American Government

AP American Government
Academic Year: 2014-2015
Ms. Kepley
Department: Social Studies
Telephone: 410 – 604 – 2070
Kent Island High School
Prerequisites: American Government
Credit: 1
AP government is an intensive study of the formal and informal structures of government and the
processes of the American political system, with an emphasis on policy making and implementation. This
course is designed to prepare students for the AP Exam.
1. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the historical development and current status of
principles, institutions, and processes of the United States’ political system.
2. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the history, diversity and common issues
surrounding political culture in America.
3. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the historical development and current status of
economic principles, institutions, needed to be effective citizens, consumers, and workers in
American society.
4. The student will demonstrate an understanding of overall course content by successfully
completing the AP Exam.
Course Outline
In order support student success on the AP U.S. Government and Politics exam, the following outline will
be used as a guideline for the completion of this course:
I. The American Political Landscape
A. Roots of American Government
B. Philosophy of American Government
C. Origins of a New Nation
II. Constitutional Underpinnings
A. Document Creation
B. Principles
III. Federalism
A. Principle of
B. Modern Federalism
C. Devolution Revolution
D. State and Local Government
IV. Institutions of National Government
A. Congress
B. Presidency
C. Bureaucracy
D. The Courts
V. Public Policy
A. Policymaking
B. Linking policy, institutions and the people
C. Political Parties, Interest Groups, Mass Media
VI. Civil Liberties/Rights
* This course outline is tentative. It can/will be modified if necessary.
Explanation of Assessments:
A. Chapter assessments will be administered.
B. Unit assessments (Exams) will be administered.
C. Writing Assignments – 2-3 Times a week
D. Research Papers
E. Projects after the AP Exam
A. Textbook: - O’Connor, Karen and Larry J. Sabato. American Government: Roots and Reform 2011
Edition. Longman (Pearson) 2011. New York.
Medium (1 inch) 3 ring binder
Loose-leaf paper
A Composition Notebook for Vocabulary Words
School Agenda Book
3 by 5 notecards
A box of Kleenex
Classroom Requirements/Procedures:
A. Teacher lecture and notes
B. Primary Source Documents
C. Selected Audio-Visual resources
D. Group Activities
E. Class Discussions
F. Selected Readings and Writings
G. Due to the nature of the course and the 90 minute period, it is important that students be in class on time.
Absenteeism or tardiness will greatly hinder the student’s grade.
Homework Policy:
Homework is very important to the student’s success in class. Not completing homework will not only harm the
student’s grasp on Government issues, but also their grade. Homework will be assigned on a regular basis. Students
will have both short term and long term assignments and will be expected to be working on some aspect of the
course every day. Late assignments will only be accepted the day after it was originally due, and will be penalized.
The maximum grade given for late assignments will be a C. After school help is available upon request.
Tardy Policy:
Students are expected to be in class on time every day. Those students who are late to class without an excused
note will marked tardy. The 1st time a student is tardy he/she will be given a warning. The 2nd time a student is
tardy the parent will be notified. The 3rd time a student is tardy he/she will be assigned after school detention. All
tardies after the 3rd tardy will also be detentions.
Grading Policy:
Students will be evaluated in the following areas:
Formative Assessments
Chapter Outlines
Chapter Questions
Vocabulary Words
Summative Assessments
Chapter Tests
Unit Tests
Projects/Required paper
Final Exam
It is expected that students keep a record of their grades so that they may determine their standing at any time
during the semester. All students are able to log on and check their grades through the school website.
Feel free to contact me at any time during the semester.
The best way to reach me is by e-mail. My e-mail address is
By signing this, I acknowledge that I have read my son/daughter’s syllabus.
Name of Course -- AP American Government
Student Name (Print) ______________________________________________
Student Signature __________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________________
Parent E-Mail Address _____________________________________________