Lisa Neal-Graves, Director Technology Insights, Intel

Lisa Neal-Graves
Director, Technology Insights, Intel
Raejeanne Skillern
General Manager, Cloud Service
Provider Business, Intel
The Diversity Problem
Women earn just 12% of CS
degrees, down from 37% in 19842
only 3
In a room of 25 engineers,
will be women2
Women spend more time online per
month than men 1
By 2020, there will be 1.4 million
computer specialist job openings3
ComScore; 2. Girls Who Code, 2014; 3. U.S. Department of Labor
The Diversity Opportunity
Groups with greater diversity
solve complex problems better & faster
than homogenous groups1
Companies in the
top 20% financially
had almost twice as many women in leadership roles2
1. Scott Page: The difference, How the power of diversity creates better groups, firms, schools, and societies. Princeton
University Press, 2009 2. Source: Global Leadership Forecast 2014-2015, DDI
The Diversity Ask
Seek Change
Panel discussion: How is cloud going
to reinvent IT?
• Moderator: Alyson Crafton, General Manager
Supply Chain IT, Intel
• Speakers:
– Cornelia Davis, Director Platform Engineering, Cloud
Foundry, Pivotal Software
– Paola Moretto, co-Founder and CEO, Nouvola
– Lisa Noon, Vice President, Cloud Technology Partners