I- Mention Two Complications of the following diseases

‫الجامعة اإلسالمية – غزة‬
Islamic University-Gaza
‫كلية التمريض‬
Faculty of Nursing
Pathophysiology, Final Exam 20/5/2012
Number :
I- Mention Two Complications of the following
Time: 2 hours
diseases (10 points)
2- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
3- Peptic ulcer
4-Renal calculi
II- Mention ONLY TWO risk factors for
1-Breast cancer
2-Diabetes mellitus type 2
3-Adult kidney cancer
4-Coronary artery disease
5-Respiratory Distress Syndrome
III–Define the following
1- Papilledema
2- Hemophilia A
3- Myocardial Infarction
4- Goiter
5- Cerebral Vascular Accident
(5 points)
(10 points)
IV- Mention in short
(10 points)
- Cells that reproduce throughout a lifetime
- The forces that together produce a decubitus ulcer
- Renal Endocrine Function
- Classes of Immunoglobulins
- Backward Effects of Right Heart Failure
V-What are the main clinical manifestation of the following (10 points)
2-Hirschsprung's Disease
4-Acute leukemia
(congenital megacolon)
VI- Mention the Preventive measures in the following diseases
(5 points)
3-Colorectal Cancer
4-Spina bifida
5-Rheumatic fever
VII- Put ( ) or ( X ) opposite each statement
( )-Failure to detect a tumor cell marker means that an individual is cancer-free
( )-plasma protein concentration increases with liver disease
( )-Lactose malabsorption results in osmotic diarrhea and flatulence .
( )-Rebound tenderness is a classic symptom of peptic ulcer.
( )-A second-degree burns is extremely painful and blisters within minutes.
( )-An early sign of decubitus ulcer is redness that does not disappear with fingertip pressure
( )-Serum creatinine is not indicative of renal function
( )-There is the lack of sputum production in chronic bronchitis .
( )-Right-to-Left Shunt is called an acyanotic shunt
( )-With removal of the lactic acid, the pain of angina goes away
(5 points)
( )-Is the collection of a plasma filtrate in the scrotum.
( )-Is the failure testicles to descend into the scrotum .
b- Varicocele
( )- the opening of the urethra is on the ventral side of the penis.
c- Cryptorchidism
( )- is the loss of 3.5 g or more of protein in the urine per day.
d- Hypospadias
( )-It is an abnormal dilation of a vein in the spermatic cord
e-Nephrotic Syndrome
IX- Fill the following spaces with proper words
(25 point)
*-------------------------is histologic assessment of the tumor based on the degree of anaplasia.
*-----------------------------is the movement of cancer cells from one part of the body to another.
*- -----------------------------------------------is monosomy of the sex chromosomes
*----------------------------is a scar formation on the skin, occurring after a trauma.
*- ---------------------------------------is a generalized edema due to hypoalbuminemia.
*-The respiratory response to renal acidosis is called----------------------------*--------------------------------------------------result from either ABO or Rh incompatibility between
the infant and the mother.
*- -------------------------------is a protrusion of a part of the stomach through the diaphragm.
*-The collapse of previously expanded alveoli is called--------------------------*-Infections caused by any microorganism of the nongas-exchanging upper structures is
called-----------------------------------------*-A tension pneumothorax is treated immediately with---------------------------*-Hypoxia, hypercapnia and acidosis are known as-------------------------------*---------------------------------------Is a chronic obstructive disease characterized by loss of lung
elasticity and a reduction in alveolar surface area .
*- --------------------- ------------------------is an aching, cramping feeling in the lower extremities
due to muscle ischemia.
*------------------------------is a dilation of the arterial wall.
*- Increase in the pulse pressure is characteristic of -------------------------------------.
*-The most common cardiac congenital defect is -----------------------------------------------.
*- Painful menstruation that occurs without evidence of pelvic infection or disease is
*------------------------------------------------is the absence of a menstrual cycle in a woman who has
never had a menstrual cycle.
*---------------------------------- is the failure of one or both testicles to descend into the scrotum .
*------------------------------------------is the inability or reduced ability to produce offspring.
*- the enlargement of breast tissue in males is called--------------------------------------.
*------------------------------------------------------ Is the non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate .
*---------------------------------------------- is a progressive loss in the transparency of the lens.
(10 points)
( ) The following are Normal blood values EXCEPT:
a-pH : 7.35-7.45 , b-PaO2 : 80-100 mmHg , c-PaCO2:45-55mmHg, d-HCO3 : 22-26mEq
( ) If ph = 7.18 , PaCO2 = 38, PaO2
= 70and HCO3 = 15 the case is suffering from
a-Respiratory acidosis b-Respiratory alkalosis c-Metabolic acidosi d-Metabolic alkalosis
( ) If pH = 7.6 , PaCO2 = 30, PaO2 = 60and HCO3 = 22 the case is suffering from
a-Respiratory acidosis b-Respiratory alkalosis c-Metabolic acidosi d-Metabolic alkalosis
( ) In Spermatogenesis, the following is true EXCEPT
a-begins during puberty
c-occurs in the seminiferous tubules
b-continues throughout
d-affected by LH
( ) In Menopause, the following is true EXCEPT
a-lack of the cycles for the previous 2 months. b- ovaries no longer release an ovum
c-ovaries no longer produce estrogen and progesterone d-no LH and FSH are released
( ) Causes of malabsorption include:
a- pancreatic digestive enzyme deficiency.
b - genetic deficiencies in specific enzymes
c- impairment of bile production. d- microorganism infection
( ) Nephrotic Syndrome manifestation includes
a- loss of 3.5 g or more of protein in the urine per day.
c-usually indicates severe glomerular damage.
d-diabetic nephropathy is the most common cause
e- all are true
f- a+c
b-generalized edema
e- all
f- a+d
( ) Causes of Prerenal failure include EXCEPT
a-myocardial infarct
b-an anaphylactic reaction,
d-a burn,
e-sepsis (a blood-borne infection).
( ) Childhood Kidney Cancer( Wilms' Tumor)
a-develops in children younger than 4 years of age. b-It can grow to a large size.
c-It may be encapsulated
d-overall prognosis is bad.
( ) In Acute Pancreatitis,the following is true EXCEPT
a-is an autodigestion of the pancreas by pancreatic enzymes.
b- usually caused by a gallstone in the common bile duct.
c- Hyperglycemia
d-the usual presenting symptom is pain, often in the epigastric area after a large meal
e- Vomiting and nausea may occur.
e-low levels of serum amylase and lipase.
XI-Bonus:What is inflammation of the following organs called(5 points)
2- urinary bladder:
5- testis
3-kidney :