The Rise of Mass Democracy AP Chp. 13 Henry Clay [KY] John Quincy Adams [MA] William H. Crawford [GA] Andrew Jackson TN Election of 1824 The “Corrupt Bargain” John Quincy Adams Election of 1828 Republicans split into two camps Mudslinging… Sectional split… “Old Hickory” War hero & champion of the common man… First president from the west… Spoils System “Tariff of Abominations” 1828… Southerners hate the tariffs…. Becomes a major issue (part of state’s rights) leading towards Civil War… Nullification Crisis The South Carolina Exposition – John C. Calhoun “Nullies”… Andrew Jackson… Henry Clay… The “Peggy Eaton Affair” Indian Removal Act (1830) Cherokee Nation v Georgia (1831)… Worcester v Georgia (1832)… Andrew Jackson: “John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it.” Trail of Tears 4,000 of the 15,000 will die on the trail This “permanent frontier” only lasts about 15 years The Bank War The National Bank Debate Nicholas Biddle President Jackson Election of 1832 An 1832 Cartoon: “King Andrew”? Whigs: Anti-Jackson Election of 1836 Martin Van Buren The “Panic of 1837” “Wildcat Banks”… Specie Circular… Crop Failures… Two British Banks fail and call in loans… “Divorce Bill” … Stephen Austin David Crockett, Jim Bowie, Sam Houston Remember the Alamo! Battle of San Jacinto Election of 1840 “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too” “Log cabins & Hard Cider” Whigs in Power A changing nation…