shortly after rebels
massacred the Qin court
 Liu Bang led a peasant rebellion and declared himself the
1st Han Emperor
 He had brilliant advisors and the loyalty of his troops
What were the new technologies
used by the Han Dynasty ?
 Paper
 Sericulture
 Iron Metallurgy
 Sundials
 Calendars
What were the new technologies
used by the Han Dynasty ?
 Paper
 Sericulture
 Iron Metallurgy
 Sundials
 Calendars
What factors led to the fall of the
Han Dynasty?
 Social tensions between rich and poor
 Land Distribution: A few people had the majority of the
 Economics difficulties : Han Wudi military ventures caused
the empire to seize land and raise taxes
Why was Han Wudi known as the
Martial Emperor?
 He defeated Korea and Vietnam
 He defeated the Xiongnu