
Council of State University Libraries, Florida
OPAC Subcommittee of the Public Services Planning Committee
Teleconference Meeting, Thursday, July 8, 2010 - Noon to 1:30
Number: 888-808-6959, Conference Code: 5210528
Note: The meeting will be held by phone conference. There is also an Elluminate session:
In attendance
Jeannette Cox
Bruce Barron
George Pearson
Danielle Rosenthal
Bridgette Birmingham
Min Tong
Colleen Seale
Patricia Morgan
UF Law
Barbara Tuck
Susan Silver
Douglas Low
TSPC Liaison – Jimmie Lundgren
FCLA -- Josh Greben, Pricilla Caplan, Jean Phillips, Jean Moises, Mary Ann O'Daniel,
Gerald Snyder and Ned Stewart
Guests were present to discuss digital collections.
*** = permanent agenda items
1. Approval of minutes from the last meeting *** Updated minutes will be sent out
to list. The date of the meeting was incorrect.
2. Approval of agenda with additions ***
Librarians from several libraries were in attendance to discuss digital collections
in Mango so the discussion was added and moved to the top of the list. Jean
Phillips talked about the collections that are already in Mango and her vision of
what could be included. Priscilla Caplan talked about PALMM and non-PALMM
collections and how they appear in Mango. Other institutions may add their
collections if they wish so that all the SULs could have access through their
Mango instance. An example of a collection owned by one library that could be
shared by all is the Otis R. Anthony African Americans in Florida Oral History
Project at USF. Electronic theses and dissertations is another example of
collections that could appear in all Mango catalogs.
Josh displayed the list of digital collections under the tab “Other Collections” that
he instituted for UNF. Each collection has a descriptive icon. Collection owners
asked if they could submit their own icon design. Josh said it would be fine. If
libraries want the list of collections in their catalog, they should send a request to
Josh. He said he could also add it to the Union Catalog.
Members of the Digital Initiatives Subcommittee will be meeting next week and
will discuss some of these issues. They will also review a survey on digital
collections in the SUL from last year. A follow-up survey may be needed as there
are now more collections.
3. FCLA Update:
a. Update on Solango – Josh reported that FCLA is working on the browse
search and they are getting all the servers up and ready for production.
He told the group that there will need to be changes in search forms and
“canned searches” when the changeover to Solango happens. Below are
links to FCLA webpages with information. Josh also sent out a document
with form information for each library. Committee members should give
that information to their technical people to make the updates when it is
time to do so.
Permalinks from Mango will still work in Solango.
b. Stress test -- Josh reported that there really were not enough participants
in the last stress test, but they did discover a few things they were able to
c. Call number searching, how it works with spell suggestion. --Call number searching does not truncate. The main call number QD271 is
fine. It will resolve to all the call numbers that begin with QD271. But
QD271.B will not work. In addition, if you use the “Anywhere” search,
you will get a “Did you mean” which will not be meaningful. In order to
circumvent the “Did you mean” response, change the search from
“Anywhere” to “Call number”.
d. Jabbr in test – this has been moved to the back while Solango is finalized.
4. Business
a. Future of the OPAC TF – George will send out more information and the
names of the members in the next week or so.
5. TSPC Update – Jimmie – no report
6. CSUL/PSPC Update – no report
Next Meeting – August 12, noon-1:30 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Tuck
OPAC Enhancement Priority List in Google Docs