Sonoma Valley High School Leadership Class

Course Syllabus
Sonoma Valley High School
Graduation: Fulfills Elective Credit
Duration: 2 Semesters
Instructor: Ms. Skoglund
Course Description
This is a two semester course for students who have decided to assume a very important leadership position
in our school. Leadership students are motivated self-starters who make a commitment to be an example of
excellence and to positively participate in and contribute to student government and their school.
Course Format
1. Classroom Instruction, including
-Group Activities
- Hand on Activities
-Reading Assignments
-Practical Examinations
-Daily Evaluation (participation, prepared for class, etc.)
-General Class and Homework Assignments, Projects, Presentations
- Participation in Activities
Grading Scale/Format/Weight of Semester Final
•Grades are determined by total points earned and based upon these percentages:
A= 100 to 90%
D= 69 to 60%
B= 89 to 80%
F= 59 to 0 %
C= 79 to 70%
-Daily Evaluation (participation, prepared for class, etc.)
-General Class and Homework Assignments, Projects, Presentations
Weights of Grades
10% of grade is all class assignments (homework, projects, notes etc.)
15% Leadership
25% Event Execution
50% of grade is participation
Required Materials
- Pencil and Pen (blue and black ink only)
- Spiral Notebook
- Folder
Materials due by: _________________________.
Worth 10 points.
Late Work Policy/Tardy Policy
Late Work- Students may turn in work late for half credit. Late work one week over the due date will
not be accepted.
Tardy Policy- The classroom door will be locked at the sound of the bell, all tardy students will go
directly to the attendance window for a tardy pass. Upon the third tardy, your grade will be reduced
by 2%, and will continue to be reduced by 2% for each tardy thereafter for a maximum of 10%
reduction in your grade. See the Tardy Policy in the School Wide Behavior Expectations Packet for
further consequences.
1. You are expected to be present to set-up, clean-up and for the duration of any event of which you are
the part of the organizing committee. If you fail to be present, your grade will drop 5% for each piece
(set-up, clean-up, attending) in which you are absent for EACH event.
2. You are expected to be present at all Leadership class events, as well as participate in one or all of setup, clean-up or working at the event, as needed. You may miss up to 2 without your grade dropping, IF
YOU HAVE A VALID REASON. You must talk to Ms. Skoglund about this ahead of time. If you miss more
than 2, your grade will drop 2% for each event you miss. There are approximately 12 – 16 events, only
about 7 of which are outside of the school day so this is not really asking a lot.
3. Your grade will drop 1% for every spirit day in which you do not participate.
4. You are expected to be present and on time for all set-ups, clean-ups, jobs and meetings for which you
sign up. If you have signed up for something and you do not show up nor find a replacement, your
grade will drop 5% for each incident. If you do not show up but are able to find a replacement, your
grade will drop 1% for each incident.
5. You are expected to participate equally in community service activities with the rest of the class. These
count as Leadership Class events and fall under the same guidelines as indicated above.
6. You are expected to use your class time wisely to work on Leadership class assignments or projects.
Any instance of wasting time, disappearing, misusing time or resources will be met with up to a
deduction of 1% to your grade per incident.
1. An evaluative grade on your leadership skills by Ms. Skoglund
Please note that any instance of behavior unbecoming a leadership student such as lying, cheating,
stealing, bullying, cutting, etc. will be met with an upwards of losing anywhere from a third to all of the
points in this category.
Event Execution- 25%
1. A grade on the events of which you are in charge.
Evaluation of your preparedness to run the event, or piece of event you are in charge of. This includes
being ready at the time of the event in all capacities of which you have control over.
You will be graded on various assignments throughout the semester, including but not limited to:
1. Your Leadership Folder/Handouts: You will need a folder for your notes and handouts.
2. Your Leadership Journal: You will need a spiral notebook for this class.
By signing below I acknowledge that I have read the syllabus with my parent/student for my understanding
of the course and its contents.
Statement of Commitment: I ____________________________ understand that being a student in
Leadership is a true commitment. It will take many hours of my time, working in harmony with the rest of the
Leadership class and Leadership Teacher. You must work as a member of a “Leadership Team” realizing that
all students are of equal importance.
Parent Signature___________________________________
Date __________________
Student Signature __________________________________
Date __________________
Students Printed Name ________________________________________________