INTERIM REPORT Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model: Testing Cumulus Physics Parameters Project Period of Performance June 6, 2013 – November 30, 2013 Submitted to: Bright Dornblaser Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Prepared by: Arastoo Pour Biazar, Richard McNider, Andrew White Earth System Science Center National Space and Technology Center University of Alabama – Huntsville ________________________________________________________________ January 13, 2014 Cloud Assimilation in WRF: Testing Cumulus Physics Parameters Table of Contents Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................................... i Table of Figures: .........................................................................................................................................................iii List of Tables: ............................................................................................................................................................. iv 1 SUMMARY........................................................................................................................................................... 5 2 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ 6 3 BASELINE SIMULATIONS............................................................................................................................... 9 3.1 4 Methods for Evaluation ..................................................................................................................................... 11 4.1.1 4.1.2 5 Model Configuration ..................................................................................................................................9 METSTAT Evaluation ......................................................................................................................... 11 Evaluating Cloud Simulation Using GOES Observations ................................................................... 12 ALTERNATE ANALYTICAL APPROACH FOR ESTIMATING TARGET VERTICAL VELOCITY ......................................................................................................................................................... 13 5.1 Rationale and Strategy ............................................................................................................................. 13 5.2 Adjustment of the Model Environment to Support Clouds........................................................................ 13 5.3 Development of Analytical Technique to Estimate Target Vertical Velocity ............................................ 15 5.3.1 Implementation for Under-Prediction Case ........................................................................................ 17 5.3.2 Implementation for Over-Prediction Case ........................................................................................... 18 6 WRF SIMULATIONS ASSIMILATING GOES CLOUD OBSERVATIONS ............................................. 19 6.1 7 8 Program Flow for Assimilation Technique .............................................................................................. 19 RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................................ 21 7.1 Control Simulations .................................................................................................................................. 22 7.2 Simulations with Cloud Assimilation ........................................................................................................ 26 Summary and Conclusions ................................................................................................................................ 30 References .................................................................................................................................................................. 33 Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model iii Table of Figures: FIGURE 3-1. FIGURE SHOWING THE EXTENT OF DOMAINS USED FOR 36-KM GRID SPACING (CONUS), 12-KM GRID SPACING (SEUS), AND 4-KM GRID SPACING (TEXAS). ......................................................................................... 10 FIGURE 5-1. CONCEPTUAL DIAGRAM OF CLOUD TO BE CREATED BY THE MODEL. THE AIR PARCEL WITH MIXING RATIO Q1, PRESSURE P1, AND TEMPERATURE T1 IS TO BE LIFTED TO SATURATION AT CLOUD BASE. ............................... 15 FIGURE 5-2. SCHEMATIC FOR FOUR-VARIABLE NEEDED IN 1D-VAR. ........................................................................... 18 FIGURE 5-3. A DISTRIBUTION OF CLOUD TYPES IN THE WRF MODEL 36 KM SIMULATION: 1) THICK HIGH-CLOUDS (ALBEDO>0.6, TARGET HEIGHT >5 KM); 2) THICK MID-CLOUDS WHICH HAVE ALBEDO (>0.6) AND TARGET HEIGHT (<5 KM); 3) HIGH CLOUDS (0.4<ALBEDO<0.6, TARGET HEIGHT >5 KM); 4) MID-CLOUDS (0.4<ALBEDO<0.6, HEIGHT < 5 KM); 5)THIN HIGH-CLOUDS(ALBEDO<0.4, TARGET HEIGHT>5 KM); 6) THIN MIDCLOUDS (ALBEDO<0.4, TARGET HEIGHT < 5 KM) ................................................................................................. 18 FIGURE 5-4. SCHEMATIC FOR AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH FOR OVER-PREDICTION AREAS ........................................... 19 FIGURE 6-1. SCHEMATIC FOR THE PROGRAM FLOW WHEN ASSIMILATING GOES CLOUD OBSERVATION ...................... 20 FIGURE 7-1. CLOUD FRACTION AND AGREEMENT INDEX (AI) FOR 36 KM WRF SIMULATION (CONTROL). .................. 22 FIGURE 7-2. . CLOUD FRACTION AND AGREEMENT INDEX (AI) FOR 12 KM WRF SIMULATION (CONTROL).................. 23 FIGURE 7-3. CLOUD FRACTION AND AGREEMENT INDEX (AI) FOR 4 KM WRF SIMULATION (CONTROL) ..................... 23 FIGURE 7-4. METSTAT STATISTICS FOR WIND FROM 36 KM CONTROL SIMULATION. .................................................. 24 FIGURE 7-5. METSTAT STATISTICS FOR TEMPERATURE FROM 36 KM CONTROL SIMULATION. .................................... 25 FIGURE 7-6. METSTAT STATISTICS FOR MIXING RATIO FROM 36 KM CONTROL SIMULATION...................................... 25 FIGURE 7-7. METSTAT STATISTICS SHOWING RMSE AND ITS SYSTEMATIC AND UNSYSTEMATIC COMPONENTS FOR TEMPERATURE AND MIXING RATIO FOR 12-KM CONTROL SIMULATION. .............................................................. 26 FIGURE 7-8. AGREEMENT INDEX (AI) FOR 12-KM SIMULATION. ................................................................................... 27 FIGURE 7-9. METSTAT STATISTICS FOR 12-KM SIMULATIONS. ................................................................................... 28 FIGURE 7-10. AGREEMENT INDEX (AI) FOR 4-KM SIMULATIONS. ................................................................................ 29 FIGURE 7-11. METSTAT STATISTICS FOR 4-KM SIMULATION. ..................................................................................... 30 Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model iv List of Tables: TABLE 3-1. WRF DOMAIN SETUP FOR 36-, 12-, AND 4-KM GRID SPACING ......................................................................9 TABLE 3-2. WRF CONFIGURATION FOR SIMULATIONS .................................................................................................. 10 TABLE 4-1. CONTINGENCY TABLE USED FOR EVALUATION. ......................................................................................... 13 Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model Report Type: Project Number: Project Title: Authors: Mailing Address: Report Date: 5 Interim Report Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model: Testing Cumulus Physics Parameters Arastoo Pour Biazar, Richard T. McNider, Andrew White Earth System Science Center, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, Alabama 35899 Phone: (256) 961-7970 Fax: (256) 961-7755 E-mail: January 13, 2014 1 SUMMARY The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) was awarded a contract by TCEQ through a cooperative agreement to continue work on satellite cloud assimilation in WRF and to specifically investigate the impact of new improvements in cumulus parameterizations in WRF on satellite cloud assimilation technique. The purpose of the cloud assimilation is to improve model location and timing of clouds in the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) meteorological model selected for driving photochemical models in future State Implementation Plans (SIPs). In the past, UAH has developed techniques using satellite data to improve the spatial location and timing of clouds in WRF while keeping all other meteorological variables in balance. Under the current activity UAH was tasked 1) to examine the impact of the new Ma-Tan triggering function in Kain-Fritsch (KF) cumulus parameterization on cloud simulation relevant to UAH assimilation technique; and 2) to evaluate the impact of including the radiative feedback from sub-grid clouds in the radiation calculations on over-all model performance. The following interim report documents these activities. The fundamental approach in UAH technique for correcting cloud fields relies on the use of GOES observations of clouds. Satellite observations are used both to evaluate the model and to identify the locations of model over- and under-prediction, as well as determining the key variables (such as vertical velocity) that are needed for cloud adjustment. The technique uses satellite observations of cloud top pressure and cloud albedo to identify the areas where the model is under-predicting or over-predicting clouds. Then a target vertical velocity is estimated and using a one-dimensional variation technique wind fields are adjusted and used as a nudging field. This approach has been able to improve the simulation of cloud fields in the model in a sustainable manner as it adjusts the dynamics and creates an environment conducive to cloud formation or clear sky. In this technique, the key variables inferred from satellite observations are the target vertical velocity, the elevation at which this target velocity is realized, and the bottom and top levels for Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 6 vertical velocity adjustment (needed for applying one dimensional variation technique.) Thus, any change in the model that impacts the radiation field will have direct impact on UAH technique as it alters the error statistics developed from baseline simulation. The changes impacting baseline cloud formation also impact UAH technique as such changes may alter the effectiveness of vertical velocity in convective initiation and also affect model evaluation that uses the baseline simulation as a reference point. For the current activity we used two different versions of WRF-v3.3.1. The first one is the standard release of WRF-ARW that uses Ma-Tan trigger mechanism in KF convective parameterization. The second model is an experimental version of WRF-v3.3.1 with some modifications pertaining to the interaction between sub-grid cloud and grid-resolved radiation field. For KF cumulus option the standard WRF does not account for the impact of sub-grid cloud when calculating incident short-wave radiation at the surface. Basically what this amounts to is that when a convective cell is forming overhead, model thinks it is still sunny. Kiran Alapaty and other scientists at USEPA recently modified WRF to correct this shortcoming. These modifications will be reflected in the future releases of WRF-ARW. However, with their permission we are using their modified model in this activity to examine the impact of these modifications relevant to our work. In summary, for 36-km simulations over the continental United States (ConUS), there are not significant differences between the baseline simulation that uses KF with Ma-Tan trigger mechanism and USEPA modified version as far as near surface meteorological parameters are concerned. 2 INTRODUCTION Clouds play a critical role in the production and destruction of pollutants. However, numerical meteorological models used in the creation of the physical atmosphere in the SIP modeling process have traditionally had significant problems in creating clouds in the right place and time compared to observed clouds. This is especially the case during air pollution episodes when synoptic-scale forcing is weak (e.g. Stensrud and Fritsch 1994). While the previous activities supported by TCEQ have resulted in improving the radiative effect of clouds in air quality simulations (Biazar et al., 2007), physical inconsistencies remain a concern as the insolation and photolysis fields derived from satellite data do not agree with the model clouds. The purpose of the current activity is to improve model location and timing of clouds in the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) meteorological model selected for driving photochemical models in future State Implementation Plans (SIPs). This activity provides techniques, using satellite data, to first quantify errors in model clouds, and then to improve the spatial location and timing of clouds in WRF while keeping all other meteorological variables in balance. The basic approach is to use a GOES cloud image to determine the cloud truth. The strategy will be first to examine differences between model clouds and the GOES clouds. Then a vertical velocity (lifting for the areas where the model under-predicted clouds and subsidence in the areas where the model over-predicted clouds), cloud top, cloud base, level of maximum vertical velocity, and top and base levels for variational adjustment are estimated. Using a variational Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model technique (as described in our previous report) new horizontal wind components are estimated and the model is nudged toward the new wind field. Here in this report we document the new approach in estimating the target vertical velocity and the relevant parameters for adjusting the wind field. Details about variational technique were presented in our previous report. We also briefly present results from the baseline evaluation as they are slightly different from our previous report. This is due to the correction we made to satellite retrievals. In the following chapters, first the baseline simulations are documented, and then the technique, subsequent simulations, and the results will be presented. 7 Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 9 3 BASELINE SIMULATIONS 3.1 Model Configuration WRF simulations in this project span over August 2006. This period coincides with TexAQS-II field study, has been used for the previous modeling studies, and offers a substantial observational dataset for model evaluation. Previously, in order to select a baseline simulation that yields the best performance with respect to cloud simulation, three different set of simulations using Kain-Fritsch (KF), Grell-Devenyi (GD) ensemble, and new Grell (G) scheme for convective parameterization were performed to investigate the impact of these schemes on the overall cloud prediction. KF resulted in the best performance compared to observations. While the assimilation technique improved the performance (on 36-km grid spacing) regardless of the cumulus parameterization used, all the subsequent simulations are using KF for cumulus parameterization. WRF (version 3.3) was used for simulations over the continental United States (CONUS) and two nests covering the southeastern US (SouthUS) and East Texas (Texas) (as indicated in Figure 3-1) for August 2006. The coarse domain has a spatial grid spacing of 36 km x 36 km horizontally (164 grids in west-east direction and 128 grids in south-north direction) and a nonuniform vertical structure with 42 levels (41 layers) with the top pressure at 50 mb. The nonuniform vertical structure is designed to have high resolution within the boundary layer (and close to the surface) and near tropopause (8 to 14 km) in order to better explain the stratospherictropospheric exchanges. The nest over southeast US (SouthUS) has 12 km x 12 km horizontal resolution with 210 grids in west-east direction and 105 grids in south-north direction. The second nest over East Texas (Texas) has 4 km x 4 km resolution with 165 x 220 grids. Table 3-1 and Figure 3-1 describe the three domains. Table 3-1. WRF domain setup for 36-, 12-, and 4-km grid spacing NCEP Eta Data Assimilation System (EDAS) analyses were used in WPS to create the initial and boundary conditions for the simulations. Table 3-2 summarizes the key options used for the simulations. WRF FDDA (four dimensional data assimilation) was also utilized to nudge the model toward analyses data for better performance in the baseline simulation. We strived to have the configuration of the baseline simulations similar to the common practices in air quality modeling for the State Implementation Plan (SIP) in Texas. Simulations were performed in 5.5 day segments and re-initialized from analyses for each segment at 0 GMT. The first 12 hr of each segment is discarded as the spin-up time and the rest of the output is appended to the previous segments to create a continuous record. Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 10 CONUS SouthUS Texas Figure 3-1. Figure showing the extent of domains used for 36-km grid spacing (CONUS), 12-km grid spacing (SEUS), and 4-km grid spacing (Texas). Table 3-2. WRF configuration for simulations Domain 01 Domain 02 Domain 03 Running period August, 2006 Horizontal resolution 36 km 12 km 4 km Time step 90s 30s 10s Number of vertical levels 42 Top pressure of the model 50 mb Shortwave radiation Duhia Longwave radiation RRTM Surface layer Monin-Obukhov similarity Land surface layer Noah (4-soil layer) PBL YSU Microphysics LIN KainKainCumulus physics Fritsch Fritsch NO Grid physics Horizontal wind Meteotological input data EDAS Analysis Nudging yes U, V Nudging Coefficient 3x10-4 1x10-4 3x10-5 T Nudging Coefficient 3x10-4 Q Nudging Coefficient 10-5 Nudging within PBL Yes for U and V, NO for q and T 10 Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 11 4 Methods for Evaluation The results were evaluated in several ways. The results from the 36-km simulation have been extensively evaluated in the previous reports. Here we present additional evaluation focusing on 12- and 4-km simulations. The first set of evaluations examines the model results in more detail using the surface observations. METSTAT was used to create the statistics for key meteorological parameters and also to examine the time series for selected locations. The second set of evaluations, involve the use of geostationary satellite observations of clouds to examine model performance with respect to cloud simulation. 4.1.1 METSTAT Evaluation This set of evaluations was performed using METSTAT software from Environ ( These evaluations attempted to quantify the model performance with respect to standard atmospheric variables such as wind speed, temperature, and humidity. The following statistics were used in the evaluations: Bias Error: the mean difference in prediction and observation pairings with valid data within a given analysis region and for a given time period Gross Error: the mean absolute difference in prediction and observation pairings with valid data within a given analysis region and for a given time period Root Mean Square Error (RMSE): the square root of the mean squared difference in prediction and observation pairings with valid data within a given analysis region and for a given time period Systematic Root Mean Square Error (sysRMSE): the square root of the mean squared difference in regressed prediction and observation pairings within a given analysis region and for a given time period (the regressed prediction is estimated for each observation from the least square fit). Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 12 Unsystematic Root Mean Square Error (UnsysRMSE): the square root of the mean squared difference in prediction and regressed prediction pairings within a given analysis region and for a given time period The meaning of UnsysRMSE is a measure of how much of the discrepancy between estimates and observations is due to random processes or influences outside the legitimate range of the model. In other words, UnsysRMSE identifies the errors that are not predictable mathematically. 4.1.2 Evaluating Cloud Simulation Using GOES Observations The second set of evaluations was performed against GOES observations of clouds. While surface monitors represent point measurements and are not comparable with the model grid average quantity, satellite observations are aggregated pixel quantity and offer a more comparable measurement. GOES measures the radiative impact of clouds directly in infrared and visible channels. For this evaluation work, derived surface insolations from GOES visible channel were used. A byproduct of surface insolation is cloud reflectance that is readily available to be used. However, to create a consistent comparable field between the model and satellite observations, we define an effective cloud index to indicate cloudiness. The effective cloud albedo is defined as: I c 1. S 0 Where c is the effective cloud index (or cloud albedo), I is the insolation (incident shortwave solar radiation at the surface), and S0 is the clear sky insolation (S0 is the solar constant). This quantity will also include the small cloud absorption and indeed will yield a normalized index when S0 represents the maximum clear sky insolation for any given point and time. S0 is obtained from a clear sky model simulation. Then, the cloud index is calculated for each hour (model output time) based on the above formula. The cloud index approaches zero for clear sky condition and increases toward the limit of 1 for more opaque clouds. While the value of the index for the model could be different from that of the observations, it can be a good indicator of cloudiness regardless of the opaqueness of the cloud. The effective cloud index is used to compare model results to satellite image and to identify cloudy/clear areas. Using this identifier, we introduce a new metric for model evaluation against GOES observations. This metric is called the Index of Agreement (AI). Table 4-1 shows the contingency table used for this index. The table shows the number of grids where both model and GOES indicate cloudiness (A), number of grids where both model and GOES indicate clear sky (D), number of grids where the model is under-predicting clouds (B), and number of grids where the model is over-predicting clouds (C). 12 Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 13 Table 4-1. Contingency table used for evaluation. GOES WRF TOTAL Cloudy Clear Cloudy A B A+B Clear C D C+D A+C B+D A+B+C+D TOTAL AI is defined as the percentage of grid points that show agreement between model and GOES observations. Based on Table 4-1 AI is defined as: AI = (A+D)/(A+B+C+D) Where: A = Number of grid points where both GOES and WRF are cloudy D = Number of grid points where both GOES and WRF are clear Total = A+B+C+D = Total number of model grids The index varies between 0 and 1, where closer to 1 means better performance. 5 ALTERNATE ANALYTICAL APPROACH FOR ESTIMATING TARGET VERTICAL VELOCITY 5.1 Rationale and Strategy The overall goal of this project was to have a cloud assimilation technique that will be used in an operational setting. Thus, operational concerns such as ease of use and computational efficiency were also important factors for consideration. A major objective of the project was to develop and implement a new analytical technique for estimating target vertical velocity that can address the aforementioned concerns. 5.2 Adjustment of the Model Environment to Support Clouds The initiation and assimilation of clouds in weather forecast models has been the subject of many investigations. Yet, evidence suggests that there are still major errors in cloud placement. This is especially true at the spatial scale at which air quality models operate. It is particularly frustrating in air quality SIP modeling since they are after the fact runs that the observed cloud field is known from satellite observations but models have significant differences in cloud placement. At UAH considerable attention has been given to replacing model cloud transmissivity with satellite Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 14 observed transmissivity (McNider et al 1995, Pour-Biazar et al 2007) in air quality models. These previous activities that directly replaced model transmissivity and cloud tops with satellite observations provided improvements in model performance. However, it produced a physical inconsistency in the model system. Insolation and photolysis fields derived from satellite data did not agree with the model clouds. Thus, locations in the model where deep convection or cloud venting of the boundary layer was occurring were not consistent with the locations where the satellites indicated clouds were located. Additionally, cloud water that would impact long wave radiation or chemistry was in the wrong location. Rather than adjusting model transmissivity it would be preferred to insert cloud water into the model at locations where the satellite indicates clouds. Previous attempts at using satellite data to insert cloud water have met with limited success. For example, Lipton and Modica (1999) used GOES-7 data to adjust the model relative humidity field in stratiform cloud areas and found a general improvement in the model simulation but only for about 6 hours. The problem is that cloud water typically depends on a water vapor and temperature environment to provide the relative humidity to sustain the cloud liquid water. Conversely, when liquid water is removed from the model where observations show no clouds, the model will continue to produce new water. Direct insertion of liquid water can even deteriorate model performance. As an example, attempting to insert clouds that satellites show at a position where the model is clear means that you are likely inserting clouds where the model has subsidence (broad-scale downward motion) as opposed to lifting. Inserting water in this situation where the model has subsidence will cause evaporation and further subsidence, exactly the opposite of supporting the clouds that the satellite observes. Yucel et al (2003) discovered that adjustment of the model dynamics and thermodynamics was necessary to fully support the insertion of cloud liquid water in models. In reality, the issue with supporting clouds in models goes beyond thermodynamic support. For clouds to persist they must have dynamical support through upward vertical motion. This has been recognized in the weather forecasting community and investigators with NOAA seeking to produce improved initialization have inserted vertical motion in models where clouds were observed but not supported (Albers et al. 1996). However, these motions were relatively ad hoc and the inserted vertical velocities relatively small. The results, though they produced some improvement, had limited success in changing the cloud statistics after several hours. In principal the problem of providing the coincident thermodynamic support and dynamical support could be provided by four-dimensional variational assimilation (4DVAR). 4DVAR employs a strategy that develops local linear approximations of relationships among all variables (the tangent linear approximation) (Lopez, 2006). These partial derivatives among all the state variables (the Jacobian matrix) define the needed relationships so that required changes in humidity and vertical motions could be found if liquid water were changed from satellite observations. Variational minimization is coincidently used to reduce the difference between observations and model values. The development of the Jacobian can be done using tools from non-linear analysis (McNider et al. 1995b) or by running the model in a forward/backward mode to determine relationships among the variables. However, the application of 4DVAR to cloud initialization has been limited by the inability to define the Jacobian for cloud processes. A 14 Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 15 survey of the state of science reveals a lack of success in developing 4DVAR for clouds except for simple representations in very coarse grid models. This is in large part because cloud processes and cloud initiation are highly non-linear. This is further exacerbated by the fact that clouds in models are highly parameterized and the relationships have many conditional and onoff switches which make developing the required inter-parameter relationships difficult if not impossible (Mu and Wang, 2003). In the present activity we employ a technique originally started under the NASA GEWEX activity but with further support by NSF and MMS. This technique is basically a statistical approach to 4DVAR that attempts to develop relationships between satellite-derived cloud properties and targeted variables internal to the models such as grid scale vertical velocity. As mentioned above, the air quality problem is generally different from the forecast problem in that observed clouds are available during the entire period of interest not just at the initialization time. In effect the technique used here is an engineering attempt to provide the dynamical and thermodynamical support needed to sustain or clear observed clouds during the air quality simulation. As described in our previous report, the key parameters for making such an adjustment are the target vertical velocity, the height at which this target is reached, and the base and top of the layer in a model grid column where the adjustment is taking place. These are the key parameters needed in the variational technique to estimate a new wind field that can create/clear and sustain the clouds. The following is a description of the analytical approach. 5.3 Development of Analytical Technique to Estimate Target Vertical Velocity Here we present an analytical technique to estimate the target vertical velocity needed to clear or create clouds where the model is over-predicting or under-predicting clouds. This technique will substitute for threshold values previously used that were based on model statistics. To illustrate the technique we consider a case of under-prediction in which we attempt to create clouds where the model indicated clear sky. In such a case, we assume that the target cloud conforms to our conceptual diagram in Figure 5-1. Figure 5-1. Conceptual diagram of cloud to be created by the model. The air parcel with mixing ratio q1, pressure P1, and temperature T1 is to be lifted to saturation at cloud base. Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 16 To create cloud in the model, a parcel with mixing ratio of q1, pressure p1, and temperature of T1 is to be lifted to saturation. The saturation level constitutes the cloud base. The vertical advection of temperature and moisture are described as: w t z q q w t z Discretization of these equations yields: 2t t 2t 2t 1t w dt dz q2t t q2t q2t q1t w dt dz Now assuming that at time t+t the parcel reaches saturation at cloud base, we get: 2t t 1t q2t t q1t Furthermore, we impose a condition for saturation. That is at t+t the temperature at the cloud base is the saturation temperature and relative humidity is 100%, meaning: Ts f (T2t t , q2t t , P2t t ) f (T1t , q1t , P2t ) In another word, since the parcel has been lifted to the cloud base, it preserves the moisture and the potential temperature and only the pressure has changed. Now, the saturation temperature for each model layer given the pressure P at the cloud base can be calculated as: e(Ts ) es (Ts ) qP 17.67Ts ] Ts 243.5 qP 243.5 ln( ) 6 . 112 Ts qP 17.67 ln( ) 6.112 6.11 exp[ 16 Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 17 Since the cloud top is known from the satellite observation, then a search from some layer below the cloud top down to the boundary layer can identify the layer in which temperature and moisture are adequate to reach saturation when lifted (saturation temperature will be greater than or equal to the actual temperature). When such layer is identified, then the difference in height between the cloud top and this layer is calculated and the vertical velocity can be estimated as: W z t We also envision the situations where the atmosphere is so dry that the search fails and we do not find any layer in the column to satisfy our condition. In such cases moisture adjustment is needed to produce observed clouds. Assuming that the moisture in the boundary layer is responsible for the observed clouds, by knowing the location of the parcel (level 1) the desired moisture can also be estimated. The same conceptual approach is implemented for removing erroneous clouds. For removing clouds the parcel is assumed to be saturated at cloud top and contains cloud water (model cloud) and will be moved down in the column until the relative humidity falls below a threshold value. 5.3.1 Implementation for Under-Prediction Case In this case we assume that the missing clouds are in developing stage, which tend to have large updraft at the cloud base. We expect a large enough positive vertical velocity at the cloud base using the advection terms of temperature and moisture. We further assume that the vertical velocity can assist a parcel at the potential layer to be lifted to saturation within 30 minutes. Figure 5-2 shows a schematic indicating the key variables needed for the variational technique (1D-VAR). 1D-VAR needs four key parameters. These are 1) the top for the adjustment (wadj_top, where the vertical velocity approaches zero); 2) the bottom for adjustment (wadj_bot, where the vertical velocity approaches zero); 3) the target vertical velocity (Target W); and 4) the target height (Target-H) at which Target-W is reached. wadj_top is the layer corresponding to the cloud top height that is indicated by GOES observed cloud top temperature. For Target-H we developed an empirical simple linear relationship between cloud albedo and cloud depth based on model statistics. This is an area that needs to be revisited in the subsequent studies. Target H = Wadj_top x (1-cloud albedo) Wadj_bot is determined by searching the model layers below Target-H and finding the layer that can be lifted to saturation. Target-W then can be calculated by Target W = (wadj_top – wadj_bot)/1800s The equation for Target_W assumes that the parcel is lifted to saturation within 30 minutes. Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 18 Figure 5-2. Schematic for four-variable needed in 1D-VAR. Based on the statistics developed previously, a typical maximum vertical velocity in cloudy grid cells for the 36-km simulation is about 2 m/s. To achieve this threshold in 30 minutes, a cloud depth of at least 3600 m is needed. Figure 5-3 represents the distribution of cloud types in the WRF 36 km simulations. More than 85 % of clouds have target heights below 5 km. Figure 5-3. A distribution of cloud types in the WRF model 36 km simulation: 1) thick high-clouds (albedo>0.6, target height >5 km); 2) thick mid-clouds which have albedo (>0.6) and target height (<5 km); 3) high clouds (0.4<albedo<0.6, target height >5 km); 4) mid-clouds (0.4<albedo<0.6, height < 5 km); 5)thin high-clouds(albedo<0.4, target height>5 km); 6) thin mid-clouds (albedo<0.4, target height < 5 km) 5.3.2 Implementation for Over-Prediction Case In the case of over-prediction, subsidence is introduced to evaporate and remove clouds. The advantage in this case is that the information about the erroneous cloud is obtained from the model. The cloud top in this case is defined as the highest model layer with cloud water. The 18 Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 19 target-H is the height of the layer with the maximum cloud water. The lower layer for adjustment (wadj_bot) is the closest layer to the surface with minimum relative humidity. As before, the difference between top and bottom heights for adjustment provide the depth needed for the estimation of vertical velocity. Figure 5-4. Schematic for an analytical approach for over-prediction areas 6 WRF SIMULATIONS ASSIMILATING GOES CLOUD OBSERVATIONS The new analytical technique was implemented in WRF and simulations using this technique were performed. The period of simulation and model configuration for different domains was explained in Chapter 3. However, simulations assimilating satellite cloud observations require frequent updates to the nudging fields provided as input to the model. This was done in order to minimize the modifications needed in WRF by using all available tools within WRF system. In this effort most of the tools and scripts developed for cloud adjustment are external to the WRF modeling system and only interact with the model through WRF standard data files. 6.1 Program Flow for Assimilation Technique In these simulations WRF is run in its standard configuration for a retrospective case study. As described in Chapter 3, analysis nudging is used in these simulations. The assimilation period spans over 14:00-23:00 GMT. This was chosen to ensure that the observations cover the entire continental United States during the assimilation period. For each day the model is run to time t1, cloud field is compared to the satellite observations, vertical velocity is estimated, new U and V components are estimated by employing the variational technique, U and V in the analysis are replaced with the new estimates, and finally the model is restarted from time t0 and will continue the simulation to time t2 where this whole process is repeated. Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 20 Figure 6-1. Schematic for the program flow when assimilating GOES cloud observation 20 Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 21 For the nudging to be active at each given time, the model needs the nudging fields for two consecutive times (prior to and after the given time) in order to interpolate the fields to the current time. The piecewise simulations ensures that the model is nudged a wind field that is conducive to creation of the observed field. Figure 6-1 shows the program flow paradigm. A critical factor in this process is the bookkeeping, data file management, and the insertion of new information in the data files. This is done by a series of Linux scripts and FORTRAN programs. The process is automated, but still needs feedback from an independent user. We look forward to work and interact with TCEQ to test the system. The model reverts back to default setting when the satellite data is missing. Since all the interactions with the model are external to WRF modeling system, the risk of introducing unforeseen errors when using this system is minimized. Currently, the technique is implemented for one-way nesting only. While there is not any theoretical hindrance for using this technique in two-way nesting, due to operational difficulties we have developed the scripts/codes to be used in one-way nesting. In the future, if necessary, this technique can be extended to work in twoway nesting simulations. The simulations were performed for all three domains. In the first set of simulations, the assimilation was performed on the mother domain and results used to provide the lateral boundary conditions for the nest. This was to test how the improvements can propagate from a coarser grid to a finer grid. The 36-km simulation over continental U.S. served as the coarsest grid spacing. For 12-km grid spacing, three simulations were performed. The first simulation was the control simulation in which as described in Chapter 3. The second simulation used the lateral boundary condition provided from the assimilation simulation for 36-km domain. The third simulation for 12-km domain assimilated GOES cloud observations. A similar set-up was used for the 4-km simulations. That is, the first simulation used the default setting with the lateral boundary condition provided from the control 12-km simulation. The second simulation was performed using the lateral boundary condition provided from a 12-km simulation with assimilated cloud. And the third simulation assimilated satellite clouds. 7 RESULTS The results from these simulations were evaluated against surface weather monitors as well as GOES observations (as described in Chapter 4.) We should also note that the satellite retrievals used in the previous study and for the first set of simulations in this study had a low bias in the brightness count as they were not corrected for sensor degradation. Parallel to the work in this project, the retrieval code was corrected and the data reprocessed. After the first set of the simulations for this project, the corrected data set was available and we started using it. This meant that we repeated all the simulations with the new data. Use of the new data not only slightly changed the results; it also impacted the agreement index used in the evaluation. We attributed the difference to the calibration issue in GOES retrievals. Only recently we realized that the new data set is not as complete as the old data set (due to unavailability of raw satellite images for certain hours.) Since most of the missing data are during the assimilation window Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 22 (daytime), this has adversely affected our results here. Thus, what is presented here should not be construed as the best results that can be obtained from the assimilation technique. 7.1 Control Simulations Figure 7-1 is daily averaged cloud fraction and Agreement Index (AI) during 15 ~ 22 GMT for 36-km control (CNTRL) simulation. AI is based on cloud albedo and is the number of clear/cloudy grid cells in the model that agree with observation divided by the total number of grids. The cloud fraction and AI for 36 km simulation in the figure is slightly different with previous report because we increased the averaging time from 18~23 GMT to 15~22 GMT. Figure 7-1. Cloud fraction and Agreement Index (AI) for 36 km WRF simulation (Control). Figure 7-2Figure 7-3 show AI and cloud fraction for 12-km and 4-km simulations. In all three domains, high AI is associated with low cloud fraction. This shows the difficulty of the model in creating clouds. Also evident from the figures is that the model underestimates cloud fraction for 36- and 12-km domains. However, the 4-km domain shows a reasonably good agreement with observation with respect to cloud fraction, but with low AI due to the mismatch in cloud location. 22 Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model Figure 7-2. . Cloud fraction and Agreement Index (AI) for 12 km WRF simulation (Control). Figure 7-3. Cloud fraction and Agreement Index (AI) for 4 km WRF simulation (Control) 23 Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 24 Figure 7-4 Figure 7-6 show the statistics for wind, temperature, and mixing ratio from the 36-km control simulation. Wind speed has positive bias during a month of August while temperature and humidity are negatively biased. For wind speed, systematic and unsystematic RMSE are comparable in magnitude. However, for temperature and mixing ratio unsystematic RMSE is dominant. This means that the random scatter in data about their mean is as large (for wind) and larger (for temperature and mixing ratio) than the pair-wise scatter around surface observations. These patterns are repeated for sub-domains thus limiting our ability to reduce errors. Figure 7-4. METSTAT statistics for wind from 36 km control simulation. 24 Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 25 Figure 7-5. METSTAT statistics for temperature from 36 km control simulation. Mixing Ratio (g/kg) 0 Bias -0.2 36km.cntrl 8/04 8/05 8/06 8/07 8/08 8/09 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 Days Mixing Ratio (g/kg) 2.5 RMSE 2 36km.cntrl.RMSE 36km.cntrl.SysRMSE 36km.cntrl.UnsysRMSE 1.5 1 0.5 0 8/04 8/05 8/06 8/07 8/08 8/09 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 Days Figure 7-6. METSTAT statistics for mixing ratio from 36 km control simulation. Figure 7-7 shows Root Mean Square Error for 12-km control simulation. As evident in the figures, for both temperature and mixing ratio, the unsystematic error is dominant. The error for Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 26 temperature is generally less than what was observed for the 36-km simulation, but the error for mixing ratio is comparable to the 36-km simulation. Another observation here is the correlation between temperature and mixing ratio errors and the periodic behavior from one peak to the next. Temperature (K) 3 12km.cntrl.RMSE 12km.cntrl.SysRMSE 12km.cntrl.UnsysRMSE RMSE 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 8/04 8/05 8/06 8/07 8/08 8/09 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 Days Mixing Ratio (g/kg) 12km.cntrl.SysRMSE 2.5 12km.cntrl.UnsysRMSE 2 RMSE 12km.cntrl.RMSE 1.5 1 0.5 0 8/04 8/05 8/06 8/07 8/08 8/09 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 Days Figure 7-7. METSTAT statistics showing RMSE and its systematic and unsystematic components for temperature and mixing ratio for 12-km control simulation. 7.2 Simulations with Cloud Assimilation The first set of simulations considering the impact of assimilation on 12-km run only replaced the lateral boundary conditions used in the control run with one extracted from the 36-km simulation with cloud assimilation. This was to test how the assimilation in a coarser grid can impact a sub-domain through the lateral boundary conditions. The results from this simulation are labeled “assimBDY12” in the following figures. The second set of simulations for the 12-km domain assimilated GOES cloud information as described in the preceding chapter. The results from this simulation are labeled “assim” in the figures. Figure 7-8 shows the agreement index (AI) for all three simulations over 12-km domain. With respect to this metric assimilating clouds in the 36-km domain and providing lateral boundary condition to 12-km simulation has a minimal impact on model performance. Perhaps this can be explained by the extent of the 12-km domain within the 36-km domain as seen in Figure 3-1. 12-km domain is large enough that any impact from advection of the clouds through the lateral boundary will be dissipated long before its impact can be realized in the interior of the domain. 26 Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 27 Agreement Index for TX12 simulation WRF.cntrl WRF.assimBDY36 WRF.assim 0.90 0.85 0.80 AI 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.55 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Days in August Figure 7-8. Agreement Index (AI) for 12-km simulation. Figure 7-9 shows the METSTAT statistics for the 12-km simulation. The figure shows the bias in wind speed, temperature, and mixing ratio compared to surface weather stations. Both assimBDY and assim simulations do not show a significant deviation from the control simulation. For temperature, assimBDY generally increases the bias while the assimilation run reduces the bias. With respect to temperature, assimilation run performs better in some of the days compared to others. This is due to the fact that for most of the days the dominant factor for warm bias is the inherent nighttime bias in the model. Therefore, a daytime correction in temperature only shows a significant impact when the nighttime warm bias is low. Mixing ratio is negatively correlated with the temperature and shows a negative bias with assimBDY having larger negative bias than the assim simulation. Overall, even the improvements in assim simulation are not significant and are only seen on few days. Overall, for the 12-km simulations, assimilation improves the model performance while the impact of lateral boundary condition from a coarser domain with satellite assimilation is not significant. The assimilation simulations at 12-km grid spacing still needs some fine tuning. There several problems encountered during these simulations that have not been completely resolved. Most of these problems dealt with the estimation of vertical velocity and its effective distribution within the column. For this reason the nudging coefficient was reduced, while perhaps limiting the magnitude of vertical velocity through a better estimation of cloud depth and/or time scale for cloud formation would be more appropriate. Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model Bias Wind Speed (m/s) TX12.cntrl TX12.assimBDY36 28 TX12.assim 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 8/04 8/05 8/06 8/07 8/08 8/09 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 Days Temperature (K) TX12.cntrl TX12.assimBDY36 TX12.assim 1.4 1.2 Bias 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 8/04 8/05 8/06 8/07 8/08 8/09 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 Days Mixing Ratio (g/kg) TX12.cntrl TX12.assimBDY36 TX12.assim 0 -0.2 Bias -0.4 8/04 8/05 8/06 8/07 8/08 8/09 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4 Days Figure 7-9. METSTAT statistics for 12-km simulations. The simulations for 4-km domain reveal a different picture. As shown in Figure 7-10 the agreement index does not exhibit a significant change for all three simulations (CNTRL, assimBDY, and assim). While for some days there are increases of up to 5% (e.g., August 22) in AI for assimilation simulation over the control simulation, there are many days that AI is almost unaffected. Examining individual scenes, it seems that at this grid spacing some special treatment is required. Figure 7-11 shows a snap shot of insolation for 19 GMT on August 10, 2006. The top panel is from GOES observations while the lower panel shows images from two WRF simulations with cumulus parameterization turned on and off. Without cumulus parameterization the model is performing better and is able to reproduce the individual convective cells inland close to the coastal areas. But the larger system offshore to the southeast is not well realized. While our technique is not adequate to correct for individual cells with short time scale at this resolution, it should be able to help in realizing the larger system. 28 Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 29 Agreement Index for TX04 simulation WRF.cntrl WRF.assimBDY12 WRF.assim 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 AI 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.55 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Days in August Figure 7-10. Agreement Index (AI) for 4-km simulations. Figure 7-11. Insolation at 4-km grid spacing for 19 GMT on August 10, 2006. The top figure shows GOES observation, while the lower panel are from WRF simulations with cumulus parameterization (KF) turned on (lower left), and no cumulus parameterization (lower right). Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 30 Figure 7-12 shows METSTAT statistics for 4-km simulation. With respect to wind speed, providing the lateral boundary condition from 12-km assimilation run yields a better performance by reducing the wind speed bias, while assimilating GOES clouds is not consequential and for some days it even increases the bias. The same can be said for temperature. However, for mixing ratio the picture is mixed and the impact is minimal. Bias of Wind Speed (m/s) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 TX04.cntrl 0.4 TX04.BDY12 TX04.assim 0.2 0 8/04 8/05 8/06 8/07 8/08 8/09 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 Bias of Temperature (K) 2.5 2 1.5 TX04.cntrl 1 TX04.BDY12 TX04.assim 0.5 0 8/04 8/05 8/06 8/07 8/08 8/09 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 Bias of Humidity (g/kg) 1 0.5 0 -0.5 TX04.cntrl 8/04 8/05 8/06 8/07 8/08 8/09 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 TX04.BDY12 TX04.assim -1 -1.5 -2 Figure 7-12. METSTAT statistics for 4-km simulation. 8 Summary and Conclusions This report documented UAH’s efforts in assimilating clouds in WRF using GOES observation. An alternate simple approach for estimating vertical velocity was devised, implemented in WRF, and tested for a month long simulation over August 2006. The new technique analytically estimates the vertical velocity needed to create/remove clouds in the model in accordance to GOES observations. This eliminates the need for developing model statistics that are case dependent (as described in previous report). Furthermore, we performed simulations on 36-, 12-, and 4-km grid spacing that covers continental United States on the coarser grid and focuses on Texas on the finer grid. The simulations not only evaluated the impact of assimilation in each domain, but also used to 30 Cloud Assimilation into the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model 31 investigate how the assimilation on a coarser grid impacts the fine grid through the lateral boundary conditions. For the simulations documented in this report we used the latest retrievals in which GOES imager data was reprocessed in order to account for sensor degradation. While using this latest product offered more accurate cloud information, it wasn’t as complete as the old data set. We are reprocessing the data for missing hours for a follow-up investigation. Overall, the improvements in cloud simulation were more pronounced and more significant in the 36-km simulations. There are several reasons for this. First, the spatial scale and temporal scale of the grid resolved clouds for 36-km grid scaling is comparable to the GOES hourly cloud information we use for adjustment. Our current technique does not account for advection of clouds. It assumes that a storm system that develops within one hour stays in the same general area. It is more likely that a storm system that is spread over several 36-km grids to develop and stay in the same general area. As we get to the finer grids, we approach the spatial scale of individual convective cells that can be moved over several grid cells due to advection. The second reason is that for 36-km, the statistics we developed in our prior investigation was used as a guide for our assumptions for estimating key variables used in the adjustment of vertical velocity. We have not evaluated our assumptions against model statistics for finer grids. Satellite data assimilation did not improve wind speed bias in any of the simulations, but reduced temperature and mixing ratio bias for 36- and 12-km simulations. 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