April 2011 Meeting - The KAUST Schools

Start Time
April 19, 2010
3:15 PM
Elementary Library
Media Center
Members Present: Dennis, Dilao, Sadik Karolia, Susan Eppinger, Liz Cassell,
Kandace Williams
5 min.
Report on Parent
Share & Thank
Information Evening
It was a big success with about 40 parents participating.
10 min.
School Move Update
Inform / Discuss
K 3 Dismissal Time
next year
ECC: K1 & K2. Elementary School – K3, Grade 1 and Grade 2. Secondary School
(current) Grade 3, Grade 4, and Grade 5. We discussed K3 dismissal time and the
3:00 dismissal was supported.
15 min.
Teacher Appreciation - Plan
Members were informed about “Teacher Appreciation Week” in the ECC that
took place in March. We decided to do a Teacher Appreciation Day at
Elementary as well. All agreed on Monday, the 16th of May. It will be one day
instead of five days. All parents get informed about the day via email (Kandace).
Parents are asked to offer food for a nice lunch break for around 40 teachers of
the Elementary School. Venue will be the library. Two members of PAC, Susan
and Liz will nicely decorate it. All children should bring something self-made for
their teachers on the 16th. Kandace will check with secondary music teachers
about music. A little gift for each teacher will be purchased.
10 min.
ECC Library Materials
The PAC would like to note full support of the KAUST School libraries and
librarians. They are a valued resource for the students, teachers and
communities. In planning for 2011-2012 we would like to recommend a through
consideration of age appropriate books across the school library system.
Please make sure that each of the school’s library books continue to be age
appropriate and divided evenly. It seems that many picture books and early
readers will need to be moved from the ECC library to the HES library as the K3’s
move. In addition the now HSS library will need to be supplied with books and
materials appropriate for reading levels grade 2-5. We understand that this is a
large endeavor as each grade level has within it a variety of reading abilities but
this is an extremely valuable task.
If the libraries are short handed and need parent volunteer hours please submit
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a proposal to PAC with the type of help and hours required. We remain
supportive and in hopes of maximizing our valued library resources.
10 min.
School Lunch
Inform / Discuss
Susan informed PAC about concerns that parents have over the offered food at
lunch break—variety of beverage—choice of taking no meat on the plate—
choice of food in general. Kandace is in permanent contact with Tamimi
Catering. Tamimi is flexible and open to suggestions. We have already
succeeded in removing sugared drinks and desserts.
5 min.
Next Steps
Grade 5 Exhibition is May 9 – 11.
Plans for Teacher Appreciation will be finalized at our next meeting.
It was suggested that the Registrar be invited for an upcoming PAC Meeting.
PAC members were happy to hear that for the coming school year a lot of new
teachers are hired. There should be smaller class sizes at the beginning of the
school year.
Next meeting May 10, 2011
Next PAC Meeting:
May 10, 3:15 PM
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