Chapter 11 - The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of

AP US History
Unit 7 – Industrialization and Expansion
Ch. 23-26 Study List
Chapter 23 - Political Paralysis in the Gilded Age
Election of 1868
Ulysses S. Grant, Horatio Seymour
waving the bloody shirt
The Era of Good Stealings
“Jubilee” Jim Fisk, Jay Gould
Boss Tweed, Tweed Ring, Tammany Hall
Thomas Nast
Grant administration scandals
Samuel J. Tilden
Crédit Mobilier scandal
Whiskey Ring
Sec of War William Belknap
Liberal Rebpublican Party
Horace Greeley, New York Tribune
Panic of 1873
Greenbacks, Greenback Labor Party
soft money/cheap money/hard money
Resumption Act
Greenback Labor Party
the Gilded Age
Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.)
Roscoe Conkling, Stalwarts
James G. Blaine, Half-Breeds
Mulligan letters
Election of 1876
Rutherford Hayes, Samuel Tilden
Electoral Count Act of 1877
Compromise of 1877
Jim Crow/Jim Crow laws
sharecropping, lynching
Plessy v. Ferguson, segregation
Great Railroad Strike of 1877
Denis Kearney
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
Election of 1880
James A. Garfield, Chester Arthur
Winfield Scott
Charles J. Guiteau
Pendleton Act of 1883, Civil Service Commission
Election of 1884, Mugwumps, Grover Cleveland
Election of 1888, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Reed
“Czar” Reed’s Billion Dollar Congress
McKinley Tariff
Election of 1892
Populist Party/People's Party
literacy tests, poll taxes, Grandfather clauses
Depression of 1893
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
Adlai Stevenson
William Jennings Bryan
J.P. Morgan
Wilson-Gorman Tariff
Chapter 24 - Industry Comes of Age
financing & building railroads
transcontinental railroad
Union Pacific Railroad, Omaha, Nebraska
Irish & Chinese; Paddies
Central Pacific Railroad
Big Four (Huntington, Stanford, Crocker, Hopkins)
Promontory Point, Ogden, Utah, golden spike
James H. Hill, Cornelius Vanderbilt
steel rails, standardized gauge, air brake
Pullman Palace Cars
telegraph, double-tracking, block signal, time zones
devastation of the buffalo
Crédit Mobilier scandal
Jay Gould
stock watering, pools
kickbacks, rebates, free passes
the Grange, Wabash case
short/long hauls
Interstate Commerce Act
Richard Olney
Alexander Graham Bell, telephone
Thomas Edison, light bulb, etc.
the “Wizard of Menlo Park”
liquid capital, natural resources, immigration
Mesabi iron ore range
cash register, stock ticker, typewriter,
refrigerator car, electric dynamo, electric railway
Andrew Carnegie, Carnegie/U.S. Steel Corporation
John D. Rockefeller, Standard Oil Company
vertical integration, horizontal consolidation
interlocking directorates
J.P. Morgan
Kelly-Bessemer Process
Drake's Folly
internal combustion engine
economies of scale
Gustavus F. Swift, Philip Armour
Gospel of Wealth, Social Darwinism
Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species
Rev. Russell Conwell, Acres of Diamonds
14th Amendment
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
holding company
James Buchanan Duke, American Tobacco Company
Henry W. Grady-Atlanta Constitution
Charles Dana Gibson’s Gibson Girl
Unions, collective bargaining
Scabs, lockouts
ironclad oaths, yellow dog contracts, black lists
company town, scrip
National Labor Union
Knights of Labor, Terence V. Powderly
May Day strikes, 1886, Chicago
Haymarket Square Incident
American Federation of Labor, Samuel Gompers
trade agreements, closed/open shop
boycott, strike
Labor Day
Chapter 25 - America Moves to the City
indoor plumbing, telephones, skyscrapers, elevators
Louis Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright
Marshall Field's, Chicago/Macy's, New York
Brooklyn Bridge, NYC
Theodore Dreiser, Sister Carrie
mail order catalogs Sears, Montgomery Ward
dumbbell apartments
Old Immigration - northern and western Europe
New Immigration - southern and eastern Europe
social gospel, Walter Rauschenbusch
settlement house
Jane Addams, Hull House, Chicago
Lillian Wald, Henry Street Settlement, NYC
nativism, American Protective Association
Statue of Liberty; Emma Lazarus: huddled masses
Dwight Lyman Moody, Moody Bible Institute
Salvation Army
Mary Baker Eddy, Church of Christ, Scientist
fundamentalists/ modernists
Chataqua movement, lyceums
Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee Institute
Atlanta Compromise Speech
George Washington Carver
W.E.B. DuBois, Talented Tenth, NAACP
Howard University, Atlanta University
Morrill Act (1862), Hatch Act (1887)
land-grant colleges
University of California, Texas A&M, Ohio State
Cornell, Stanford, and the University of Chicago
Louis Pasteur, Joseph Lister
Library of Congress, Carnegie Libraries
Joseph Pulitzer, New York World
William Randolph Hearst, San Francisco Examiner
yellow journalism
Associated Press
Harper's, Atlantic Monthly, and Scribners
Edwin L. Godkin, Nation
Henry George, Progess and Poverty
Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward
dime novels, Harlan F. Halsey
Horatio Alger, rags-to-riches stories, Ragged Dick
Walt Whitman, “Leaves of Grass”
realism, Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn
Bret Harte, gold rush stories
William Dean Howells, editor of Atlantic Monthly
Stephen Crane, Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, The
Red Badge of Courage
Henry James, Daisy Miller, The Bostonians
Jack London, The Call of the Wild, White Fang
Victoria Woodhull, free love
Anthony Comstock, Comstock Law
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Women and Economics
National American Suffrage Association
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Carrie
Chapman Pratt
Ida Wells, anti-lynching, National Association of
Colored Women
National Prohibition Party, WCTU
Anti-Saloon League
Francis E. Willard, Carrie A. Nation
18th Amendment/21st Amendment
American Red Cross, Clara Barton
James Whistler, John Singer Sargent
Mary Cassat, George Inness, Winslow Homer
jazz, ragtime, blues
Columbian Exposition
Barnum & Bailey, “The Greatest Show on Earth”
wild west shows, Buffalo Bill” Cody, Annie Oakley
baseball, horse racing, croquet, bicycling
basketball (William Naismith)
Chapter 26 - The Great West and the Agricultural
Fort Laramie (1851) and Fort Atkinson treaties
reservation system, Indian Wars
Samuel Colt, Colt .45 revolver (six-shooter)
Winchester repeating rifle
Buffalo Soldiers
Sand Creek Massacre, Fetterman Massacre
Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868)
Black Hills, SD
Col. William Armstrong Custer, Chief Yellow Hair
Battle of Little Bighorn/Custer's Last Stand
Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull
Nez Perce, Chief Joseph, O.O. Howard
“I will fight no more forever”
Apache, Geronimo
Helen Hunt Jackson, A Century of Dishonor
Sun Dance, Ghost Dance, Battle of Wounded Knee
Dawes Severalty Act, Carlisle Indian School
Jim Thorpe (football, baseball, basketball, track)
Pike's Peak, CO/”Fifty-Niners”
Virginia City, NV/Comstock Lode
boom town, saloon, bordello, ghost town
women's suffrage in the West, long drive
Bret Harte, Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill Hickock
Samuel Glidden, barbed wire
Homestead Act, dry farming
Mormons, polygamy, Utah
Oklahoma, the “Sooner state”
Yellowstone National Park, Yosemite, Sequoia
Frederick Jackson Turner, “Turner Thesis”
safety-valve theory
steam driven tractors, combine, refrigerator car
overproduction, contraction, tenant farming
National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry
Oliver H. Kelley, Granger Laws, co-ops
James B. Weaver, Farmers' Alliance
Colored Farmers' National Alliance
People's Party, Populist Party
graduated income tax, sub-treasury
unlimited coinage of silver
William Hope Harvey, Coin's Financial School
Jacob Coxey, Coxey’s Army/Commonweal Army
U.S. Attorney General Richard Olney
Election of 1896
William McKinley, Mark Hanna
William Jennings Bryan, Cross of Gold Speech
Dingley Tariff Bill
Gold Standard Act
Klondike gold rush